이르쿠츠크의 공장에서 Yak-130M 3대가 조립중인데 이 기체들은 아시아태평양 지역에 판매될 예정이라고 합니다. 업체는 현 시장 수요를 40대 가량으로 추산하네요.
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Russia to Pitch Yak-130M to Asia and Offer Modernization of Existing Fleets - Asian Military Review
Russia to Pitch Yak-130M to Asia and Offer Modernization of Existing Fleets
Asian Military Review
February 21, 2025
Yak-130M combat jet
The first three advanced Yak-130M combat jets are already at the assembly stage at the aircraft plant in Irkutsk, announced its developer Yakovlev, a UAC’s company. Yak-130M is a deep modernization of Yak-130 combat-training jet, intended to expand its combat capabilities and turn it into a full-fledged light fighter jet, while maintaining training functions. Russia is to pitch the brand-new aircraft to the Asia-Pacific region.
“Currently, three prototypes are being manufactured, and systems and units are being installed. The time frame for the first flight will be determined based on the results of the completion of the first prototype and ground testing of the aircraft,” said the developer to RIA Novosti news agency.
The two-seat Yak-130M had its public premiere at the ARMY-2024 expo. As it was explained during the show, the ideas embodied in the upgraded machine significantly expand armament payload compared to the basic Yak-130 version and increase its competitiveness on the foreign market. The jet is to be effective both against ground and air targets, to possess electronic countermeasures capabilities.
Meanwhile on the eve of the Aero India 2025 airshow Rosoboronexport CEO Alexander Mikheev said, that the relevant consultations were already underway with several countries in the Asia-Pacific region and Africa.
“We are currently holding consultations on its supply with several countries in the Asia-Pacific region and Africa. According to our estimates, the demand capacity for the new Yak-130M on the market is about 40 units. In addition, a number of countries want to modernize their existing Yak-130 trainers. Potential customer countries include all operators of Russian military aviation equipment,” Mikheev told RIA Novosti.
Key differences from basic Yak-130: upgraded on-board equipment, expanded range of aerial weapons, and installation of airborne system, on-board communications unit, defense suite and optical locator.
Yak-130M combat jet
“In Russia, the Yak-130 is used by the Aerospace Forces for the final training of future pilots before they transfer to serious combat aircraft in combat aviation units, as well as to maintain the skills of flight personnel. At the same time, the Yak-130 has proven to be in demand among foreign customers for combat operations. This modernization is aimed at expanding the combat capabilities of the machine. For 2025, we have planned to test the Yak-130M,” said earlier Roman Taskaev, Honored test pilot of Russia, Director of flight tests at Yakovlev.
According to him, from the first contract, foreign customers asked to install a radar on the Yak-130.
“Some countries participate in a local conflict, some fight drug trafficking. Therefore, we took the path of increasing combat capabilities,” Taskaev said.
He recalled that earlier, the basic modification of the Yak-130 had set several world records among aircraft of this class during aerobatic demonstrations: for rate of climb, speed and altitude.
Yakovlev Yak-130 - Wikipedia
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