Frog knocked at Toad’'s door. 개구리가 두꺼비네 집 현관을 두드렸다
토드 일어나좌 그가 소리쳤다
나와봐하 그리고 이 멋진 겨울이 어떤지 보라
" 나는 그러고 싶지 않아 " 두꺼비가 말햇다
나는 따스한 침대에 있을것이다
"겨울은 아름답다 " 개구리가 말했다
나와보라 정말 재미있어
“"I do not have any clothes.”" 난 어떤 옷도 없어
개구리가 집안에서 나왔다
나는 네게 입을 옷을 갔다줄께
개구리는 두꺼비의 몸통에 코트를 눌러씌워 입혔습니다
그리고 두꺼비의 다리에 겨울용 바지를 꿰어 입혔어요
또 두꺼비의 머리에는 모자를 씌우고 스카프도 둘러줬어요
"도와주라" 두꺼비가 소리쳣다
나의 가장 친한 친구가 날 죽이려해
나는 단지 네가 겨울을 준비하기위해서야 " 개구리가 말했다
개구리와 두꺼비는 밨으로 나갔다
그리고 함께 눈밭을 뛰어다녔어요
저 큰 언덕에 올라가서, 내 썰매를 타고 내려오자.” 개구리가 말했어요
“"Not me,”" said Toad. 0Do not be afraid,”" said Frog. “"I will be with you on the sled. It will be a fine, fast ride. Toad, you sit in front. I will sit right behind you.”" The sled began to move down the hill. “"Here we go!”" said Frog. There was a bump. Frog fell off the sled. Toad rushed past trees and rocks. “"Frog, I am glad that you are here,”" said Toad. Toad leaped over a snow bank. “"I could not steer the sled without you, Frog,”" he said. “"You are right. Winter is fun!”" A crow flew nearby. “"Hello Crow,”" shouted Toad. “"Look at Frog and me. We can ride a sled better than anybody in the world!”" “"But Toad,”" said the crow, “"you are alone on the sled.”" Toad looked around. He saw that Frog was not there “"I AM ALL ALONE!”" screamed Toad. Bang! The sled hit a tree. Thud! The sled hit a rock. Plop! The sled dived into the snow. Frog came running down the hill. He pulled Toad out of the snow. “"I saw everything,”" said Frog. “"You did very well by yourself.”" “"I did not,”" said Toad. “"But there is one thing that I can do all by myself.”" “"What is that?”" asked Frog. “"I can go home,”" said Toad. “"Winter might be beautiful, but bed is much better,”" The Corner Frog and Toad were caught in the rain. They ran to Frog’'s house. “"I am all wet,”" said Toad. “"The day is spoiled.”" “"Have some tea and cake,”" said Frog. “"The rain will stop. If you stand near the stove, your clothes will soon be dry. I will tell you a story while we are waiting,”" said Frog. “"Oh good,”" said Toad. “"When I was small, not much bigger than a pollywog,”" said Frog, “"my father said to me, ‘'Son, this is a cold, gray day but spring is just around the corner,’' I wanted spring to come. I went out to find that corner. I walked down a path in the woods until I came to a corner. I went around the corner to see if spring was on the other side.”" “"And was it?”" asked Toad. “"No,”" said Frog. “"There was only a pine tree, three pebbles and some dry grass. I walked in the meadow. ; Soon I came to another corner. I went around the corner to see if spring was there.”" “"Did you find it?”" asked Toad. “"No,”" said Frog. “"There was only an old worm asleep on a tree stump.”" “"I walked along the river until I came to another corner. I went around the corner to look for spring.”" “"Was it there?”" asked Toad. “"No,”" said Frog. “"There was only some wet mud and a lizard who was chasing his tail.D “"You must have been tired,”" said Toad. “"I was tired,”" said Frog, “"and it started to rain.”" “"I went back home. When I got there,”" said Frog, “"I found another corner. It was the corner of my house,”" “"Did you go around it?”" asked Toad. “"I went around that corner, too,”" said Frog. 0What did you see?”" asked Toad. “"I saw the sun coming out,”" said Frog. “"I saw birds sitting and singing in a tree. I saw my mother and father working in their garden. I saw flowers in the garden.”" “"You found it!”" cried Toad. “"Yes,”" said Frog. “"I was very happy. I had found the corner that spring was just around,”" “"Look, Frog,”" said Toad. “"You were right. The rain has stopped,”" Frog and Toad hurried outside. They ran around the corner of Frog’'s house to make sure that spring had come again. Ice Cream One hot summer day Frog and Toad sat by the pond. “"I wish we had some sweet, cold ice cream,”" said Frog. “"What a good idea,”" said Toad. < /SPAN>“"Wait right here, Frog. I will be back soon.”" Toad went to the store. He bought two big icecream cones. Toad licked one of the cones. “"Frog likes chocolate best,”" said Toad, “"and so do I.”" Toad walked along the path. A large, soft drop of chocolate ice cream slipped down his arm. “"This ice cream is melting in the sun,”" said Toad. Toad walked faster. Many drops of melting ice cream flew through the air. They fell down on Toad’'s head. “"I must hurry back to Frog!”" he cried. More and more of the ice cream was melting. It dripped down on Toad’'s jacket. It splattered on his pants and on his feet. “"Where is the path?”" cried Toad. “"I cannot see!”" Frog sat by the pond waiting for Toad. A mouse ran by. “"I just saw something awful!”" cried the mouse. “"It was big and brown!”" “"Something covered with sticks and leaves are moving this way!”" cried a squirrel. “"Here comes a thing with horns!”" shouted a rabbit. “"Run for your life!”" “"What can it be?”" asked Frog. Frog hid behind a rock. He saw the thing coming. It was big and brown. It was covered with sticks and leaves. It had two horns. “"Frog,”" cried the thing. “"Where are you?”" “"Good heavens!”" said Frog. “"That thing is Toad!”" Toad fell into the pond. He sank to the bottom and came up again. “"Drat,”" said Toad. “"All of our sweet cold ice cream has washed away.”" “"Never mind,”" said Frog. “"I know what we can do.”" Frog and Toad quickly ran back to the store. Then they sat in the shade of a large tree and ate their chocolate ice-cream cones together. The Surprise It was October. The leaves had fallen off the trees. They were lying on the ground. “"I will rake all of the leaves that have fallen on his lawn. Toad will be surprised.”" Frog took a rake out of the garden shed. Toad looked out of his window. “"These messy leaves have covered everything,”" said Toad. He took a rake out of the closet. “"I will run over to Frog’'s house. I will rake all of his leaves. Frog will be very pleased.”"’' Frog ran through the woods so that Toad would not see him. Toad ran through the high grass so that Frog would not see him. Frog came to Toad’'s house. He looked in the window. “"Good,”" said Frog. “"Toad is out. He will never know who ranked his leaves.”" Toad got to Frog’'s house. He looked in the window. “"Good,”" said Toad. “"Frog is not home. He will never guess who ranked his leaves.”" Frog worked hard. He ranked the leaves into a pile. Soon Toad’'s lawn was clean. Frog picked up his rake and started home. Toad pushed and pulled on the rake. He raked the leaves into a pile. Soon there was not a single leaf in Frog’'s front yard. Toad took his rake and started home. A wind came. It blew across the land. The pile of leaves that Frog had raked for Toad blew everywhere. The pile of leaves that Toad had raked for Frog blew everywhere. When Frog got home he said, “"Tomorrow I will clean up the leaves that are all over my own lawn. How surprise Toad must be!”" When Toad got home, he said, “"Tomorrow I will get to work and rake all of my own leaves. How surprise Frog must be!”" That night Frog and Toad were both happy when they each turned out the light and went to bed. Christmas Eve On Christmas Eve Toad cooked a big dinner. He decorated the tree. “"Frog is late,”" said Toad. Toad looked at his clock. He remember ed it was broken. The hands of the clock did not move. Toad opened the front door. He looked out into the night. Frog was not there. “"I am worried,”" said Toad. “"What if something terrible has happened?”" said Toad. “"What if Frog had fallen into a deep hole and cannot get out? I will never see him again!”" Toad opened the door once more. Frog was not on the path. “"What if Frog is lost in the woods?”" said toad. “"What if he is cold and wet and hungry?”" “"What if Frog is being chased by a big animal with many sharp teeth? What if he is being eaten up?”" cried Toad. “"My friend and I will never have another Christmas together!”" Toad found some rope in the cellar “"I will pull Frog out of the hole with this,”" said Toad. Toad found a lantern in the attic. “"Frog will see this light. I will show him the way out he woods,”" said Toad. Toad found a frying pan the kitchen. “"I will hit that big animal with this,”" said Toad “"All of his teeth will fall out. Frog, do not worry,”" cried Toad. “"I am coming to help you!”" Toad ran out of his house. There was Frog. “"Hello, Toad,”" he said. “"I am very sorry to be late. I was wrapping your present,”" “"You are not at the bottom of a hole?”" asked Toad. CNo,”" said Frog. “"You are not lost in the woods?”" asked Toad. “"No,”" said Frog. “"You are not being eaten by a big animal?”" asked Toad. “"No,”" said Frog. “"Not at all.”" “"Oh, Frog,”" said Toad, “"I am so glad to be spending Christmas with you”" Toad opened his present from Frog. It was a beautiful new clock. The two friends20sat by the fire. The hands of the clock moved to show the hours of a merry Christmas Eve.
“무서워 할 것 없어”, 개구리가 말했어요. “내가 같이 썰매에 타줄게. 멋지고 빠를 거야.
썰매가 언덕을 미끄러져 내리기 시작했습니다. “자, 간다!” 개구리가 말했어요. 땅에는 툭 튀어나온 부분이 있었습니다. 그래서 개구리는 썰매에서 떨어졌어요.
“개구리, 네가 여기 있어서 다행이야”, 두꺼비가 말했어요. 두꺼비는 썰매로 눈 둔덕을 뛰어넘었어요. “너 없이 나 혼자서는 썰매 방향을 조정할 수 없었을 거야”, 두꺼비가 말했습니다. “네가 옳았어. 겨울은 즐겁구나!” 까마귀가 가까이 날아왔습니다. “까마귀 아저씨, 안녕하세요”, 두꺼비가 외쳤어요.
“하지만, 두꺼비야”, 까마귀가 대답했습니다, “썰매는 너 혼자 타고 있는 걸.” 두꺼비는 주변을 둘러보았습니다. 그리고 개구리가 곁에 없다는 걸 알았죠.
딱! 썰매가 나무에 부딪혔습니다. 쿵! 썰매가 바위에 부딪혔습니다. 퍽! 썰매가 눈밭에 쳐박혔습니다. 개구리는 언덕을 뛰어내려왔습니다. 그리고 눈 속에 파묻힌 두꺼비를 잡아 끌어냈어요. “내가 다 봤어”, 개구리가 말했습니다. “너 혼자서도 정말 잘하더라.” “그렇지 않아”, 두꺼비가 대답했습니다. “하지만 나 혼자서도 할 수 있는 일이 딱 하나 있지.” “그게 뭔데?” 개구리가 물었습니다. “집에 가는 거”, 두꺼비가 말했어요.
“홀딱 젖어버렸네,” 두꺼비가 투덜거렸습니다. “오늘 하루는 엉망이 됐어.” “따뜻한 차랑 케이크 좀 들어,” 개구리가 말했습니다.
“좋지,” 두꺼비가 대답했어요. “나 어릴 때, 기껏해야 올챙이보다 쬐끔 컸을 때지,” 개구리가 말을 이었습니다,
“그랬더니 있었어?” 두꺼비가 물었습니다. “아니,”개구리가 대답했어요.
“그래서 찾았어?” 두꺼비가 물었습니다. “아니,” 개구리가 대답했어요. “나무 등걸 위에서 잠든 늙은 벌레 뿐이었어.” “나는 또 다른 모퉁이가 나올 때까지 강을 따라 걸었어. 그리고 봄이 있나 해서 그 모퉁이도 돌았지.” “거기에 있었어?” 두꺼비가 물었어요. “아니,” 개구리가 대답했습니다. “거기엔 축축한 진흙, 그리고 자기 꼬리를 잡으려고 애쓰는 도마뱀 한 마리 뿐이었어.” “굉장히 피곤했겠다,” 두꺼비가 말했습니다. “굉장히 피곤했지,” 개구리가 말했어요, “그리고 그때 비가 오기 시작했어.” “나는 집으로 돌아갔지. 집에 도착했을 때,” 개구리가 말을 이었습니다, “거기에 또 다른 모퉁이가 있었어. 바로 우리집 모퉁이었지.” “그래서 그 모퉁이를 돌아서 가봤어?”" 두꺼비가 물었어요. “그 모퉁이도 돌았어,” 개구리가 대답했습니다. “거기에는 뭐가 있었어?” 두꺼비가 또 물었습니다. “떠오르는 태양을 봤어,” 개구리가 말했어요. “나무에 앉아서 지저귀는 새들도 봤어. 우리 엄마랑 아빠가 정원에서 일하시는 것도 보았고. 정원에 피어난 꽃들도 보았지.” “봄을 찾았구나!” 두꺼비가 환호했습니다. “응,” 개구리가 말했어요. “정말로 행복했어. 봄이 숨어있는 모퉁이를 찾아냈으니까,” “개구리야,” 두꺼비가 입을 열었습니다. “네가 옳았어. 비가 그쳤네.” 개구리와 두꺼비는 서둘러 밖으로 나왔습니다.
“달콤하고 시원한 아이스크림 좀 먹었으면 좋겠다,” 개구리가 말했어요. “그거 좋은 생각이네,” 두꺼비가 대답했어요.
두꺼비는 가게에 갔습니다. 아이스크림 콘을 두 개 샀어요. 그리고 그 중 하나를 핥았습니다. “개구리는 쵸코렛을 제일 좋아하지,” 두꺼비가 혼잣말을 했어요, “나도 마찬가지고.” 두꺼비는 길을 따라 걸었습니다. 쵸코렛 아이스크림이 녹으면서, 굵직하고 부드러운 줄기를 이루어 두꺼비의 팔을 타고 흘러내렸어요 “아이스크림이 햇볕에 녹는군,” 두꺼비가 중얼거렸어요. 두꺼비는 걸음을 빨리 했어요.
아이스크림은 자꾸자꾸 녹아갔습니다.
“길이 어디지?” 두꺼비가 울부짖었습니다. “아무것도 보이질 않네!” 개구리가 두꺼비를 기다리며 연못가에 앉아있는데, 쥐가 지나갔습니다. “볼썽사나운 꼴을 봤어!” 쥐는 투덜거렸어요. “거대하고, 갈색이야!” “나뭇가지와 나뭇잎으로 뒤덮힌 뭔가가 이쪽으로 다가온다!” 다람쥐가 크게 외쳤어요. “뿔 달린 뭔가가 와요!” 토끼가 소리 질렀습니다. “죽고 싶지 않으면 도망쳐요!” “대체 뭔데 그러지?” 개구리가 물었어요. 개구리는 바위 뒤에 숨었습니다. 그리고 다가오는 물체를 보았어요. 그것은 거대했고, 갈색이었습니다. 나뭇가지와 나뭇잎으로 뒤덮여 있었습니다. 뿔도 두 개 달려있었습니다. “개구리야,” 그것이 울부짖었습니다. “어디에 있어?” “맙소사!” 개구리가 말했습니다. “저거 두꺼비잖아!” 두꺼비는 연못에 풍덩 빠졌습니다. 바닥까지 가라앉았다가 위로 떠올랐어요. “흥칫핏,” 두꺼비가 투덜거렸어요. “우리의 달콤하고 시원한 아이스크림이 몽땅 씻겨나가 버렸잖아.” “신경쓰지 마,” 개구리가 말했습니다. “내게 좋은 생각이 있어.” 개구리와 두꺼비는 재빨리 가게로 달려갔어요.
“두꺼비네 집에 가서 잔디밭에 떨어진 낙엽을 다 긁어모아줘야지. 두꺼비가 깜짝 놀랄 거야.” 개구리는 정원창고에서 갈퀴를 꺼냈어요.
그리고 벽장에서 갈퀴를 꺼냈어요.
개구리는 두꺼비의 눈에 띄지 않도록 숲을 가로질러 갔습니다. 두꺼비는 개구리의 눈에 띄지 않도록 높이 자란 풀 사이로 갔습니다. 개구리가 두꺼비네 집에 도착했습니다. 그리고 창 안을 들여다 보았어요. “잘됐다,” 개구리가 혼잣말을 했습니다. “두꺼비가 외출했네. 누가 낙엽을 치웠는지 절대 알 수 없을걸.” 두꺼비도 개구리네 집에 도착했습니다. 그리고 창 안을 들여다 보았어요.
개구리는 열심히 일했습니다. 낙엽을 잘 긁어모아 무더기로 쌓았지요.
두꺼비는 갈퀴를 밀고당기며 일했습니다. 낙엽을 잘 긁어모아 무더기로 쌓았지요.
바람이 불었습니다. 땅 위를 쓸고 지나가는 바람이 불었습니다.
개구리는 집에 도착해서 말했어요.
두꺼비도 집에 도착해서 말했어요. “내일은 팔 걷어붙이고 우리집 낙엽을 치워야지. 개구리는 얼마나 깜짝 놀랐을까!” 그날 밤, 불을 끄고 잠자리에 들면서, 개구리와 두꺼비는 둘 다 무척 행복했답니다. |