<TV&리얼리티 쇼 - 롤플레이>
A be regarded as B : A가 B~로 여겨지다, 간주되다 (regard A as B)
이 두 명의 가수들의 공통점은 비욘세와 모자르트 둘 다
자신의 분야에서 최고의 가수로 여겨진다는 것입니다.
첫댓글 What these two musician have in common would be that both Beyonce and Mozart are regarded as top musicians in their field.A be regarded as Bregard A as B : A를 B로 간주 하다
첫댓글 What these two musician have in common would be that both Beyonce and Mozart are regarded as top musicians in their field.
A be regarded as B
regard A as B : A를 B로 간주 하다