adjective (INTO GROUP)
relating to or causing assimilation (= the process of becoming a part, or making someone become a part of a group, country, etc.):
They resisted strong assimilative pressures from the society in which they were living.
We need a language policy that is not assimilative in outlook.
The children faced assimilative pressures from their teachers and classmates.
This country has strong assimilative pressures, and we need to think about how this affects young immigrants.
assimilative adjective (ABSORBENT)
relating to, causing, or allowing assimilation (= the process of absorbing something), especially into a living organism:
There is no requirement for nearby rivers and seas to have assimilative capacity for their waste water.
The outside layer of the plant has a protective and assimilative character.
Assimilation integration
흡수(동화) 통합
the rapid assimilation of new ideas
새로운 사상들의 신속한 흡수
noun [U] (INTO GROUP)
the process of becoming a part, or making someone become a part, of a group, country, society, etc.:
The assimilation of ethnic Germans in the US was accelerated by the two world wars.
This issue of Journal of Psychotherapy Integration includes a set of articles that explore and apply the concept of assimilative integration. They do so from different theoretical perspectives, including psychodynamic, cognitive–behavioral, family systems, and Yogic/Buddhist, as well as from broad conceptual standpoints. The articles are followed by 3 commentaries that offer an appreciation and critique of assimilative integration and recommendations for its further development.
the process of absorbing food into the tissue of a living organism:
Poor assimilation of vitamins and nutrients can cause health problems.
noun [U] (OF SOUNDS)
phonetics specialized
the fact of a speech sound being influenced by the sound that comes before or after it
noun [ U ]
the process of becoming similar to others by taking in and using their customs and culture:
The assimilation of immigrants into American culture has been a constant feature of US history.
The word "assimilation" comes from the Latin word assimilationem, which means "likeness" or "similarity".
Origin of the word
Assimilationem* is a noun of action from the past-participle stem of assimilare, which means "to make like".
Assimilātus is a variant of the Latin word assimulātus, which means "made similar, imitated".
Assimulātus comes from ad + simulō, which means "imitate, copy".
Simulō comes from similis, which means "like, similar".
Similis comes from the Proto-Indo-European word sem-, which means "together, one".
Uses of the word
The word "assimilation" has multiple meanings:
The process of becoming alike or identical
The conversion of nutrients into living tissue
The absorption of new ideas into existing knowledge
The process by which a speech sound becomes similar or identical to a neighboring sound
The earliest known use of the noun "assimilation" was in the early 1600s.