온저항은 교류 회로에서 전압과 전류의 비(比)로서 실수부를 저항, 허수부를 리액턴스라고 한다. 단위는 옴(Ω), 기호는 Z.
임피던스(Impedance, 온저항)와 리액턴스(Reactance, 반응저항)
임피던스(Impedance, 온저항)란 회로에 전압이 인가되었을 때 전류의 흐름을 방해하는 값을 말하며 저항과 마찬가지로 단위는 옴[Ω]
MOSFET를 동작 (ON)시켰을 때의 드레인 - 소스간 저항치를 ON 저항 (RDS(ON))이라고 합니다. 값이 작을수록 동작 시의 loss (전력 손실)가 적어집니다.
임피던스(impedance)는 전기회로에서의 저항과 리액턴스를 포함한 양으로, 단위는 옴 (Ω)입니다.
저항이 직류 회로에서의 전기 저항을 나타내는 반면, 임피던스는 교류 회로에서의 종합적인 저항을 나타냅니다.
통상적으로 임피던스는 대문자 Z로 표기합니다.
■ impede 방해하다
verb [ T ]
to slow something down or prevent an activity from making progress at its previous rate:
Shortages of medicine were impeding the effort to control diseases.
But they certainly show that grammatical competence does not parallel linguistic performance and that processing tasks impede performance.
The door can be a useful impediment for comic purposes in the sitcom, but it can also impede the movement of the camera.
This fundamental difference impedes the development of an open dialogue, let alone a creative level of understanding.
Perceptual fine-tuning of such stimuli and the formation of representations of social stimuli are impeded.
The powers that previous mayors enjoyed were seriously impeded, and they became powerless to solve citizens' economic and social problems.
These drugs appear to act by impeding semantic organization at encoding.
이 약물들은 인코딩 시 의미 조직을 방해함으로써 작용하는 것으로 보입니다.
However, in easier tasks the rivaling articulatory dual task does not impede performance.
The retailers, so they argued, were impeding the government's deflationary policy and were indirectly attacking the buying power of wage-earners.
These structural differences were highly significant from the point of view of assisting or impeding the output of controversial literature.
They also contributed to tensions within unions and between them and liberal-leaning public interest groups, impeding efforts to form an effective health-care reform coalition.
This methodological approach can be useful for lots of purposes, but it has impeded understanding of my own views.
Tumour vessels are extremely leaky and tortuous, which impedes uniform blood flow, oxygenation and drug delivery in tumours.
Such a construction would have impeded the natural, southerly flow of water and thus protected the residential area to the south from flooding and sedimentation.
Luckily, the error that has impeded acceptance of this way of viewing matters can be readily identified and corrected.
As for those countries seeking entry into that organization, foreign property restrictions will impede the capital market integration that entry would otherwise bring about.
■ react
verb [ I ]
to act in a particular way as a direct result of something else:
She slapped him and called him names, but he didn't react.
The judge reacted angrily to the suggestion that it hadn't been a fair trial.
Many people react (badly) to (= are made ill by) penicillin.
to change in a physical or chemical way when put with another substance:
Potassium reacts with water.
리액턴스(reactance, 반응저항)
리액턴스(reactance, 반응저항)는 교류 회로에서 전류의 흐름을 방해하는 전기적 저항의 일종으로, 전압과 전류 간에 위상차를 일으킵니다.
리액턴스는 전기저항과 유사한 역할을 하지만 전력을 소모하지 않는 무손실 성분으로, 기호는 「X」, 단위는 「Ω」입니다.
리액턴스는 코일과 축전기 등이 교류전원과 연결되었을 때 나타나는 저항의 성질로, 전류의 위상 변화에 의해 발생합니다. 리액턴스는 유도성 리액턴스와 용량성 리액턴스로 구성되어 있으며, 공진 상태에서는 두 성분이 상쇄되어 리액턴스 성분이 최소가 됩니다.
리액턴스는 교류 회로의 설계나 해석에서 중요한 원리이며, 다음과 같은 특성을 가지고 있습니다.
유도성 리액턴스는 주파수가 증가하면 증가하고, 주파수가 낮아지면 감소합니다.
용량성 리액턴스는 교류(AC) 회로에서 콘덴서가 전류 흐름에 저항하는 능력을 나타내는 값입니다.
Capacitive reactance is inversely proportional to the rate of change of input voltage applied to the capacitor.
Above this frequency, the inductor actually has capacitive reactance.
An antenna which is shorter than its resonant length has capacitive reactance.
These have a very low radiation resistance and a high capacitive reactance, making them inefficient antennas.
Above the resonant frequency the capacitive reactance becomes the dominant part of the impedance.
An antenna shorter than a quarter wavelength presents capacitive reactance to the transmission line.
If the tower is very short, it will have its capacitive reactance tuned out by this matching network.
The "director" element, on the other hand, being shorter than /2 has a capacitive reactance with the voltage phase lagging that of the current.
Electrical impedance is the vector sum of electrical resistance, capacitive reactance, and inductive reactance.
The antenna usually acts as a capacitor, because antennas shorter than a quarter-wavelength have capacitive reactance.
Electrically short antennas have considerable capacitive reactance, so to make them resonant at the operating frequency an inductor (loading coil) is added in series with the antenna.
This allows the antenna to be made much shorter than the normal length of a quarter-wavelength, and still be resonant, by cancelling out the capacitive reactance of the short antenna.
The capacitive reactance in the bridge will exactly oppose the inductive reactance of the load when the bridge is balanced, allowing the load's resistance and reactance to be reliably determined.