1. A friend of yours is accepted to work in a place far away from his home town. 당신의 생각을 서술하시오……
참고로이건… 저번에도 나온 겁니다 ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ 감사합니다
In my opinion, I think that he should go for the job. Actually I have a couple of reasons why I insist on my idea. First, it is not an easy thing for people to get a job in our societies nowadays. So if he tries to find another place to work, it would waste precious time. Secondly, he would be able to improve independency. He could learn how to be alone and be survival. This is very important because it is essential to be competitive in our society tod//ay 에서 잘렸습니다 ㅋㅋㅋ
2. Should your university provide short classes that meet occasionally or long classes that meets only a few time.
I think that university should provide shorter classes that meet often than longer classes that meet less. I have some reasons that support my claim and the first one is that meeting more occasionally enables students to communicate with each other frequently. This will increase the work efficiency of students to study harder. Secondly, students would not be tired to attend class. If classes are longer, students would eventually get exhausted which will decrease work efficiency.
Letter explains a plan that will be applied. Nearby restaurants will offer students great discounts. This would enable students to enjoy the restaurants and enable the restaurants to earn more money.
3. In the conversation, the man is positive about this plan for the following reasons. ]
Students will get the opportunity to eat out of campus when bored with the cafeteria food.
The restaurants are not a big success since it is quite empty even in the busiest hours.
In the letter, the writer explains that the local restaurants will give discounts to students that show their ID card. In the conversation, the man is positive about the plan because of two reasons. First of all, students can get the chance to eat out of campus whenever they are bored with cafeteria food. When students were bored of cafeteria food, they had no choice but to eat them because the local restaurants were to expensive. With the discount, they could get the chance to eat more variety of food. Secondly, population of the students is pretty much half of the whole villages’ population. Local restaurants, even at afternoon times, are quite empty. If they give students discounts, more students will go there and enjoy the restaurant which would give benefits to them.
4번 또한 저번에 나온거였습니다.
4. Writing passage, people worry when they imagine what is going to happen in the future but regret by doing so.
Lecturer give his own experience to explain.
In the writing, the writer explains ______which is when someone is worried about something and do nothing because they fear that something they do might be regretful. The professor gives one of his personal experiences as an example of this. He was on his way to the airport than got stuck in a traffic jam. He soon thought that if the traffic jam doesn’t get any looser, he would miss his flight. He figures out an alternative route to reach the airport. However, he is worried that more traffic lights or construction might be taking place since he did not use the road for quite a while. Eventually he stays at where he is at and hopes that the traffic gets loosen. But traffic doesn’t get any looser and he misses his flight.
5. man’s band has a problem getting a place to practice.
In the conversation, the man explains his problems to the woman. There is no place for them to practice since the apartment that they currently used received complaints. There is two possible solutions and the first solution is to rent a practice room in the city and to use university facilities. I think that the second soilution is better than the first one because if he chooses the first solution, than the whole band have to spend a lot of money. But if he chooses the second solution, they would have a place to practice with no charge. Also, using the facilities at a late hour is not a problem because they would probably enjoy playing no matter what.
6. Lecturer explains the problem of air pollution and discusses ways to solve this problem. specifically how to clean the air.
In the lecture, the lecturer explains a couple of methods to clean the air. She gives two examples to help her listeners understand. First case of the example, she gives the subway and how it could help. subways can contain many people at once with great speed. Using the subway instead of using private cars will reduce air pollution and traffic jam. For the second example, she gives a kind of paint that absorbs harmful gasses. With the city's efforts, people could reduce pollution great amount.
Integrated Writing.
The reading suggests that Eocene warming was initiated due to several factors.
Firstly, the change in ocean currents delivered more heat that started the Eocene.
Second, a giant commet striked earth had contributed to warming process.
Last, methane gas released from the ocean has fastened the warming process.
Lecturer disagrees with the reading.
In the lecture, the lecturer insists that factors suggested in the reading was not the cause of why Eocene warming. In otherwords, the lecturer thinks that the writing's claim is partially mistaken, somewhat wrong and even excessively overestimated.
First of all, the lecturer maintains that changes of ocean currents could not have contributed to Eocene waming. In addition, she explains that according to a computer analysis, changes in ocean currents would have transffered little heat to other places but was not quite enough to start Eocene warming. This totally counters the reading passage's claim that alternation of ocean currents took a role in Eocene warming.
Second of all, the lecturer insists that the magnetic materials found in the clay layer is not produced by commets. She also adds that the magnetic material was produced by tiny organisms that lived thousands of years ago. With the fact that magnetic material is produced by organisms, the theory of commet crash looses its possibilities which means no commets were there to influence Eocene warming. This totally refutes the reading passage's claim that giant commet crush was a reason why Eocene warming started.
Lastly, the lecturer proposes that methane gas have no relationship with Eocene warming. She explains that once released by the ocean, the methane gasses are added up in the atmosphere making the green house effect to increase. However, she says that this process takes thousands of years to happen and geologists insist that the Eocene warming started when methane gasses started to get released.
Independent writing.
Parents get involved in deciding thier children's future too much ; children should make their own choices. Do you a gree or disagree?
For the past a few deacades, it has been generally argued about whether or not parents are involved in deciding their children's future too much and that children should make their own choices. Some people might say that children should make their own choices; nevertheless, others might have a different opinion. However, I am convinced that parents should get involved in deciding their children's future. Actually, I have a couple of reasons to support my idea which I will explain and develop as specifically as I can in the next following paragraphs.
To begin with, chidren are uncapable of making their own decisions. In addition, they dont have enough experiences of what the society is like and what they are good at. This disables them to make practical decisions that is suitable for themselves. Some people might cast doubt on my assertion thinking that childrens should develop independency. Yet, it is not a hard thing to figure our that it is not a wise thing make children choose on their own because they don't have enough experience and might probably make wrong decisions. To give one of my personal experieces as an example of this, I was studying about markets and there trend in order to open my own shop. I searched information on the web which gave me unlimited inforamtion. However, many of them were not useful information. I never realised that my information was out dated and was not practical. One day, my parents advised me to experience the world face to face instead of studying uncredible informations, but I did not listen. Finally, I opened my own shop in the middle of Seoul. Unfortunately, it was closed after 3 monthes. Then I realised that the whole theory was wrong. If I listened to my parents instead of doing what I thught was right, I would not have failed too bad.
To continue with, parents are the best teachers that knows their children better than anyone else. Parents observe and discover their children's talents. They have enough experiences to apply correct informations and consider children's talents in order to make practical decisions. To give one of my second handed experiences as an example, my cousin works as a pilot for Korean Airlines. When he was in high school, he had no future goals nor a dream. All he did was play with his friends and work hard to get good grades. One day, his parents decided to persuade him to become a pilot. Since he had no specific goal, he agreed with his parents opinion. Few years later, he entered Uiversity of Air planes and military. He soon became a good pilot and thanked his parents for giving him a practical and wise advice. According to a research conducted by KSC, Korean Statistical Center of South Korea, on 2000 students attending class at National University of Seoul about whether or not they preferred to choose a decision on their own or reference their parent's advice. Surprisingly, 85% of the students answered that they relied on their parents' because their diecisions are often wise and practical for them.
As a conclusion, I think that parents should be involved in making decisions for their children's future considering their experiences that can help them make a wise and practical decision and their children's incapabilty of making their own decisions.
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