velvet 도메인을 팝니다.
velvet 도메인은 귀사 에서 사용하시기 좋은 도메인
( ) & ( )
도메인을 소유하고 있읍니다.
velvet 은 부드럽다는 뜻 외에 여러가지 좋은뜻을 가진 단어
(비격식) 호강스러운
신분, 마음껏 사치할
수 있는 처지.
(미·속어) 로 도박(투기)로 번돈 또는 상금, 상품, 순이익등의 뜻이
현재 사용하고 계신 도메인의 홈피에 추가로 ( 포워딩 무료서비스
)를 받아 자동연결 하여 사용하시면
두개의 도메인을 함께 사용해 편리성을 더할수
미국인이 소유하고 있는 의 경우 상당히
비싼가격을 요구 합니다.
* 도메인을 쓴 홈피에 실린글입니다 참고 하십시요. is not for sale
We get inquiries about this every couple of weeks. The domain is
not for sale at any remotely sane price.
We know that appears "underutilized" or "underdeveloped" to people
who think of domains primarily as promotional devices for public Web sites. We
don't think that way, we have other uses for the domain, we are happy with those
uses, and we don't want to sell.
Yes, if offered enough money, we would probably bend on this.
However, nobody is going to offer us that much money, because it's far, far more
than the market value of the domain, and far, far more than any buyer would ever
recover from any business use of the domain. At present, the minimum it would
take to get us to part with the domain is $250,000.00 US. If that price goes
down, we'll post it here, but don't hold your breath.
So, unless you're a rich lunatic who wants to throw away money, please don't
bug us about it.