뉴질랜드한인여성회 2023년도 제4차 정기 이사회
일시: 2023년6월24일 13:00
장소: 5 Argus Pl. Hillcrest 한인회관2층 여성회사무실
사회: 여연자 부회장
인사말: 김은희 회장
경과보고: 이인실 사무장
- NZ한인여성회 제3차 정기이사회가 2023년4월29일 13:00 한인회관 여성회사무실에서 있었다.
- 3월25일 Browns bay Library (Ethnic Culture Day) 오전10시에 홀로아리랑과 사물놀이 공연하다.
- 4월9일 18 Allright Pl. Mt. Wellington 구세군회관에서 열린 구세군 뉴질랜드 개영 140Anniversary day
(140주년 맞이)에 한국대표로 여성회에서 부채춤과 사물놀이 공연
- 4월13일 제1차 Vocal Seminar(성악세미나-장문영소프라노)가 구세군교회18 Allright Pl. Mt. Wellington 에서 갖다.
- 한인의 날 4월15일 부채춤과 사물놀이 공연하다. 한복체험부스에서 여성회이사들이 봉사하다.
- 4월29일 건강세미나 Family Health Seminar-
1. 음식쓰레기 분리수거 새로 바뀐 법- Auckland Council로부터 $500 Funding 받다.
ㅎAuckland Council Food Scraps Collection -HyeJung Kim Compost Collective Facilitator
2. 양로원과 요양원에 들어 갈 수 있는 자격과 절차에 관해서 이주연변호사와 토니류GP가 강의하다
NZ Aged Care Assistance(Rest Home & retirement Village Government Funding and Grant Application Process)- GP Tony Ryu Lawyer Julia Leenoh Civil Litigation
3. 대머리 방지 머리카락 빠지지 않게하는 방법 샴푸등으로 머리밑에 쌓인 독소를 빼내 건강한 머리카락이 생기게하는 방법 Scalp Health, Microscopic diagnosis, Scalp detox- Esther Park 박은미
- 5월8일 교민 건강페스티발 오클랜드한인회주최 뉴질랜드한인여성회 주관으로 한인회관에서 작년에이어
올해에도 어르신경로잔치겸 하다. 돼지수육, 잡채, 빈대떡, 여성회에서 $1,000지원하여 성공적으로 하다.
- 5월27일 Papatoetoe Food Festival의 초청으로 여성회의 "산조아리랑"과 "사물놀이"를 공연했다.
- 6월1일 KCR초대석에 김은희회장 인터뷰- 여성회에 대해 소개하다. YOUTUBE에 나와있다.
- 6월17일 제10회 컴퓨터 및 스마트폰경진대회를 한인회관에서 갖다
1등에 구혜경 2등 김미정(1등과 2등은 삼성 Galaxy Tab) 공동3등 윤희자 이정희(실내외 CCTV Home Security)
5등 윤연숙, 공동6등 3명에게 Xiaomi Tripod Bluetooth Selfie Stick 3개,
참가자 전원에게 USB64GB 메모리칩과 마운트, 그리고 22불상당의 타블렛터치팬 6개를 나누다.
- 6월24일 법률세미나- 한인회관
9:30-10:00 Register 및 Networking
10;00-10;25 김용석 변호사-“고용법 관련 이슈”
“What is Employment Matters?”
10;25-10;50 배로사 변호사-“부동산법 관련 분쟁을 최소화 하는 방법”
“How to avoid the Lease Disputes?”
11;10-11;35 우철제 변호사 - 소비자의 권리와 소규모 사업체의 의무
소비자 보호법/공정 거래 법의 이해와 중요성”
“Know your Right and Obligation – Consumer Guarantees Act/Fair Trade Act
11;35-12;00 김진수 대표와 홍성진 실장-“주택 대출 승인”
“Your Home Loan Approval”
- 6월25일 625전쟁 73주년행사- Memorial in Dove-Myer Robinson Park Parnell에서 대한민국재향군인회주최 뉴질랜드한인여성회 후원으로 여성회에서는 차를 준비할 예정이다. 참석자: 김은희 김경희 윤연숙 노영례.
- 6월28일 김진표국회의장님 주최 뉴질랜드동포및 지상사대표 초청 만찬간담회에 김은희회장 참석 예정이다.
배로사- 지상사가 현지 교민 채용시 Portion이 어떻게 되는지 등의 정보를 여성회등 단체에 알림해 주길 요청할 것 제안
참석자: 김은희 여연자 노영례 차용심 성정미 캐서린국 김경희 박아가다 이인실
배로사 구영례 양정희 12명
2023 4th Regular Board of Korean Women's Association of NZ Directors
Date: June 24, 2023 13:00
Location: 5 Argus Pl. Hillcrest Korean Community Center 2nd floor women’s office
Host: Vice President Yeo Yeon-ja
Greetings: Chairman Kim Eun-hee
Progress Report: Director Lee In-sil
- The 3rd regular board meeting of the NZ Korean Women’s Association was held at the Women’s Office of the Korean Community Center on April 29, 2023 at 13:00.
- On March 25th, Browns bay Library (Ethnic Culture Day) performed Arirang and Samulnori alone at 10 am.
- April 9 18 Allright Pl. Mt. The 140th Anniversary day of the Salvation Army New Zealand opening held at the Salvation Army Hall in Wellington.
(Celebrating the 140th anniversary), I performed fan dance and samulnori at the women’s association as a representative of Korea.
- On April 13th, the 1st Vocal Seminar (Vocal Seminar - Jang Moon-young Soprano) was held at Salvation Army Church 18 Allright Pl. Mt. Taken from Wellington.
- Fan dance and samulnori performed on April 15th, Korean Day. Women’s association directors volunteer at the Hanbok experience booth.
- April 29th Family Health Seminar-
1. New law on food waste separation - Received $500 funding from Auckland Council.
Auckland Council Food Scraps Collection -HyeJung Kim Compost Collective Facilitator
2. Attorney Lee Joo-yeon and GP Tony Ryu lecture on the qualifications and procedures for entering nursing homes and nursing homes.
NZ Aged Care Assistance(Rest Home & Retirement Village Government Funding and Grant Application Process)- GP Tony Ryu Lawyer Julia Leenoh Civil Litigation
3. Prevent baldness How to prevent hair from falling out How to grow healthy hair by removing toxins accumulated under the head with shampoo, etc. Scalp Health, Microscopic diagnosis, Scalp detox- Esther Park Eunmi Park
- On May 8, the Korean Community Health Festival was held at the Korean Community Center, hosted by the Auckland Korean Association and hosted by the New Zealand Korean Women's Association, as it was last year.
This year, it will also be a party for senior citizens. Boiled pork, Japchae, Bindaetteok, and $1,000 support from the women's association were provided to make it a success.
- On May 27th, at the invitation of the Papatoetoe Food Festival, the Women's Association performed "Sanjo Arirang" and "Samulnori".
- Interview with Chairman Kim Eun-hee at KCR invitation on June 1 - Introducing the women’s association. It's on YOUTUBE.
- The 10th Computer and Smartphone Contest was held at the Korean Community Center on June 17th.
1st place, Ku Hye-kyung, 2nd place Kim Mi-jeong (1st and 2nd place are Samsung Galaxy Tab), 3rd place tied, Yoon Hee-ja, Lee Jeong-hee (indoor and outdoor CCTV Home Security)
5th place Yun Yeon-sook, 3 people tied for 6th place received 3 Xiaomi Tripod Bluetooth Selfie Sticks,
A USB 64GB memory chip and mount, and 6 tablet touch fans worth $22 were distributed to all participants.
- June 24th Legal Seminar - Korean Community Center
9:30-10:00 Register and Networking
10;00-10;25 Attorney Kim Yong-seok - “Issues related to employment law”
“What is Employment Matters?”
10;25-10;50 Attorney Barrosa - “How to minimize disputes related to real estate law”
“How to avoid the Lease Disputes?”
11;10-11;35 Attorney Woo Cheol-je - Consumer rights and small business obligations
“Understanding and Importance of Consumer Protection Act/Fair Trade Act”
“Know your Right and Obligation – Consumer Guarantees Act/Fair Trade Act
11;35-12;00 CEO Jinsoo Kim and Director Seongjin Hong - “Housing loan approved”
“Your Home Loan Approval”
- June 25th Korean War 73rd Anniversary Event - Memorial in Dove-Myer Robinson Park Parnell, hosted by the Korean Veterans Association, sponsored by the Korean Women's Association of New Zealand, the women's association plans to prepare tea. Attendees: Eun-hee Kim, Kyung-hee Kim, Yeon-sook Yoon, Young-rye Roh.
- On June 28, Chairman Kim Eun-hee is scheduled to attend a dinner meeting hosted by National Assembly Speaker Kim Jin-pyo and invited New Zealand compatriots and representatives of the earthly affairs.
Barrowsa - It is suggested that the ground company request that women's associations and other organizations be notified of information such as what happens to the portion when hiring local Koreans.
- Attendees: Kim Eun-hee, Noh Young-rye, Cha Cha-sim, Seong Jeong-mi, Catherine Gook, Kim Gyeong-hee, Park Agada, Lee In-sil, Baerosa, Gu Yeong-굗, Yang Jeong-hee 12 people
Korean Women's Association of New Zealand