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12 people, dog evacuated after landslide blocks road near Mount St. Helens
Officials say a dozen people and a dog were evacuated from an observatory near Mount St. Helens by helicopter after a landslide blocked a nearby highway.
아래 링크는 오래전 있었던 헬레나 산의 뉴스인데
주민들은 이번 있는 사건이 예전과 같은 사건이라 생각하고 있답니다.
Mount St. Helens erupted 43 years ago Thursday: Here's how it unfolded
It was 43 years ago on May 18 that Mt. St. Helens exploded to life, erupting in violent fashion, spewing towering clouds carrying 520 million tons of ash that turned day into night and claiming the lives of 57 people in what remains the largest volcanic er
출처: 트럼프왕과 기사이야기 원문보기 글쓴이: kimi