If You feel stuck
느헤미야 7:2
내 아우 하나니와 영문의 관원 하나냐가 함께 예루살렘을 다스리게 하였는데 하나냐는 충성스러운 사람이요 하나님을 경외함이 무리 중에서 뛰어난 자라
A lot of people show up at work fifteen minutes late, then they wander around the office, go get some coffee, and finally get to their desk or workstation thirty minutes later. They spend half the day engaged in personal telephone calls, playing games, or sending jokes on the Internet, and then they wonder, God,
why don't You ever bless me ? Why don't I ever get a promotion ?
There may be many factors, of course, but one thing is for sure: God doesn't mediocrity; He blesses excellence. If you're stuck in a rut while others are being blessed and continuing to prosper and get ahead, consider whether the problem is one of your own making. Are you a person of excellence and integrity ?