Possibility of preservation of ecology in Pratityasamutpada(緣起說) and in the principal of increase of entropy.
We call the stream of time which religion is a imperfect science Scientific
Reductionism in relation between religion and science.
If We recognize Scientific Reductionism, a collision between the two would be inevitable.
Despite of situations, Groping has been progressing for the recovery of similarity or cognaty between religion and science.
"Science without Religion is a lame person, Religion without Science is a blind person" A. Einstein(1879-1955) said.
"We need Philosophy and Science for the recognition of nature. We need morals and religion for behavior. Therefore Science collides with Religion. There is no contradictions between the two." M. Planck(1858-1947) said.
It stands that religion is incompatible with science in basic supposition of a view of the world and a view life. Science is mainly natural science, while religion is often called christianity. It said that christianity act on the primary factor of science revolution as well as a cause of collision. On the other hand, We thought that Buddhism does not only collide science but also contribute to development. But We have to pay attention to the fact that modern law of a quantum and thermodynamics which includes theory of complementarity, uncertainty, relativity, is understood in category of buddhism.
nature scientist, philosopher and sociologist recognize this fact equally in the East and Western.
In fact, religion needs more profundity and science needs more minuteness.
The argument is solved in Harmony with the two.
From view of the truth more widely, Scientific view of religion and Religious
view of science which does not destroy moral and aesthetic value, are can be
compatabled in high level.
The basic method of classic physics in observation of nature is that an object as a substance of observation is pure objectivism with the fact that it exists without subjectivity of observer.
It excluded subjectivity completely. Therefore the subject sense organ substitute for a camera, a thermometer, etc.
Judging from this, the concept of time and space is absolute. However, It is found that the characteristic of the object which is observed, according to the subject of the observer, has changed in the appearance of the quantum theory formed in the end of 19th century and theory of relativity in the beginning of 20th century.
Therefore, The dominant view is that absoluteness of time and space is not in existence, relativity of that is in existence.
In Buddhism, If any of them, among the mind, the subject of recognition, the objectiveness, the form, is not in existence, We will not understand correctly the fact. Therefore, It meditates things which is based on the middle-way(中道) throughout.
Therefore, The tendency of modern science approaches to subjectivism from pure objectivism. hereby, There is a fair chance that the two meets the one spot. Essentially, There is a good possibility that the two meets the middle centered Buddhism which excludes structure of opposite thinking of the dichotomy between subject and object.
Contrary to the relation with Christianity in the past, The more we find law of science newly in Buddhism, The more We become accord or supplement than colide. On the contrary, scientific excellent of Buddhism is proved.
The two theory of relativity of A.Einstein is a mere hypothesis that is called a new discovery which transcend the limits of classic physics of Issac Newton recognized
absoluteness of time and space.
That is, all the laws of science which includes theory of relativity are temporary truth and the theory which is including theory of relativity will be found..
The principal of increase of entropy is recognized as a absolute truth in modern science.
The future of the universe and the human race that this principal suggests is very serious.
this principal predicts that the big and closed system which is called the universe, instability of that, will be increased and resulted in heat death, with the collapse of the inner system.
Energy, the temperature, pressure, volume, etc which holds important position in thermodynamics as a part of nature science formed in the ends of the 19th century,
are prepare to methods or instruments to measure each of these and the substance can be seen or touched. However, entropy did not considered to us. because it can not be touched or seen as a meter with the same thermodynamics variable.
However Clausis said that an amount of energy of the universe is constant but entropy is increase. Now this saying is on everybody's lips as Shakespeare's works' 'Hamlet' and 'Romeo and Juliet'. There is no doubt that the man is became familiar with the principal of increase of entropy by scientist and social economist such as J.Rifkin, Boldin,Dakkeda(竹田), I.Prigogine etc, and came to succeed in approach closer to the meaning. It can be possible in the decline of 70's and 80's after more than 130 years in the middle of 19th century which the principal of increase
of entropy proposed at first.
J.Rifkin prospected 'entropy' the book in a way of social science, not nature science.
this book arouse interest in the people and concept of entropy became familiar to the man.
The Buddha understood and explained as theory of cause and conditions
(Pratityasamutpada) which is law of connection about the states of the world that we are living and theory of human existence. it is not too much to say that this theory of cause and conditions is in important position in all the Buddhist doctrines. because this is content and process of Enlightenment of The Buddha.
Research on theory of cause and conditions(Pratityasamutpada) has been studying and developing deeply and widely and continuously. Now there is nothing to study it.
We have to pay attention to the fact that the principal of increase of entropy which proposed 130 years ago, approach to theory of cause and conditions
(Pratityasamutpada) The Buddha said, 2,600 years ago.
As time pass, theory of cause and conditions(Pratityasamutpada), specific of that changed but recognized as the absolute and universal truth.
Therefore, the principal of increase of entropy is worthy of comparative research in respect of the most clear law in nature science at present, in the future.
Until now the comparative study of religion and science observes the doctrine of religion from position of science and when the doctrine of religion agrees with science, it takes the method to prove be scientific and excellent.
the streams of The comparative study of Buddhism and Science is the same. but this is very wrong. because the doctrine of buddhism has been recognized the characteristic of truth through the process of verification more than a thousands years. Therefore, It needs the sense of sight to prove the principal of increase of entropy to be true, making with the frame of confirmity of the Pratityasamutpada in Buddhism.
the principal of increase of entropy in thermodynamics can be expressed in a few lines, including a numerical formula, in a sentence which 'everything is changed uselessly', excluding it and the structure of logic seems to be very simple.
If The Pratityasamutpada also is a sentence which 'rises through conditions', It is a framework. it is a simple law. Therefore the width for the comparision is more to be widen.
a low which is a premise of the principal of increase of entropy and double -faced relation, is that of Energy Preservation and that of the base of thermodynamics with the principal of increase of entropy.
The first thesis on entropy is J.J.Thomson' 'On general trends of dispersion of mechanical energy' and Clausius' the subject 'entropy of the universe become to increase to the greatest.'. Clausius insist that the stream of a heat from a hot substance to a cold can be offset by a transformation from the work into a heat, hereby a heat can be flowed from a cold substance into a hot. He states change of a heat to concept of equivalence value. equivalence value is a value which is divided a formed heat value into a absolute temperature at the given temperature.
concept of equivalence value which is change of a heat, offered a clear explanation about a dissimilarity between a reversible process and an irreversible process. At the time of year 1985, Clausius took a term entropy instead a term concept of equivalence value.
entropy is derived from Greece. entropy is a word that 'trope' means 'change' is added to 'en' a prefix which stress a role. Also concept of change is that related with 'Pratityasamutpada' which means 'rising depends on conditions'. Now that it is changed, that is, everything is impermanent and depend mutualy, we call
'rising depends on' 'Pratityasamutpada'.
There is no limits in a capability, from work changing to a heat, from a heat to work, in a law of energy preservance. but in the process, the limit which energy has to be preserved, is added. but in fact it is easy to change the given amount of heat into work but difficult to change the given amount of work into heat completely. the principal of increase of entropy explains this. We call it a reversible process, from changing which one state into another, from the latter state back to the first. a voluntary of process, from the beginning of the state of balance to the ending of another state of balance, arise to increase of entropy of a system and
an environment. In other words, entropy of the universe continues to increase.
On the other hand, continual increase of entropy, change results in destruction of a system, when the entropy more increase and become beyond heat death. this is related to eschatology. but it suggests that a certainty of a system and an environment need conversion of sight. It tells that the last steps of 'Pratityasamutpada' is old age, death and the existence which origins illusion must be old and dead. We can find that we worry about adapting or overcoming to change it and inducing to attain enlightenment through practise.
How we have to understand and accept a law which is related change? Isn't counterplan to eschatology, the end of change? It is clear that an important problem by which we are confronted.
the principal of increase of entropy and 'Pratityasamutpada' stand for "change".
What do we explain this?
I.Prigogine, Belgium a Nobel-prize winner, specially, for the contribution of the structure of dispersion, non average thermodynamics, cautiously referred that " a relation between Kinetics and thermodynamics, the two parts of theoretical physics become the object of an argument since thermodynamics formed 150 years ago and thousands of thesis have been presented, this relation is very important to link the meaning of time. as it is difficult to solve this problem, it took many years. therefore it is difficult to prospect an answer easily."
also he questioned, "But the problem that how Kinetics which handles time as intermediation variable without preferentially direction, approaches to entropy that is an inseparable relation with measurement, is the most matter of concern of our generation, this is one of the problems that science meets philosophy. and how we can understand by isolating microscopic world?" that is, he refers "we have to pay attention to the fact that the system which entropy increases is a system called all the universe, it tends to reduce in the small system."
therefore, an earth, the closed system about the solar system or the universe, can exchange the universe with an energy of light, not the substance, this enable to turn the thinking." that is, we focus on the way of thinking that the earth is the small system. here, from the point of buddhism, the meaning of a system thought as the same concept as 'Pratityasamutpada', is full of suggestions. this as I.Prigogine said, means "his negative declaration that it can not be conversion in the origon of thermodynamics, belongs to macroscopic world, this come to the new theoretical structure, not the ending. it comes to an opened new universe in the innovated and shaked shape from the closed universe.
all beings are an untruth, nothing. therefore it demands that we have to understand relation between existence and existence, this and that, has both ontology and epistemological aspect, in the middle way, free from the fixed idea that 'the theory of cause and conditions' is ontology and 'Pratityasamutpada' is epistemology.
Wittgenstein said "we think a way of explanation about phenomena. therefore observation is grammatical." therefore we have to try to approach more the truth than a way of explanation, that is grammatical.
Like this, the principal of increase of entropy shows everything develops which is based on the theory of change. we can possess degree of freedom, paradoxical concept of entropy, by observing truly and by taking an opinion .to the utmost.
futhermore, we can develop enlighten world to mundane life. here we need practise.
but in the case of the principal of increase of entropy, it needs taking measures to the way in social aspects, otherwise, 'Pratityasamutpada' needs taking measures to the way in personal aspect. this is strange. Stephen William Hawking, an author of time, confessed, "nature science which is based on pure objectivism excluded subject and such an extent that something can be seen as a microscope, a pulsimeter, a clinical thermometer substitute for organs, is rare.
On the other hand, Religion which is instructing common principal about everything observes the whole aspects of life. 'Pratityasamutpada' is the same. that is,
'Pratityasamutpada' shows "everything does not depends on alone, but in connection with each other therefore we have to observe this comprehensively. it must not biased on the this side. it must not biased on the that side. it must not free from the one side or the both sides. we always have to observe at the correct distance. this called the middle way through cause and conditions" therefore, we have to sublate distinguishing an individual with society, as everything is nothing."
Now we have to observe everything from point of middle way which harmonized
synchronic aspects and the object back to the middle way through cause and conditions free from 'this', 'that'. If we do like this, we may accomplish
desirable system which preserved ecology environment keeping away from the closed system of the earth with a good behavior and practise of groups. .
Rev. BupHyun(法顯)
Chief of Social Affairs of the Korean Buddhist TaeGo Order
Master of Open Vihara in Seoul
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