우크라이나가 드론 요격을 포함한 방공임무에 지향성 에너지 무기를 운용하고 있다고 우크라이나군 무인시스템군 사령관 바딤 수카레프스키가 라디오 스보보다와의 인터뷰에서 밝혔네요. 그는 앞서 'Tryzub'라고 알려진 자국산 지향성 에너지 무기를 보유하고 있고, 이 무기가 2km 이상의 고도에서 표적을 격추할 수 있다고 밝혔었다고 합니다.
Ukraine confirms use of laser weapons
Ukraine confirms use of laser weapons
ByDylan Malyasov
Feb 4, 2025
Modified date: Feb 4, 2025
Photo by Alejandro Fernandez
Ukraine has begun deploying laser weapons against Russian forces, with the technology already striking enemy targets, according to Vadym Sukharevskyi, Commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine’s Unmanned Systems Forces.
In an interview with Radio Svoboda, Sukharevskyi confirmed that Ukraine’s defense sector is actively engaged in research and development (R&D) projects aimed at advancing innovative military technologies. One key focus has been countering enemy aircraft and unmanned aerial systems (UAS), including Iranian-made Shahed drones.
“I will repeat: laser technologies are already striking certain targets at certain altitudes,” Sukharevskyi stated.
Ukraine has been working on directed-energy weapons as part of its broader efforts to strengthen air defense and counter drone threats. Sukharevskyi emphasized that the introduction of specialized teams dedicated to tackling these challenges has been a critical step in adapting to modern warfare.
Earlier, the commander had revealed that Ukraine possesses an indigenous laser weapon system known as ‘Tryzub’. This system is reportedly capable of downing enemy aircraft at altitudes exceeding two kilometers.
The increasing use of drones in combat, particularly by Russian forces employing Shahed kamikaze drones, has pushed Ukraine to develop and deploy countermeasures beyond conventional air defense systems. Laser technology is emerging as a potential game-changer in this domain, offering a cost-effective and precise means of neutralizing airborne threats.
Sukharevskyi did not disclose specific details regarding the operational deployment or effectiveness of the laser weapons but emphasized that Ukraine is actively investing in next-generation defense technologies to enhance battlefield capabilities.
As Ukraine continues to innovate, its deployment of laser weapons marks a notable shift in modern combat tactics.
While the full impact of Ukraine’s laser weapon program remains to be seen, its successful integration into defense operations could set a precedent for future military applications of directed-energy systems.
첫댓글 도시의 전력망에 바로 붙이면 되는 후방에 있는 것인지, 아니면 디젤 발전기를 끌고 다녀야 하는 전방에 있는 것인지 궁금하네요.
https://cafe.daum.net/NTDS/5q1/902 , https://www.ukrainianworldcongress.org/testing-begins-of-ukraines-homegrown-tryzub-laser-weapon/
2024년 12월 20일 테스트를 시작했다는 기사에선 저 무기가 미국산 LaWS (50kW)와 영국 드래곤파이어 (55kW)와 비슷한 수준이라고 하니 후자인 것 같습니다. IIndia Today Global이란 곳에서 올린 유튜브도 있는데 이 녀석은 출처가 의심스럽기도 하고, 진짜 저 무기의 사진인지 대충 아무 레이저 무기 사진이나 짜집기한 건지 의심스럽긴 하네요.
@위종민 "The Tryzub combat laser, based on its announced specifications, is comparable to the U.S.-made LaWS and the British DragonFire, according to the Defense Express publication.
“For instance, the effective range of the American AN/SEQ-3 (LaWS) combat laser is reported to be 1.6 kilometers with a power output of up to 50 kilowatts,” the article says. “The British DragonFire also has a similar power of 55 kilowatts, and there were plans to send it to Ukraine for testing.”