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카페 프로필 이미지
Moojuk Junior! Bugok Campus!!
카페 게시글
Let Me Read Your Day 3 gratitude day of 2/19.
변정윤_Demian 추천 0 조회 18 14.02.19 23:33 댓글 3
게시글 본문내용
  • 14.02.20 02:34

    첫댓글 I always feel grateful for yr suggesting to study together. Tomorrow, I will be with you in dawn calss and Euphoni class at HQ!

  • 작성자 14.02.20 06:21

    Sorry to say that I can not attend dawn class but Let's meet at 3, EUPHONI class.

  • 14.02.20 10:08

    I'll always attend dawn class and EUPHONI class!!!!!!with you♥
