5. 贊德
是諸菩薩 所行 淸淨 廣大如海 得智慧光 照普門法 隨順諸佛 所行無碍 能入一切辯才法海 得不思議解脫法門 住於如來普門之地 已得一切陀羅尼門 悉能容受一切法海
이 모든 보살들은 수행한 바가 청정하여 넓고 크기가 바다와 같았습니다. 지혜의 빛을 얻어서 보문법을 비추며, 모든 부처님을 수순해서 행이 걸림이 없으며, 온갖 변재로 법의 바다에 능히 들어갔습니다. 불가사의한 해탈법문을 얻었으며, 여래의 넓은 문의 지위에 머물며, 이미 모든 다라니문을 얻어서 일체 법의 바다를 다 수용하였습니다.
The spheres of actions of these enlightening beings were pure and vast as the sea. They had attained the state of universality of illumination of knowledge and wisdom. Following the Buddhas, they were unhindered in their actions. they were able to enter the ocean of all principles of discernment and elucidation, and had mastered the teaching of inconceivable liberation. They dwelt in the state of all-sidedness of the Buddhas. They had already mastered all techniques of concentration formulae, and were able to contain the ocean of all the teachings.
of these enlightening beings; 이 모든 보살들은
The spheres of actions were pure
; 수행한 바가 청정하여
vast as the sea; 넓고 크기가 바다와 같았습니다
of illumination of knowledge and wisdom
; 지혜의 빛을 얻어
They had attained the state of universality
; 보문법을 비추며
Following the Buddhas; 모든 부처님을 수순해서
they were unhindered in their actions
; 행이 걸림이 없으며
all principles of discernment and elucidation
; 온갖 변재로
they were able to enter the ocean of
; 법의 바다에 능히 들어갔습니다
of inconceivable liberation; 불가사의한 해탈
had mastered the teaching; 법문을 얻었으며
of all-sidedness of the Buddhas
; 여래의 넓은 문의
They dwelt in the state; 지위에 머물며
They had already mastered; 이미 얻어서
all techniques of concentration formulae
; 모든 다라니문을
the ocean of all the teachings; 일체 법의 바다를
and were able to contain; 다 수용하였습니다
첫댓글 나무대방광불화엄경 나무대방광불화엄경 나무대방광불화엄경 _()()()_