high-end ; 하이엔드 하이엔드는 해당 업체가 출시하는 제품군 중 최상위에 있는 모델, 즉 가장 정교하게 제작되어 가격이 비싸며, 최고의 성능을 가진 모델을 의미한다.
intended for people who want very good quality products and who do not mind how much they cost:
high-end video equipment/a high-end department store
wanting very good quality products, and willing to pay a lot of money for them:
high-end consumers
of very good quality and usually expensive:
high end cars/clothing/computers/fashion
The company's high-end fashion features items like $500 shirts.
high-end products/merchandise/brands
high-end apartments/homes/hotels
used to describe a business that makes or sells expensive products:
a high-end department store/designer/retailer
Improvements to low-cost, commodity products really threaten high-end manufacturers.
그와 반대되는 의미로 로우엔드 (low-end)라는 말도 사용된다.
중간에 미드엔드mid-end도 있다