시드니본사 Gina입니다
The soon-to-be privatised company has announced that trading services
will be available on Saturdays starting this Christmas.
All post offices will be open on the weekend and parcels, letters including
Express post will also be delivered on Saturdays.
Ahmed Fahour, the managing director and CEO of Australia Post said the enterprise
could lose up to $1 billion a year if changes are not implemented.

John Stanhope, the Chairman of the company has flagged the increase cost for
users to maintain the delivery last Friday.
The 10 cents increase in the price of stamps are expected to boot the revenue
by $100 million this year but will only be used to make up for the loss amount from last year.
In 2013 Australia Post lost $218 million from regulated mail and delivery services.
Mr Fahour warned last week that that the enterprise could lose
up to $350 million by the coming financial year.

Sydney Morning Herald report on Monday said the National Commission of Audit listed
Australia Post as one of the enterprises that should be privatised.
The Abbott government is also to announce the privatisation of the enterprise anytime soon.
However regardless of whether the enterprise is to become privatised or not,
Australia Post should consider its optimum method to leverage its revenue without further loss.
KeunNyoung Ko / k.ko@hojudonga.com
* 해당기사는 호주동아일보에서 발취했습니다.

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