From a few days ago, @JakeLFischer said the Bulls are "more willing than ever to discuss (Patrick Williams) in a trade" and speculates the Warriors could be a suitor
"I've absolutely heard that Chicago is going to be open minded to moving a player such as Patrick Williams"
첫댓글 피셔는 거르기는 하지만 ㅎㅎ 난이도 좀 있어보이네요
저는 도대체 왜 이딴 팀에 ㅜㅜ
진짜 개돼지가 따로 없음
팻윌을?이걸 사는 팀이 나온다고?실화일까?근데 있을까봐 더 무서움 특히 우리팀..제발 가만있어라...