A Canadian way of life for Korean couple
Think about immigration. Many Asia people come to Canada to immigrate. This is a story of immigration Korean couple.
He worked for the U.S. Army in Korea. Despite his advanced English language skills, He realized that it was really more difficult to adapt to living in Canada without any certain future and money.
They did not have enough money, so they lived in a basement apartment. He took part-time jobs like washing dishes and driving a shuttle bus at a hotel.
He often worked overtime. But perhaps the toughest part of it was facing discrimination on the job. There were two rooms for having lunch. One was for Canadians; the other was for Asians like him.
One year later, when he had saved enough money, he opened his own grocery store in Toronto. The store was going well, because all of the big markets did not open all weekend whereas we opened everyday.
When inflation soared in Canada, he closed the store and they moves to Vancouver. Became Canadian citizens and bought a new car and a home. “The most important thing is they are acting and thinking like Canadians.”
1. How did this article make you feel about the immigration?
2. Have you ever tried (or thought) to immigrate?
3. Have you seen immigration person? Seems how? There are Happy or not?
4. Where do you want to immigrate? (Which country would U prefer to immigrate), and how come?
5. If emigration into other country of you, what kind of job do you want to get?
6. Do you think that a Korean work very hard?
7. What is your opinion of the illegal immigration?
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이번주는 이렇게 토픽을 올리고 일이 생겨 못갈꺼 같네요...
아무쪼록 즐거운 시간 가지세요~
다음에 꼭 갈께요...
A Canadian way of life for Korean couple.doc
첫댓글 Thank you for your topic. I sometimes hope to live abroad.^^
i hope so too.^^
i have a question.do i have to study this topic too? I though we have one topic in a week;;
i think you should bring both topic.
Yeah, we have to study two topics.^^;; I haven't fixed the notice. I will do.^^ Sorry!
what is topic weekend??? dream ?? immigration???
Both of them!! ^^
Thanks a lot for your topic~^^*
We are dealing with two topic in a week. Therefore, we are going to talk both Drama and Immigration. By the way, I have been thinking about immigration.
토픽 고맙습니다. 파일 올려주는 센스~
thanx a lot bro~^^