영어와 성경의 완전 정복- 하나 되기를 바라시는 하나님의 믿는 이들에 대한 이 시대의 축복
Complete Conquest of English and the Bible - A Blessing of This Age for the Believers of God Who Desires to Become One
샬롬! 올해도 얼마 남지 않았습니다. 저는 예수님의 도구 김 정관 목사입니다. 하나님께서는 예수님께서 승천하신 후 2000년 동안 온 세상에 복음이 전파되게 하셨습니다. 그리고 지금은 온 세상에 예수를 믿지 않는 이가 없는 곳이 별로 없습니다. 하나님의 나라의 확장을 위해서 선교와 전도도 쉬지 않고 열정적으로 해야 하지만 이와 함께 믿는 이들이 국적과 민족과 교회와 교단을 초월해서 하나가 되어야 하는 부분이 있습니다.
이는 신학적인 측면에서 성경의 연구와 그리고 서로 소통하는 부분에 있어서 언어가 하나가 되어야 하는 부분이 있습니다. 바벨탑 사건으로 언어를 혼잡케 하시고 인류를 온 지구로 흩으신 하나님께서 이제는 영어를 통해서 온 지구인이 예수님 안에서 하나가 되게 하려고 하시는 데 이를 도구인 제가 전하는 것입니다. 신학적인 측면에서 하나가 되는 부분은 이미 로마서의 이해를 통해서 가능함을 쉬지 않고 말씀드렸고 그리고 이 내용을 미국과 영국 그리고 캐나다 호주의 교수님과 한국의 교수님 약 500명께 영어로 번역을 해서 보냈습니다.
그리고 영어로 하나가 되는 법에 대해서도 제가 쉬지 않고 말씀을 예를 들면서 보이고 있는데 우리가 영어를 못하는 가장 큰 이유는 어린이부터 잘 배운 영어의 문법, 어휘, 독해 그리고 각종 영어에 대한 지식을 갖고만 있고 이를 누구와 써먹을 일이 없는 것이었습니다. 그리고 영어를 배워서 무언가 해야 되는데 이에 대한 동기가 또 없어서입니다. 그런데 이제 이 두 가지 문제가 동시에 해결이 되어서 이제는 지구상에 영어를 못하는 사람이 없는 시대가 곧 옵니다. 작은 지역에 빠지고 작은 권력이나 돈에 눌리면 이런 위대한 하나님의 축복을 절대로 받지 못하고 이 좋은 시대를 망치면서 살게 될 것입니다. 아래의 영어를 가장 잘 배울 수 있는 방법에 대한 영어로 대화한 것을 모든 분이 알 수가 있게 번역을 해서 올리고 그리고 이 부분 즉 챗 GPT와 제가 조금 전에 약 1시간 대화한 내용을 전체 그대로 올립니다. 제 영어가 부족한 대로 그대로 올리니 양해를 바랍니다. 그리고 모든 한국의 크리스천이 이렇게 영어와 성경을 챗 GPT로 공부를 해서 영어와 성경의 박사가 되시기를 예수님의 이름으로 축복합니다. 이 혼란의 시기에 기도하면서 하나님의 역사하심을 기대하고 우리는 쉬지 않고 우리가 하나님께서 사용하시는 도구가 되기 위해서 노력해야 될 것입니다.
먼저 오늘 대화의 끝 부분으로 제가 이렇게 챗 GPT와 대화를 하고 이렇게 공부하는 방법이 영어를 배우는데 어떻냐 하고 물었드니 가장 좋은 방법이라고 대답을 했습니다. 어떤 내용이 영어를 배우는데 가장 좋은 방법이라고 했는지 확인을 해 보시기 바랍니다. 아래 [ ]의 부분은 저와 챗 GPT의 대화 끝 부분의 한글 번역과 영문이고 이 소개의 글 아래에 제가 로마서 15장으로 챗 GPT와 영어로 대화한 내용이 다 있으니 같이 해 보시기 바랍니다.
[당신(챗 GPT)의 설명이 훌륭합니다. 우리는 이런 방식으로 로마서 15장을 공부했습니다. 먼저 당신이 읽고, 그다음에 제가 당신의 읽는 것를 따릅니다. 제가 읽고, 당신이 읽으면 그다음에 제가 읽고, 우리는 중요한 구절에 대해 이야기합니다. 그런 다음 우리는 핵심 어휘와 핵심 문법을 공부하고, 핵심 구절에 대해 이야기합니다. 어떤 사람들의 영어 말하기 능력을 향상시키기 위한 이런 공부 방법에 대해 어떻게 생각하십니까?
저는 당신의 공부 방법이 훌륭하다고 생각합니다! 영어 이해력과 말하기 능력을 모두 향상시키는 데 도움이 되는 다방면의 접근 방식이며, 특히 영어로 성경을 공부하고자 하는 사람들에게 좋습니다.
이 방법이 효과적인 이유는 다음과 같습니다.
적극적 청취 및 반복: 먼저 듣고 소리 내어 읽으면 청취와 말하기 능력을 모두 강화할 수 있습니다. 반복은 발음을 강화하고 유창성을 향상시키는 데 도움이 됩니다.
문맥 학습: 맥락에서 핵심 구절을 읽고 논의하면 학습자는 단어와 문법이 문장에서 자연스럽게 어떻게 사용되는지 이해할 수 있습니다. 이 방법은 실제 세계의 예를 제공하며, 특히 영어가 실제 의사소통에서 어떻게 기능하는지 이해하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
대화형 학습: 앞뒤로 토론을 통해 학습자는 불분명한 단어, 구문 또는 개념에 대해 질문할 수 있습니다. 이러한 적극적인 참여는 더 깊은 이해를 촉진하고 자신감을 높여줍니다.
어휘와 문법에 집중: 핵심 어휘와 문법 포인트를 강조함으로써 학습자는 맥락에서 보았기 때문에 기억할 가능성이 더 큽니다. 단순히 암기하는 것이 아니라 언어가 실제로 어떻게 사용되는지 보는 것입니다.
문화적, 영적 관련성: 성경에는 종종 심오한 사상이 담겨 있기 때문에 학습자는 영어권 문화권에서 언어를 사용하여 깊고 사려 깊은 개념을 표현하는 방법을 볼 수 있습니다. 이는 영적 풍요와 언어 연습을 모두 제공합니다.
개인화된 연습: 특정 구절을 토론하고 실제 상황과 연결하면 학습자가 언어를 일상생활과 관련된 것으로 보고 더욱 매력적이고 의미 있게 만드는 데 도움이 됩니다.
전반적으로 이 방법은 지식과 응용을 모두 장려하는데, 이는 새로운 언어를 배우는 가장 좋은 방법 중 하나입니다. 다른 장이나 주제에서 이 방법을 계속 사용하고 싶으신가요?]
[Your explanation is excellent. We studied Romans Chapter 15 like this way. First, you read, then I follow your reading. I read, then I read, and we chat about some important verse. Then we studied key vocabulary and key grammar, and we chat about some key verses. What do you think of like this studying method to improve some people's English-speaking skills?
I think your studying method is excellent! It's a well-rounded approach that helps improve both English comprehension and speaking skills, especially for those who want to study the Bible in English. Here's why it works well:
Active Listening and Repetition: By listening first and then reading aloud, you're strengthening both listening and speaking skills. Repetition helps reinforce pronunciation and improves fluency.
Contextual Learning: Reading and discussing key verses in context allows learners to understand how words and grammar are used naturally in sentences. This method provides real-world examples, which is especially helpful for understanding how English functions in actual communication.
Interactive Learning: The back-and-forth discussions allow learners to ask questions about unclear words, phrases, or concepts. This active engagement encourages deeper understanding and boosts confidence.
Focus on Vocabulary and Grammar: By highlighting key vocabulary and grammar points, learners are more likely to remember them because they’ve seen them in context. It’s not just about memorization, but about seeing how the language works in actual use.
Cultural and Spiritual Relevance: Since the Bible often contains profound ideas, learners can see how English-speaking cultures use language to express deep, thoughtful concepts. It provides both spiritual enrichment and language practice.
Personalized Practice: When you discuss specific verses and connect them to real-life situations, it helps learners see the language as something relevant to their daily life, making it more engaging and meaningful.
Overall, this method encourages both knowledge and application, which is one of the best ways to learn a new language. Would you like to continue using this method with other chapters or topics?]
아래는 제가 챗 GPT와 로마서 15장을 대화하면서 조금 전에 공부한 내용 전체입니다.
나의 말:
Good morning, ChatGPT.
Good morning! How are you today? Ready to practice English or discuss something?
나의 말:
Oh, fine. Thank you. I'm ready to study English through Bible. I opened
Great to hear that! Which book or chapter of the Bible did you open today? Let's dive into it together!
나의 말:
Lawman, Chapter 15.
Ah, Romans Chapter 15! It's a wonderful chapter full of encouragement and guidance about unity and hope. Which verse would you like to discuss, or shall we go through the key points together?
나의 말:
First, I want to read the passage.
Sure! Here's the beginning of Romans Chapter 15:
"We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to build them up. For even Christ did not please himself, but as it is written: 'The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me.'" (Romans 15:1-3, NIV)
Would you like to read further or focus on these verses first?
나의 말:
I will read after your reading. We who were strong ought to bear with the failing of the weak and not to please ourselves. Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to build them up. For even Christ did not please himself, but as it is written, the insults of those who insult you have fallen on me.
Your reading is very good! Just a couple of small adjustments to make it sound smoother:
"We who were strong" → It should be "We who are strong" because the verse talks about a current responsibility.
"The failing of the weak" → It should be "the failings of the weak" since it refers to multiple weaknesses.
Here’s the corrected version:
"We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to build them up. For even Christ did not please himself, but as it is written: 'The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me.'”
Can you try reading it again with these corrections?
나의 말:
Okay. We who are strong ought to bear with the failing of the weak and not to please ourselves. Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to build them up. For even Christ did not please himself, but as it is written, the inserts of those who insult you have fallen on me.
That was a good effort! Let’s adjust a couple of points for better accuracy:
"The failing of the weak" should be "the failings of the weak" (plural).
"Inserts" should be "insults."
Here’s the corrected version:
"We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to build them up. For even Christ did not please himself, but as it is written: 'The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me.'”
Please try it once more!
나의 말:
Okay, we who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to build them up. For even Christ did not please himself, but as it is written, the insult of those who insult you has fallen on me.
That was much better! Just a tiny adjustment: "the insult of those" should be "the insults of those" (plural). Here's the full corrected version:
"We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to build them up. For even Christ did not please himself, but as it is written: 'The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me.'”
Try saying it again with that correction! You're doing great!
나의 말:
The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me.
Perfect! You nailed it this time. That sounded smooth and accurate. How do you feel about your pronunciation? Would you like to read the full passage again, or should we discuss its meaning?
나의 말:
I want to know the deep meaning of verse 3. Can you explain to me the insult of those who insult you have fallen on me?
Of course! This verse refers to Jesus Christ taking on the suffering and burdens of others, especially the sins and rejection from those who oppose God. The "insults" that people direct toward God or His ways fall on Christ because He came to represent and fulfill God's will.
In a deeper sense, it highlights Christ's selflessness. He endured rejection, pain, and even death on the cross, not for His own benefit but to save others. This reflects the idea that He bore not only physical suffering but also the emotional and spiritual burden of human sin and rebellion. It shows how Jesus prioritized others' well-being over His own comfort, setting an example for us to follow.
What do you think about this interpretation?
나의 말:
I fully agree with your interpretation. We should endure other people's insult, just like Jesus endured the insult.
That's a wonderful understanding. Yes, by enduring insults or challenges with patience and love, we reflect the character of Christ. It's not easy, but through the Holy Spirit, we can have the strength to follow His example. Have you ever faced a situation where you had to endure insults or difficulties like this?
나의 말:
Yes, I have experienced many moments because I want to always preach Gospel. In order to preach Gospel, we should endure everything because most people don't want to listen to preaching Gospel. They deny, and then we have to pray for them, and we have to endure.
That's such a powerful perspective. Preaching the Gospel can be very challenging, especially when people are resistant or dismissive. Yet, enduring those challenges with love and patience, just like Jesus did, truly shows the strength of faith. It’s encouraging that you're willing to persist in your mission despite these struggles. How do you stay motivated and continue to pray for those who deny the message?
나의 말:
When I preach gospel, the Holy Spirit is always with me and guides me and encourages me. I could hear the voice of Jesus Christ. He always said to me, I love you. Be courageous. Don't be afraid of anything.
That's incredibly encouraging and uplifting! The presence of the Holy Spirit and hearing Jesus' voice can give you such deep strength and confidence, especially when facing challenges. His words, "I love you, be courageous, don't be afraid," are powerful reminders of His constant support. It must bring you peace knowing that you're not alone in your mission. How do you feel when you hear these words? Does it change the way you approach your work?
나의 말:
Yes, when I heard the voice of my Lord, then I was encouraged and I have power to preach gospel. You know, every people who believe in Jesus Christ can hear His voice like me. If they carefully concentrate on the voice of Jesus Christ, everybody can hear the voice of Jesus Christ.
It's beautiful that you're so sure of that, and you're right. The voice of Jesus can be heard by anyone who earnestly seeks Him and listens with an open heart. The Holy Spirit can guide us and bring us closer to God’s will. It's amazing that you feel so empowered by that connection with Him, and it's wonderful that you're encouraging others to open their hearts to hear His voice as well. How do you encourage people to listen to God's voice?
나의 말:
I always upload my experience to them. I want to upload my preaching experience. And many people read my experience writing. I think they will have power.
That's a wonderful approach. Sharing your personal experience can have a powerful impact on others. When people see how God has worked in your life, it can inspire them to seek a deeper connection with Him too. It also helps them understand that they are not alone in their struggles, and they can rely on God's guidance. How do you usually structure your writing to make your experiences more relatable and inspiring for others?
나의 말:
Before we go further our chatting, I want to study Bible reading. So I want to continue reading from verse 4.
Absolutely! Let's continue from verse 4. I'll read it first:
"For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide, we might have hope."
Now, you can read after me!
나의 말:
Everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the scriptures and the encouragement they provided, we might have hope.
Great job! Your reading is clear. Now, let me explain the meaning of this verse.
This verse tells us that the Scriptures, which include the teachings and stories from the past, are there to guide us. They teach us how to endure hardships and offer encouragement. When we read the Bible, it strengthens our faith and gives us hope for the future. The examples of God's faithfulness in the past remind us that we can trust Him, even in difficult times.
How does this verse speak to you personally?
나의 말:
Or can you tell me more easily?
Of course! This verse is saying that everything in the Bible was written to help us. The Bible teaches us how to be patient and gives us hope. When we read stories from the past, we can see how people trusted God and got through hard times. This helps us believe that God will help us, too, when we face difficulties.
Does that explanation make sense?
나의 말:
Yes, according to your saying, the Bible was written to encourage all the people, the same as encouragement provided we might have hope.
Exactly! The Bible was written to encourage us, to help us be strong in difficult times, and to give us hope. When we read the Bible, it reminds us that even though we go through tough situations, God is always with us, and we can trust Him to guide us. This encouragement can help us keep going with faith and hope.
It's beautiful how the Bible brings that sense of hope to everyone.
나의 말:
Okay, I will read the next verse. Can you read the...
Sure! Please go ahead and read, and I'll be ready to read along with you afterward.
나의 말:
May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had.
Great! Here's the verse:
"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had."
This verse is asking God to give us the strength and encouragement to treat others the way Jesus would. It speaks about the importance of having a Christ-like attitude toward one another, with kindness, patience, and love.
나의 말:
Okay, so that with one mind and one voice, you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Exactly! Here's the full idea:
"So that with one mind and one voice, you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."
This verse emphasizes unity among believers. It calls for Christians to be united in their faith and worship so that, together, they can honor and praise God. It's about being in harmony with each other, working toward the same purpose, and lifting up God's name as one body of believers.
나의 말:
Okay, so that with one mind and one voice, you may glorify the God and the Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ. And next verse, accept one another, then just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God. For I tell you that Christ has become a servant of the Jews on behalf of God's truth, so that the promises made to the patriarchs might be confirmed. And moreover, that the Gentiles might glorify God for His mercy, as it is written. Therefore, I will praise you among the Gentiles. I will sing the praise of your name. Again it says, Rejoice, you Gentiles, with His people. And again, praise the Lord, all you Gentiles. Let all the people exult Him.
You're doing great! Here's a quick explanation of these verses:
In the verses you just read, Paul encourages believers to accept one another as Christ accepted them. Christ accepted both Jews and Gentiles, and through His mercy, everyone can glorify God. Paul reminds the readers that Christ became a servant to the Jews to fulfill God's promises and that, because of this, the Gentiles can also praise God.
The verses are filled with references to how all people, regardless of background, should come together to praise and honor God. It emphasizes unity and the universal nature of God's mercy, bringing both Jews and Gentiles together in worship.
If you would like to discuss it further or read the next verse, feel free!
나의 말:
Okay, I want to know the meaning of verse A, for I tell you that Christ became a servant of Jews. What does this mean?
The phrase "Christ became a servant of the Jews" means that Jesus, though He is the Son of God, humbled Himself and came to serve the Jewish people first. His mission was to fulfill the promises made by God to the Jewish people, especially the promises of salvation and the coming of the Messiah.
Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection were all part of God's plan to bring salvation to the Jews, and through them, to the rest of the world. By serving the Jews, Jesus showed that God's salvation is for all people, but He began with the Jews, as they were the people to whom God's promises were first given.
In short, this verse shows how Jesus, even though He is divine, took on the role of a servant to fulfill God's plan and bring about salvation, first for the Jews and then for all people, including the Gentiles.
나의 말:
Okay, thanks for your explanation, and in addition to this...
You're welcome! If you'd like to add anything more or have further questions, feel free to share. I'm here to help!
나의 말:
I think this verse stands for the circumcision of Jesus Christ. When he was a baby, he was circumcised as the law of Jews. What do you think of my opinion?
You're right in drawing that connection. Jesus' circumcision as a baby is indeed a part of the Jewish law and highlights His full identification with the Jewish people and their traditions. However, when Paul speaks about Jesus becoming a "servant of the Jews" in Romans 15:8, he's likely referring to Jesus' ministry during His life on earth, where He came to fulfill the promises made to the patriarchs, like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Through His life, death, and resurrection, Jesus demonstrated God's faithfulness to those promises and, in doing so, became a servant to the Jewish people by offering them salvation first (Matthew 15:24). It's also important to note that the term "servant" here emphasizes Jesus' humble mission to save, not just to fulfill the law but also to provide the ultimate sacrifice for both Jews and Gentiles alike.
So, your opinion about Jesus’ circumcision is valid in a sense, but this verse also covers His overall mission to fulfill God's promises and serve the Jewish people in a broader way through His life and work. Does that make sense?
나의 말:
Okay, it's clear and I will read continuously verse maybe 11
Great! Let's continue reading from verse 11:
"Again, praise the Lord, all you Gentiles; let all the peoples extol him."
Feel free to read along, and if you need any help with understanding the meaning, just let me know!
나의 말:
OK. And again, praise the Lord, all you Gentiles. Let all the peoples exalt Him. Can you explain the word meaning, exalt?
Sure! The word "exalt" means to praise, honor, or lift someone up in a very high or great way. When the Bible says "let all the peoples exalt Him," it means that all people should praise and honor God highly, giving Him the highest respect and admiration.
나의 말:
Thanks a lot. Then I will read the next verse. And again, Isaiah says, The root of justice will spring up, One who will rise to rule over the nations. In him the Gentiles will hope. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace, As you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
You're welcome! That passage is beautiful. In verse 12, Isaiah is talking about the coming of the Messiah, who is Jesus Christ. The "root of Jesse" refers to Jesus, as He comes from the line of King David (who was from the tribe of Jesse). Jesus will be the one who rules over the nations, bringing hope to the Gentiles, or all people, not just the Jews.
In verse 13, Paul is praying that God, who is the source of hope, will fill believers with joy and peace. This comes from trusting in God, and as a result, they will overflow with hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. It's a beautiful reminder of the hope, joy, and peace that come from faith in God, empowered by the Holy Spirit.
나의 말:
Thanks a lot. I will read the next verse. I myself am convinced, my brothers and sisters, that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with knowledge and contempt to instruct one another. Yet I have written you quickly, quite boldly on some point to remind you of them again because of the grace God gave me to be a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles. He gave me the priestly duty of proclaiming the gospel of God so that the Gentiles might become an offering acceptable to God, sanctified by the Holy Spirit.
You're welcome! In this passage, Paul is affirming his confidence in the believers. He believes they are filled with goodness and knowledge, and they are capable of instructing each other in the faith. However, even though they are strong in these areas, Paul felt the need to remind them boldly of certain points, which he did through his letter, because of the grace God gave him to be a minister to the Gentiles.
Paul refers to his role as a "priestly duty" in proclaiming the gospel of God. This means that, just as a priest offers sacrifices to God in the Old Testament, Paul views his ministry as offering the Gentiles to God as a "holy offering." The Gentiles, through hearing the gospel, would be sanctified by the Holy Spirit, making them acceptable to God. So, Paul sees his mission as not just preaching but presenting the Gentiles as a sacrifice to God, transformed and made holy through the work of the Holy Spirit.
This speaks to the power of the gospel and how it works in believers' lives, setting them apart for God's purposes.
나의 말:
Can you explain the sentence that the Gentiles might become offering acceptable to God, sanctified by the Holy Spirit?
Certainly! In this sentence, Paul is describing the purpose of his ministry to the Gentiles. Let's break it down:
"The Gentiles might become an offering acceptable to God":
"Sanctified by the Holy Spirit":
So, in summary, Paul is expressing that his ministry's goal is for the Gentiles to be spiritually transformed by the Holy Spirit, so they become holy and pleasing to God—an offering that is acceptable to Him.
나의 말:
Thanks a lot. Your explanation is clear and excellent. Then I read the next verse. Therefore, I glory in Christ Jesus in my service to God. I will not venture to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me in leading the Gentiles to obey God by what I have said one and done.
You're welcome, and thank you for your kind words!
Now, let's look at this verse:
"Therefore, I glory in Christ Jesus in my service to God."
Paul is saying that he takes pride and joy in what Christ has done through him in his service to God. The glory and honor are not for Paul himself, but for Christ. It’s a recognition that all his efforts and success in serving God come from Christ working in him.
"I will not venture to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me in leading the Gentiles to obey God by what I have said and done."
Here, Paul emphasizes that he doesn’t take credit for his achievements in preaching and leading the Gentiles to faith. All the results in his ministry—the Gentiles turning to God—are because of what Christ has done through him. Paul acknowledges that both his words ("what I have said") and his actions ("what I have done") have been tools used by God to lead others to obedience and faith.
In essence, Paul is humbly stating that his success in spreading the gospel to the Gentiles is not of his own doing, but is entirely the work of Christ through him. This shows Paul’s dependence on God and his acknowledgment that any good that happens in his ministry is a result of Christ’s power, not his own abilities.
나의 말:
Thanks a lot. By the power of signs and wonders, through the power of the Spirit of God, from Jerusalem all the way around to Ilikum, I have fully proclaimed the Gospel of Christ.
You're welcome! Now, let's break down this verse:
"By the power of signs and wonders, through the power of the Spirit of God,"
Paul is describing how the gospel message was spread with the help of signs and wonders—miracles and supernatural acts that demonstrated God’s power. These were visible demonstrations that confirmed Paul’s message came from God. He also mentions the power of the Holy Spirit, which is the source of the authority and effectiveness behind his ministry. It wasn't by his own strength or wisdom, but through the Spirit of God.
"From Jerusalem all the way around to Illyricum, I have fully proclaimed the Gospel of Christ."
Paul is saying that his ministry has taken him across a large geographical area, from Jerusalem (the center of Jewish life and early Christianity) all the way to Illyricum, a region in the western part of the Roman Empire (roughly in the area of modern-day Albania, Croatia, and Bosnia).
His statement that he "fully proclaimed the Gospel" means he has preached the message of Jesus Christ in a complete and thorough way, covering all these areas.
In summary, Paul is giving credit to God’s power, through miracles and the Holy Spirit, for the success of his mission. He has traveled widely, and by God’s power, he has shared the gospel fully and faithfully in many places.
나의 말:
Thanks a lot. It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else's foundation. Rather, as it is written, those who were not told about TUNE will see, and those who have not heard will understand. This is why I have often been hindered from coming to you.
You're welcome! Let's look at this passage:
"It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else's foundation."
Paul is expressing his deep desire to bring the gospel to areas where Christ had not yet been preached. His goal was to establish new foundations for the faith, rather than simply building on the work already done by others. This reflects his calling to reach out to those who had not heard the message of Christ before.
"Rather, as it is written, those who were not told about Him will see, and those who have not heard will understand."
Paul is quoting Isaiah 52:15, where it speaks about the revelation of God to the nations. This verse shows that the gospel is for everyone, especially those who have never heard the good news. Paul refers to the spread of the gospel to the Gentiles, who are now beginning to see and understand God's salvation through Jesus Christ.
"This is why I have often been hindered from coming to you."
Because Paul’s focus was on areas where Christ was not yet known, he was delayed in visiting other places, like the Roman Christians. His priority was to go to those regions where the gospel had not yet been preached, which is why his travel to Rome had been delayed.
In summary, Paul was driven by the mission to spread the gospel to new areas, especially to those who had not heard about Christ. His ambition was not to build on someone else's work, but to reach the unreached, and that’s why he had not been able to visit the Romans earlier.
나의 말:
Thanks a lot. As you know, when Apostle Paul wrote this letter, it was 57 after Christ. He never been to there, but there were some believers. Do you know why? Although Paul didn't go there and didn't preach gospel in Rome,
You're welcome! That's a great question.
Even though Paul had not yet visited Rome when he wrote the letter to the Romans around A.D. 57, there were still believers in Rome. This is because the early Christian message spread quickly, even before Paul’s direct involvement. Here are a few reasons why there were believers in Rome before Paul’s visit:
The Spread of Christianity in the Early Church: The spread of Christianity was not solely reliant on Paul. After Jesus' resurrection and ascension, many of His followers began to spread the message of the gospel. This early spread was often through natural human networks like trade, travel, and family. Many Jews from different regions, including Rome, were in Jerusalem during the Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came upon the apostles (Acts 2). Some of them likely returned to Rome and shared the gospel, leading to the establishment of Christian communities.
The Jewish Diaspora: Rome had a significant Jewish population, and many Jews had settled there due to the diaspora (Jewish communities outside of Israel). Since the early Christians were originally Jewish, it’s likely that the first believers in Rome were Jewish converts to Christianity. These early Jewish Christians would have begun preaching the gospel to others, including Gentiles, forming the early Christian church in Rome.
Preaching by Other Early Christians: Paul was a significant figure in the spread of Christianity, but there were many other missionaries and apostles who were spreading the gospel at the same time. Some of them may have passed through Rome and left behind new believers. The Christian community in Rome may have been formed by the efforts of these early missionaries who traveled throughout the empire.
Paul's Own Influence: Even though Paul had not visited Rome yet, his influence had reached there. He was widely known, and his letters had started to circulate in various Christian communities. His reputation as an apostle and teacher likely encouraged believers to follow his teachings, even if he wasn’t physically present.
In summary, while Paul had not personally preached in Rome yet, the gospel was still spreading through the work of other believers, the Jewish diaspora, and the networks of the early Christian movement. Paul’s letter to the Romans was an encouragement and doctrinal foundation for the believers there, strengthening the existing Christian community.
나의 말:
Your explanation is very insightful and in addition to that I want to tell something. You know when people receive the Holy Spirit
Thank you for your kind words! I’m glad you found the explanation helpful.
As for your question about when people receive the Holy Spirit, this is an important topic in Christian theology. There are several key moments or experiences when people receive the Holy Spirit, and the Bible teaches us about the Holy Spirit in different ways. Here are some of the main points:
At the moment of salvation: In many parts of the New Testament, it’s taught that when a person believes in Jesus Christ and accepts Him as Savior, they receive the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit comes to live in them, marking them as children of God. This is often referred to as the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. For example, in Ephesians 1:13-14, Paul says, “And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory.”
At baptism: In some Christian traditions, the Holy Spirit is received at water baptism. This is based on passages like Acts 2:38, where Peter says, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Many Christian denominations believe that baptism is the moment when a person publicly declares their faith in Christ, and the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in them.
The baptism of the Holy Spirit: There is also a separate experience referred to as the baptism in the Holy Spirit, which is distinct from the initial receiving of the Holy Spirit at salvation. In Acts 1:8, Jesus tells His disciples, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” The baptism of the Holy Spirit is often associated with empowerment for ministry, spiritual gifts, and a deeper experience of the Spirit’s presence. In some churches, this is linked to a more visible experience, such as speaking in tongues or receiving a special empowerment for ministry.
The Holy Spirit's continuous presence: After a person initially receives the Holy Spirit, Christians are encouraged to be filled with the Holy Spirit regularly (Ephesians 5:18). This doesn't mean the Holy Spirit leaves, but that the believer is constantly empowered and renewed by the Spirit in their daily walk with God.
In summary, people receive the Holy Spirit:
At salvation, when they trust in Jesus Christ,
At baptism, when they publicly express their faith,
Through the baptism of the Holy Spirit, when they are empowered for service and witness.
It’s important to note that each person’s experience may vary, and these moments are not always easily separated. The work of the Holy Spirit in a believer’s life is ongoing and transformative, guiding, convicting, and empowering believers for their Christian walk.
Do you have a specific experience or question related to this that you’d like to discuss further?
나의 말:
Thanks a lot for your detailed explanation of the Holy Spirit, but I wanted to tell you about the reason of existence of the Roman Church. You know, when some people receive the Holy Spirit, then he will be the witness of Jesus Christ. When Apostle Peter preached the Gospel,
Thank you for clarifying! You're right in pointing out that when people receive the Holy Spirit, they are empowered to be witnesses of Jesus Christ, just as the apostles were.
Now, as for the Roman Church and its existence, it’s fascinating that Paul is writing to the believers in Rome even though he hasn’t personally been there to establish the church.
When we look at the historical context, Rome was a major center of influence in the world at the time. It was the capital of the Roman Empire, the heart of political power, and a place where many people from different parts of the world lived, traveled, and interacted. It's likely that the Roman Church began through the work of early Christians who had spread the Gospel to Rome, either during Pentecost or through various missionary efforts.
In Acts 2:10, it mentions that there were "Romans" present when the Holy Spirit came upon the apostles at Pentecost. Some of these early converts, after receiving the Holy Spirit and hearing the Gospel, may have gone back to Rome and shared their faith, starting the church there. This could explain why there were already Christians in Rome even though Paul had not yet been there.
The presence of Christians in Rome before Paul’s visit also highlights an important point: the Gospel was spreading through the Holy Spirit’s work beyond the apostles and major leaders. It was not just one person or one group doing the work, but the Holy Spirit empowering all believers to carry out the Great Commission, wherever they were.
Paul, in writing to the Romans, is acknowledging this important work that is happening in the heart of the Roman Empire. He writes to encourage them, strengthen their faith, and remind them of their mission as believers. Romans 1:8 is a great example of Paul recognizing their faith: “First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world.”
So, to answer your question, the Roman Church existed because the Gospel was being spread through the witness of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers who were living in Rome. These early Christians, empowered by the Holy Spirit, shared their faith and created a community of believers there. And, as you rightly mentioned, as people receive the Holy Spirit, they are empowered to be witnesses of Jesus Christ, and that's what happened with the Roman Church.
Would you like to explore further why Paul was so eager to visit and encourage the church in Rome?
나의 말:
Yes, the key is Apostle Paul. When Apostle Paul received the Holy Spirit and he preached gospel for the first time, more than 3,000 people believed in Jesus Christ and they repented, they received the Holy Spirit. They came from all over the nation at that time. Next, when he preached gospel, 5,000 people believed because at that time it was Pentecost. You know, many Jews
Yes, absolutely! You’re absolutely right about how the Holy Spirit empowered the early apostles, particularly Paul, to preach the Gospel with great power and effectiveness. At Pentecost, when Peter preached, 3,000 people believed and were baptized in a single day, and that was just the beginning. Later, as the apostles continued to preach, another 5,000 people came to faith (Acts 4:4), showing how the Holy Spirit worked mightily through their preaching.
As you mentioned, Pentecost was a key moment. Jews from all over the known world were gathered in Jerusalem for the feast, and when they heard the apostles speaking in various languages, they were amazed and the Holy Spirit used that event to draw many of them to repentance and belief in Jesus Christ. The 3,000 that were baptized that day came from different nations, and when they returned to their home countries, they would’ve carried the message of Jesus Christ with them, spreading the Gospel even further.
Now, looking specifically at Apostle Paul—he was not one of the original twelve apostles, but after his dramatic conversion experience on the road to Damascus (Acts 9), he became one of the most powerful witnesses to Christ, especially among the Gentiles. Paul’s mission was to spread the Gospel beyond the Jewish people and to the wider world. His missionary journeys took him to places like Asia Minor, Greece, and eventually Rome, where he planted churches and encouraged believers to be faithful to the Gospel.
Paul’s preaching was not just about numbers but about the transformation of lives through the Holy Spirit. The message of salvation was for all people—Jews and Gentiles alike. The Jews at Pentecost were just the beginning of the spread of the Gospel, but soon the message reached Gentiles—non-Jews—through the work of the Holy Spirit in Paul’s ministry. He was instrumental in explaining that salvation through Jesus Christ was not just for the Jews but for everyone who believed, and that the Gentiles could also be part of God’s family through faith in Christ and receiving the Holy Spirit.
Acts 13 shows how Paul boldly began to preach to the Gentiles, and despite the challenges and opposition he faced, he continued to spread the message of Christ's love and salvation. His letters (epistles) to the early churches, including the Romans, helped to strengthen believers, teach them sound doctrine, and encourage them to live in a way that honored God.
So, your point about Apostle Paul is important. Paul had a special role in God's plan to spread the Gospel to the Gentile nations, and through his preaching, many people came to faith, and many churches were planted. And in all of this, the Holy Spirit was with Paul, guiding his words and actions, empowering him to endure persecution and hardship, and giving him the strength to preach the Gospel fearlessly.
Would you like to discuss more about the influence of Paul's ministry or the role of the Holy Spirit in spreading the Gospel?
나의 말:
Next time, I will chat with you about that matter. Today, I am going to read the next part of Roman chapter 15. We are studying Roman chapter 15. Now, I am going to read verse 23.
Great! Let’s continue with Romans 15, starting from verse 23. Feel free to share it when you're ready, and I’ll be happy to discuss it with you!
나의 말:
But now that there is no more place for me to work in this region and since I have been longing for many years to visit you, I plan to do so when I go to Spain. I hope to see you while passing through and to have you assist me on my journey there after I have enjoyed your company for a while. Now, however, I am on my way to Jerusalem in the service of the Lord's people there. For Macedonia and Mestonia and Achaia were pleased to make a contribution for the poor among the Lord's people in Jerusalem. They were pleased to do it, and indeed they owe it to them. For if the Gentiles have shared in the Jews' spiritual blessings, they owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings.
In this passage, Paul is sharing his plans and expressing his desire to visit the Roman Christians on his way to Spain. He mentions that he has completed his work in the regions he's been preaching, and now his focus is on the journey to Jerusalem.
Paul is also explaining the importance of mutual support between the Gentiles and the Jews. The Gentile Christians, who have received the spiritual blessings of the Gospel from the Jewish people, now have a responsibility to support the Jewish believers with their material blessings, particularly in this case, to help the poor in Jerusalem.
This shows Paul's belief in the unity of the body of Christ, where both Gentile and Jewish believers share in each other's needs and blessings. It highlights the importance of giving, not only in spiritual matters but also in tangible ways, such as helping those in need.
Would you like to continue reading or discuss more about this?
나의 말:
According to verse 17, we should help Israel people nowadays America or other European countries and Korea believe in Jesus Christ fully. They are all rich nation and if Israel have some problem that country should help nowadays. What do you think of my opinion?
Your opinion has a valid point. In verse 17, Paul speaks about the responsibility of the Gentiles to help the Jewish people, particularly in the context of the material support they were giving to the believers in Jerusalem. The principle that Paul highlights can be applied today in the sense that nations or groups who have received spiritual blessings and material prosperity—like those in America, Europe, or Korea—can certainly show generosity and support to Israel or the Jewish people, especially in times of need.
However, it's also important to consider that Paul was emphasizing the relationship between Gentile and Jewish believers in the early church. His focus was on unity in the body of Christ and mutual support. In the present day, while supporting Israel or Jewish communities is valuable, the broader Christian responsibility is to support all those in need, including both Jews and non-Jews, regardless of nationality.
Your idea about supporting Israel, particularly when the country faces challenges, reflects a principle of mutual care that can extend not just to Jewish believers but also to others who are in need. It's not only a matter of financial help but of standing together in faith and unity.
What do you think about this broader application of the principle?
나의 말:
I fully agree with your opinion. We have to help if Israel have any problem, political or military or economical problem. Then I will read next part, verse 28 to 32. So after I have completed this task and have made sure that they have received this contribution, I will go to Spain and visit you on the way. I know that when I come to you, I will come in the full measure of a blessing of Christ. I urge you, brothers and sisters, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to join me in my struggle by praying to God for me. I pray that I may be kept safe from the unbelievers in Judea and that the contribution I take to Jerusalem may be favorably received by the Lord's people there, so that I may come to you with joy by God's will and in your company be repressed.
In this passage, Paul is expressing his hopes for his journey and asking for prayers from the believers in Rome. He is planning to deliver a contribution to the believers in Jerusalem and hopes that it will be accepted positively. He is also aware of the potential dangers that lie ahead, particularly the unbelievers in Judea, and is asking for the prayers of fellow believers to help him in his struggle.
When Paul talks about "coming to you with joy by God's will and in your company be refreshed," he is expressing his desire for a joyful reunion with the Roman believers and a time of rest and mutual encouragement.
The key point here is Paul's recognition of the importance of prayer and mutual support among believers. Even though he is an apostle and has accomplished much in his ministry, he still seeks the prayers of others to help him in his mission. This shows a humility and dependence on God's guidance and protection.
What do you think about how Paul emphasizes the role of prayer in his ministry?
나의 말:
He thinks his future will be dangerous, so he asks for them to pray for him.
Yes, you're right. Paul is aware that his mission, especially delivering the contribution to Jerusalem, could be dangerous. There were risks of opposition from unbelievers in Judea, and he is asking the believers in Rome to pray for his safety and the success of his mission.
Paul's request for prayer shows his humility and recognition that he cannot do everything on his own, even with all his experience and faith. It also reflects the importance of the support and partnership of fellow believers in the work of God.
Do you think this shows an important lesson for us today in our own challenges and work for God?
나의 말:
Yes, yeah, nowadays we have to pray for each other. We pray for our senior pastor and senior pastor pray for his ship, so we need to pray for each other.
Absolutely! Prayer is a vital part of the Christian community. Just as Paul asked the believers in Rome to pray for him, we also should support each other through prayer. It's powerful when pastors and church leaders pray for their congregation, and in turn, the congregation prays for them. This mutual prayer strengthens the whole body of Christ and helps everyone in their walk with God.
Do you have any specific prayer requests that you'd like to share or things you feel we should pray for together?
나의 말:
Yes, I have two friends. One pastor, one deacon. They always pray for me, and I always pray for them. So we pray for each other.
That's wonderful! It's such a blessing to have friends who pray for each other, especially in the body of Christ. The support and encouragement through prayer make a big difference in our spiritual lives. I believe that as you continue praying for one another, God will strengthen your friendship and guide each of you in your ministries.
Do you often pray together or is it more of a personal prayer time?
나의 말:
Sometimes we pray together when we gather in one place, and sometimes we pray for each other. Now I have read the whole verse of Romans Chapter 15. Now I want to know the summary of this chapter. Would you like to tell me the summary of this chapter?
Sure! Here's a summary of Romans Chapter 15:
In this chapter, Paul continues his instructions to the Roman believers, encouraging them to live in unity and support one another. He emphasizes that those who are strong in faith should bear with the weak and not seek to please themselves. Instead, they should follow the example of Christ, who did not seek to please Himself but endured insults for the sake of others. Paul reminds them that the Scriptures were written to provide encouragement and hope.
He urges the believers to accept one another as Christ accepted them, and to glorify God with one mind and voice. He points out that God's mercy is extended not only to Jews but also to Gentiles, as foretold by the prophets. The Gentiles are now part of God's family, and they, too, should praise God for His mercy.
Paul shares his passion for preaching the gospel, especially to those who have never heard of Christ. He explains that he has preached the gospel from Jerusalem to Illyricum, and his desire is to visit the Romans on his way to Spain. He asks for their prayers, as he faces danger in Jerusalem, and hopes to bring joy and encouragement to them in the future.
Paul also mentions the contribution he is bringing to the believers in Jerusalem, made by the Gentile churches, as a sign of gratitude for their spiritual blessings. He concludes by asking the Romans to pray for his safety, so he can complete his mission and come to them with joy.
In essence, Romans Chapter 15 encourages believers to live in harmony, serve one another, and continue sharing the gospel with others, while relying on God's strength and grace.
Is there any part of this chapter you would like to dive deeper into?
나의 말:
We have discussed the main topic in this chapter. I want to know the key vocabulary of this chapter. Can you point out the key vocabulary of this chapter?
Certainly! Here are some key vocabulary words and phrases from Romans Chapter 15 that can help you understand the main themes and concepts of the chapter:
Strong and Weak (in faith) – Refers to believers with differing levels of understanding or conviction in their faith. Those who are "strong" in faith should help those who are "weak."
Endurance – The ability to withstand difficulties or hardships. Paul encourages believers to endure, as it is through endurance that they find hope.
Encouragement – A key theme in the chapter. The scriptures were written to provide encouragement and hope to believers.
Glorify – To praise and honor God. Paul urges believers to glorify God together, with one mind and one voice.
Acceptance – The idea that believers should accept one another as Christ accepted them. This is a central teaching about living in harmony and unity.
Mercy – God's compassion and kindness, especially to those who do not deserve it. Paul emphasizes that both Jews and Gentiles have received God's mercy.
Priestly duty – Refers to Paul's role in proclaiming the gospel, offering spiritual sacrifices, and bringing people to God. Paul sees his mission as a form of priestly service.
Contribution – The financial or material support provided to help those in need, especially to the poor believers in Jerusalem. This was a way for the Gentile churches to show their love and gratitude to the Jewish believers.
Spiritual blessings – The blessings that come from God, particularly the salvation and grace through Jesus Christ.
Pray (for one another) – Paul encourages the Roman believers to pray for him as he faces danger and challenges in his mission. This highlights the importance of prayer in the Christian life.
Obedience – Refers to living according to God's commands. Paul mentions leading the Gentiles to obey God as part of his mission.
Joy – A deep sense of happiness and contentment that comes from knowing God and being in His will. Paul hopes to come to the Romans with joy after fulfilling his mission.
Grace – God's unmerited favor, enabling believers to do His will and live in harmony with one another. Paul speaks of the grace God has given him to be a minister to the Gentiles.
Sanctified – Made holy or set apart for God’s purposes. The Gentiles are sanctified by the Holy Spirit.
Fullness of the blessing of Christ – Refers to the complete spiritual blessings and richness that come through Christ. Paul looks forward to sharing these blessings with the Roman believers.
These words help to highlight the central themes of unity, grace, encouragement, and the mission of spreading the gospel in Romans Chapter 15.
Would you like to go over any of these terms in more detail?
나의 말:
Hello, ChatGPT.
Hello! How are you today?
나의 말:
You were explaining the key vocabulary of the Roman chapter 15. You told the three key vocabularies. Why don't you continue to tell me the next key vocabulary?
Oh, I'm sorry for the pause! Let's continue.
The next key vocabulary from Romans chapter 15 is "accept" (verse 7), which means to receive someone willingly or warmly, especially those who are different from us. In this chapter, it is about accepting one another, just as Christ accepted us.
Another important word is "hope" (verse 13), which represents the confident expectation of God's promises. Hope is often mentioned in the Bible as something that keeps believers strong and focused on God’s future plans.
Lastly, "contribution" (verses 26 and 27), refers to the material help or offering that the Gentile Christians sent to the believers in Jerusalem to support them. It's an act of love and fellowship in the body of Christ.
Let me know if you'd like further explanation or have any questions about these!
나의 말:
Material for ..., material and the ...
It seems like you're asking about the phrase "material" and how it's used in Romans chapter 15. In the context of the chapter, the word "material" refers to physical or financial resources, particularly the "material blessings" that the Gentile Christians shared with the believers in Jerusalem.
The "material" help or contribution is a way for the Gentile believers to show gratitude for the spiritual blessings they received through the Jewish people, and it’s an expression of love and unity among Christians.
Does this help? Would you like me to explain more about this?
나의 말:
Thanks for your explanation of key vocabulary words. Next time, I want to study key grammar of this chapter. Can you tell me the important grammar point of this chapter?
You're welcome! I'd be happy to explain some key grammar points in Romans chapter 15.
Subjunctive Mood (e.g., "I urge you... to join me in my struggle by praying") In this case, the verb "urge" is followed by a verb in the subjunctive mood. The subjunctive is often used to express suggestions, desires, or necessity. So, Paul is urging the Roman believers to join him in his struggle through prayer. This shows a request or a plea.
Infinitive Verb Forms (e.g., "to visit you," "to bring praise") In this chapter, we see many infinitive verb forms used after verbs like "hope," "plan," "urge," or "want." These forms help express the purpose or intent behind an action. For example, "I plan to visit you" shows Paul's intention to visit the Romans. The infinitive helps clarify what action he wants to take.
Relative Clauses (e.g., "the contribution I take to Jerusalem") The relative clause (like “I take to Jerusalem”) describes more about the noun “contribution.” This construction uses a relative pronoun (such as “that,” “who,” “which”) to provide extra information about the noun. It's common in both written and spoken English.
Past Perfect (e.g., "I have fully proclaimed the Gospel of Christ") Paul uses the present perfect ("I have proclaimed") to show that his action has been completed in the past, but the result continues in the present. This helps Paul emphasize the completeness of his work.
Conditional Sentences (e.g., "I know that when I come to you...") These sentences express future possibilities or hypothetical situations. Paul speaks confidently about his future plans, saying that he knows he will come to them, but he uses a structure that imagines the future situation.
Would you like more details or examples on any of these grammar points?
나의 말:
Your explanation is excellent. We studied Romans Chapter 15 like this way. First, you read, then I follow your reading. I read, then I read, and we chat about some important verse. Then we studied key vocabulary and key grammar, and we chat about some key verses. What do you think of like this studying method to improve some people's English-speaking skills?
I think your studying method is excellent! It's a well-rounded approach that helps improve both English comprehension and speaking skills, especially for those who want to study the Bible in English. Here's why it works well:
Active Listening and Repetition: By listening first and then reading aloud, you're strengthening both listening and speaking skills. Repetition helps reinforce pronunciation and improves fluency.
Contextual Learning: Reading and discussing key verses in context allows learners to understand how words and grammar are used naturally in sentences. This method provides real-world examples, which is especially helpful for understanding how English functions in actual communication.
Interactive Learning: The back-and-forth discussions allow learners to ask questions about unclear words, phrases, or concepts. This active engagement encourages deeper understanding and boosts confidence.
Focus on Vocabulary and Grammar: By highlighting key vocabulary and grammar points, learners are more likely to remember them because they’ve seen them in context. It’s not just about memorization, but about seeing how the language works in actual use.
Cultural and Spiritual Relevance: Since the Bible often contains profound ideas, learners can see how English-speaking cultures use language to express deep, thoughtful concepts. It provides both spiritual enrichment and language practice.
Personalized Practice: When you discuss specific verses and connect them to real-life situations, it helps learners see the language as something relevant to their daily life, making it more engaging and meaningful.
Overall, this method encourages both knowledge and application, which is one of the best ways to learn a new language. Would you like to continue using this method with other chapters or topics?
나의 말:
I want to use the last chapter of Romans, chapter 16. I will start the video with this message next time. Today, I think our study is enough. Thanks for your chatting me. Thanks for your excellent explanation and your encouragement. Thanks a lot, ChatGPT. Have a good day.
You're very welcome! I'm glad to hear that you found the study helpful, and I’m excited for you to start Romans Chapter 16 next time. It's been a pleasure chatting with you and exploring the Word together. Thank you for your kind words! I look forward to our next session. Have a wonderful day, and take care!
하나님! 감사합니다. 혼란스러운 세상에서 흔들리지 않고 성경을 영어로 배우게 하심을 감사합니다. 우리 모두에게 이런 공부법이 있음을 알게 하시고 이 방법이 하나님의 이 시대를 사는 모든 크리스천에게 주시는 귀한 축복임을 깨닫고 감사로 배우게 되기를 원합니다. 이와 함께 모든 한국의 크리스천이 주안에서 서로 사랑하게 하시고 하나가 되게 하시며 하나님께서 주신 물질의 축복을 가난한 나라와 이웃들에게 전도하며 선교하며 나누게 하옵소서! 주님의 나라가 이 땅에 속히 임하길 간절히 원합니다. 모든 말씀 우리를 구원하신 예수님의 이름으로 기도합니다. 아멘!