- 거북이 양말, Pitcher plant
. 학명; Sarracenia purpurea
. 개요; 북미원산의 다년생 식물
. 효능; 수렴제, 이뇨제, 각성제, 강장제
. 사용법; 우려서
1 학명과 약용부위
- 학명; Sarracenia purpurea
- 약용부위
. Rootstock.
. 뿌리
2 통명
- 영어; Eve's cup, flytrap, huntsman's cup, smallpox plant, watercup.
- 한글; 거북이 양말
3 개요
- 북미원산의 다년생 식물
. 늪과 습지에서 자생
- 줄기; 수평으로 성장
. 잎; 투수와 같은 띠모양으로 형성
아치형 후드로 곤충을 유인하여 섶취
- 꽃; 5월경 45센티내외의 적색 혹은 자색으로 개화
Pitcher plant is a native North American perennial plant found in swamps and wet areas from Maryland to Minnesota and in Canada. A horizontal, round rootstock produces the basal, pitcherlike, purple-vained leaves which are topped by an arching hood and are hairy an sticky on the inside to trap insects, which the plant consumes. A solitary, large, red or purple flower nods on a naked flower stalk 1 to 2 feet high during May and June.
4 효능
- 수렴제, 이뇨제, 각성제, 강장제
. 식욕과 소화개선
- 원주민; 천연두치료에 활용
. 면역과 증상완화
Astringent, diuretic, stimulant, tonic. Pitcher plant has sometimes been used for the purposes indicated by its categories, particularluy as a tonic to stimulate appetite and digestion. Its most interesting use was theat of some American Indians, who used an infusion of the rootstock against smallpox, both to provide immunity and to lessen the severity of the disease. A condiderable controversy over its effectiveness resulted in its rejection by the medical profession in the nineteenth century, but the evidence was not conclusive on either side.
5 사용법
- 우려서