<O. B.>
When out of bounds is fixed by stakes or a fence, the out of bounds line is determined by the nearest inside points of the stakes or fence posts at ground level : the line is deemed to extend vertically upwards. When out of bounds is fixed by a line on the ground, the line itself is out of bounds. A ball is out of bounds when all of it lies out of bounds.[[Definition 21]
<Water Hazards> :
A "Water hazard" is any sea, lake, pond, river, ditch, surface drainage ditch or other open water course
(regardless of whether or not it contains water), and anything of a similar nature. All ground or water wthin the margin of a water hazard , whether or not it be covered with any growing substance, is part of the water hazard. The margin of the water hazard is deemed to extend vertically upwards[Definition14b]
A " lateral water hazard" is a water hazard so situated that it is not possible or is deemed by the Comittee to be impracticable to drop a ball behind thewater hazard and keep the spot at which the ball last crossed the margin of the hazard between the player and the hole.[Definition 14c]
That part of a water hazard to be played as a lateral water hazard should be distinctively marked. Stakes and lines definding the margins of hazards are in the hazards.[Definition 14]
Water hazards should be defined by yellow stakes or lines and lateral water hazards by red stakes or lines[Definition 14(Note)]
<Ball Lost> : [Definition 6]
A ball is "lost" if ;
(1) It be not found, or be not identified as his by the player, within five minutes after the player's side or his or their caddies have begun to search for it; or
(2) The player has put another ball into play under the Rules; or
(3) The player has played any stroke with a provisonal ball from a point nearer the hole then the play where the original is likely to be