1. 척추와 하지를 연결하여 움직이게 하는 최초의 근육
2. 대요근은 추간판과 요추 횡돌기에 부착하므로 허리디스크, 후관절 증후군때 거의 항상 통증
3. iliopectineal bursa 점액낭염
4. 고관절 굴곡, 외회전 근육
5. 장요근 tightness - 토마스 검사. 그래서 스트레칭이 주로 필요한 근육.
6. 장골근(iliacus)과 요방형근은 장력적으로 연결되어 있음.
7. 소요근(psoas minor)과 치골근은 장력적으로 연결되어 있음.
The psoas major (// or //) is a long fusiform muscle located on the side of the lumbar region of the vertebral column and brim of the lesser pelvis. It joins theiliacus muscle to form the iliopsoas.
The psoas major is divided into a superficial and deep part. The deep part originates from the transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae I-V. The superficial part originates from the lateral surfaces of the last thoracic vertebra, lumbar vertebrae I-IV, and from neighboring invertebral discs. The lumbar plexus lies between the two layers.[1]
- 대요근은 천층, 심층 두개의 부분으로 나뉨
- 심층 대요근은 요추 1-5번 횡돌기에서 기시
- 천층 대요근은 흉추 12번, 요추 1-5번 척추와 인접한 추간판에서 기시함.
It is joined by the iliacus, psoas major forms the iliopsoas which is surrounded by the iliac fascia. The iliopsoas runs across the iliopubic eminence through the muscular lacunato its insertion on the lesser trochanter of the femur. The iliopectineal bursa separates the tendon from the iliopsoas muscle from the external surface of the hip joint capsule at the level of the iliopubic eminence.[2] The iliac subtendinous bursa lies between the lesser trochanter and the attachment of the iliopsoas.[1]
- 장골근과 대요근은 장요근을 이루고, 장골근막( iliac fascia)으로 둘러싸있음.
- 장요근은 소전자에 부착함.
- 고관절낭의 외측표면 앞에 장골치골점액낭이 있음.
Innervation of the psoas major is through the anterior rami of L1 to L4.
In less than 50 percent of human subjects,[1] the psoas major is accompanied by the psoas minor.
In animals[edit]
In mice, it is mostly a fast-twitching, type II muscle,[3] while in human it combines slow and fast-twitching fibers.[4]
As part of the iliopsoas, psoas major contributes to flexion and external rotation in the hip joint. On the lumbar spine, unilateral contraction bends the trunk laterally, while bilateral contraction raises the trunk from its supine position.[5] It forms part of a group of muscles called the hip flexors, whose action is primarily to lift the upper leg towards the body when the body is fixed or to pull the body towards the leg when the leg is fixed. For example, when doing a situp that brings the torso (including the lower back) away from the ground and towards the front of the leg, the hip flexors (including the iliopsoas) will flex the spine upon the pelvis. Owing to the frontal attachment on the vertebrae, rotation of the spine will stretch the psoas.
Clinical significance[edit]
Tightness of the psoas can result in lower back pain by compressing the lumbar discs.[6]
- 요근의 단단함은 척추디스크 압박에 의한 요통을 야기함.
- 장골근과 요방형근은 장력적으로 연결되어 있음.
- 요방형근과 중둔근은?????
The iliacus arises from the iliac fossa on the interior side of the hip bone, and also from the region of the anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS). It joins the psoas major to form the Iliopsoas as which it proceeds across the iliopubic eminence through themuscular lacuna to its insertion on the lesser trochanter of the femur. Its fibers are often inserted in front of those of the psoas major and extends distally over the lesser trochanter. [1]
The iliopsoas is innervated by the femoral nerve and direct branches from the lumbar plexus.[2]
In open-chain movements, as part of the iliopsoas, the iliacus is important for lifting (flexing) the femur forward. In closed-chain movements, the iliopsoas bends the trunk forward and can lift the trunk from a lying posture (i.e. sit-ups) because the psoas major crosses several vertebral joints and the sacroiliac joint. From its origin in the lesser pelvis the iliacus acts exclusively on the hip joint.[1]
장요근 Trp 탐구
- 치골근과 장력적으로 연결되어 있는 소요근
The psoas minor is a weak flexor of the lumbar vertebral column.
Psoas minor originates from the vertical fascicles inserted on the lastthoracic and first lumbar vertebrae. From there, it passes down onto the medial border of the psoas major, and is inserted to the innominate line and the iliopectineal eminence. Additionally, it attaches to and stretches the deep surface of the iliac fascia and, occasionally, its lowermost fibers reach theinguinal ligament.[3] Variations occur, however, and the insertion on the iliopubic eminence sometimes radiates into the iliopectineal arch.[4]
장요근 스트레칭
첫댓글 읽기 요근(대요근, 소요근, 장골근) 감사합니다.
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우연히 알게되어 오늘 가입한 사람입니다.
제가 오랫동안 마땅한 원인도 모르고 허리 및 골반통증으로 고생을 해오면서 거의 포기상태로 살고 있었는데..ㅠㅠ
오늘에서야 비로써 여기를 통해 요근이 문제라는걸 알았습니다.
아픈부위와 관련부위 기능이 딱 들어맞습니다. 이런 자료를 올려주셔서 정말 뭐라고 감사를 드려야 할지 모르겠습니다.ㅠ
일단 원인을 알았으니... 나을수 있다는 희망을 갖고 치료를 해보려고 합니다.
문형철 원장님 다시한번 감사드립니다.ㅠ 꾸벅~
그렇군요.. 먼저 장요근 스트레칭을 2-3주 해보세요.
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