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카페 게시글
한국에 관년된 기사 From The New York Times S. Korean State Visit Highlights Bond Between 2 Leaders
김재균22 추천 0 조회 37 11.10.13 18:21 댓글 12
게시글 본문내용
  • 작성자 11.10.13 18:47

    첫댓글 comments of above an article from the NY Times's readers.

  • 작성자 11.10.13 18:47

    How many American jobs are we going give the South Koreans today to keep that bond strong?

  • 작성자 11.10.13 18:48

    On the bright side of the education issue is that South Korea still must send their students to an American college or university to obtain a quality secondary education. The Koreans like many Asian people instill the value of education in their children as part of their culture.

  • 작성자 11.10.13 18:49

    Obama has no idea his is being played. I wonder if Obama is aware of Hyundai Heavy Industries and their ownership of Hyundai and Kia. These companies were heavily subsidized by his Cash for Clunkers debacle. US citizens paid to allow Hyundai to become one of the biggest sellers of vehicles in America.

    Lee realizes Obama is ignorant about business and is taking full advantage. Hey, Obama, how are GM vehicles selling in Korea?

  • 작성자 11.10.13 18:49

    I'm sure we'll hear the usual tosh about a "special bond" between these two countries. If I was given 100's of millions dollars a year to host 10's of thousands of troops, then I too would have a "special bond". We can't help our folks, but we can pad the pockets of foreign pols. This sad country is totally broke and broken.

  • 작성자 11.10.13 18:50

    Yeah, the American textile industry is toast, but it was inevitable. That industry (actually all industries) actually needs to fear China, not Korea.
    In return, American beef, insurance, medical-related, pharmaceutical, car, and agriculture export should dramatically increase.

  • 작성자 11.10.13 18:50

    What else will Obama give away to another foreign leader in his on going effort to apologize for America? Heaven help us for the next 15 months until this disaster of a president is kicked out of office.

  • 작성자 11.10.13 18:51

    Obama's presidency has been mostly a failure but this is a small bright spot. Strong ties with S. Korea are strategically crucial. Also, the other commentors are forgetting the thousands of jobs created and sustained in the US when Kia built a $1 Billion plant in Georgia (2009). Encouraging direct investment from healthy foreign companies like Kia may be a better strategy than pouring money into domestic companies like GM. As much as I love American and American companies we got here by working hard, not by begging for government handouts

  • 작성자 11.10.13 18:51

    What occupied country are you talking about? Do you think SKoreans would rather be living under the likes of Kim of North Korea?

    With neighbors like China/North Korea, the price of some foreign military on own soil is price Koreans are willing to pay. And I hear the Europeans feel the same way, with the neighbor like Russians (or Soviets).

  • 작성자 11.10.13 18:52

    Korea, soooo many years since I served...

    We need to move on and leave them to become what they will... The United States has too many Military Bases and Embassy Spy Shops in too many nations in the world...

    Our Political Leadership has become a warren of liars...

    That needs to change.

  • 작성자 11.10.13 18:53

    I am surely pleased they discussed how to raise their children, both perhaps in private schools rather than how to govern. And most surely the accomplishments in Korea that Mr Obma admires might have been done here had he made an effort. (I get very slow internet here in my house in AK.)

    Korea seems strong both in industry and population. Time to bring our troops home and let the Koreans serve as their own saviors from the impoverished North. But will Nobama do anything like?

  • 작성자 11.10.13 18:54

    Korea has a great culture that is experiencing a shining moment that bodes well for the region. They are an example of modernity, justice, transparency for the region. They are not perfect -- and we are not perfect -- but both countries gain from a stable friendship. They are a tech leader, manufacturing leader, and a great developer of scientists and thinkers of all sorts. Plus, they need our friendship.
