Northrop Grumman has won a U.S. Navy contract worth approximately $3.5 billion to provide mission-systems integration support for E-130J, the service branch’s new nuclear command, control and communications aircraft.
The Navy said Wednesday E-130J will replace the E-6B Mercury aircraft in performing the take charge and move out, or TACAMO, mission.
“Our TACAMO mission is foundational to our nation’s nuclear Triad,” stated Carlos Del Toro, secretary of the Navy and a two-time Wash100 awardee. “The E-130J will carry on the proud legacy of Navy TACAMO aircraft and keep our nation safe.”
The Department of Defense said Naval Air Systems Command received two offers for the cost-plus-incentive-fee contract and expects work to occur in Florida, Georgia, Texas and other locations within the continental U.S. through December 2034.
Northrop will serve as the prime contractor, while Collins Aerospace and Lockheed Martin will act as subcontractors to support airworthiness and integration work.
Contract Scope
The contract covers the production of three engineering development models, or EDMs, and includes options for up to three system demonstration test articles and up to six aircraft in the first production lot.
Northrop will integrate TACAMO mission systems, including Collins Aerospace’s very low frequency system, into government-furnished, Lockheed-built C-130J-30 aircraft.
According to DOD, the contract includes the development and procurement of training courseware and devices, integration laboratories, product support and initial spares and testing and delivery of three EDM aircraft.
In addition to Lockheed and Collins, the Northrop-led E-130J TACAMO industry team includes RTX business Raytheon, Crescent Systems and Long Wave.
What Is E-130J?
E-130J is part of the U.S. nuclear modernization program and is designed to maintain communications between U.S. decision-makers and the triad of nuclear weapon delivery systems even in the absence of ground-based communications.
Northrop said it has invested more than $1 billion in manufacturing and digital engineering capabilities associated with the E-130J program.
첫댓글 보잉 707을 C-130으로 바꾸네요.
707에 비하면 장시간 체공능력이 떨어질 것 같았는데 올 4월에 본토에서 괌까지 (하와이에서 연료 싣고) 26시간 33분 비행했다는 기사가 있네요. 장시간 체공능력은 문제없을 것 같습니다. 여객기보다 시끄럽긴 하겠습니다만..
"During the operation, one C-130J Super Hercules from the 40th Airlift Squadron embarked on a remarkable 26-hour and 33-minute single-aircraft mission to Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, with only one fuel stop in Hawaii, demonstrating the C-130J’s ability to operate for extended periods without stopping. "
707 계열기체는 767 혹은 737 계열로 대체되나 했었는데 의외로 C-130J가 기반 기체가 대체하는군요.
737은 워낙 얘기가 많고, 767도 애매모호한 기체가 되어서, 어쩔 수 없었던 건가 싶습니다.
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