나이로비 시민들 중에는 이봉주를 아는 사람이 꽤 있다. 케냐의 마라토너들이 1991년부터 2000년까지 보스턴 마라톤을 석권해왔는데, 2001년 한국의 이봉주가 그 연승 기록을 깼기 때문이다. 이후 2009년까지도 케냐는 이 대회에서 단 두 차례를 빼고는 모두 우승자를 배출했다. 마라톤을 비롯한 남자 육상 중장거리 부문에서 케냐 선수들은 압도적인 실력을 보여주고 있다. 작은 키에 긴 다리를 지닌 선천적 조건과 해발 2,000m의 고지대에서 생활하면서 얻은 강인한 심폐력이 큰 도움이 되었다고 한다. 거기에 어린 시절부터 맨발로 고지대를 뛰어다닌 생활 역시 적지 않은 영향을 주었으리라.
나이로비에서는 매년 '지상 최고의 레이스(The Greatest Race on Earth)'의 일환으로 마라톤이 펼쳐진다. 이 레이스는 영국계 은행 스탠다드차타드가 세계에서 가장 산소가 적은 도시, 가장 더운 도시, 가장 습도 높은 도시, 가장 복잡한 도시로 나이로비, 뭄바이, 싱가포르, 홍콩을 선정해서 벌이는 4인 1조의 국가 단위 경기다. 1,700m의 고지대, 극심한 공해, 울퉁불퉁한 도로 등의 조건 때문에 완주 자체가 영예라는 나이로비 마라톤은 응야요 스타디움(Nyayo Stadium)에서 출발한다.
첫댓글 Africa is a very poor continent. Even though we can live without thinking of them, we are the same human beings,
we need to help them. People in Africa live with fearness everyday. Nairobi is some like good, but it is not enough.
Europeans and the West people made Africans like that. So I thnk it is time to give back to them.
I can't understand why Africa is so poor. after I read this article,Nairobi makes a lot of greatest people. however I want to know why they are so poor so I asked my mother. so she said there are a lot of civil wars. I think civilwars make the world poor. if Africa coutries work for themselves without civil. they can help economy of the world
After read this article, I had some interest to Nairobi so I looked up the Nairobi.
I was surprised. It is because, Nairobi is not the poor country as the article said.
Rather than, Nairobi is better than Seoul in a way.
In Nairobi, there are some skyscrapers,big malls,clubs and free wi-fi.
I think Nairobi is distant from the wild.
I think Africa is very disodered but there is not polluted because people didn't develop thereb and there is very wild place because there is many animal such as lion but because of it there is very dangerous for people. I think we have not to develop there because Africa is only one place that dont develop so we have to keep there
I think Nairobi has many problems and advantage.And we must help them to fix their problems such as polluted water or dirty house etc. But also we have to learn their advantage.so we have to mutual with Africa. When Nairobi become very good country.
I think that Africa should think more their nations'health before to think about other things.And I can't understand that there are people who long for Africa.Africa is too poor,difficult to live and has water shortages. That is why I can't understand that. Anyway I hope Africa has been developed country.
Many people said Africa is just poor and dirty country. But I think it is not.
Because Africa can develop like Nairobi when they effort. I wish that there aren't African suffering
by poor, and wealthy country help Africa.
A lot of people think Africa is just poor country. But Africa has some adventages. Did you watch the marathon? In that game, most of winners are Kenyan because Kenya is the hilly sections. And africa has so many dangerous and difficulty that Africans have strong spirit.
most people think Africa is the poorest and lowest continent in the world but it is not true First there are a lot of mineral in the Africa so if they use it well they can be rich ans second in 2010 world cup was held in Africa this world cup finished very successfully so they showed they also can do ans third USA president ,오바마,is Afican he also showed African'spirit
Before I read this article, I have been thought Africa is a very poor country and I have ignored Africa. However, after I read this article, I noticed that Africa is not a poor country anymore and Africa has their culture. Also, Africa is developing their quality more and more and then they realized dreams like worldcup, and the first prize at maraton. We shouldn't ignore Africa anymore. It is because the world now expects Africa's development.
I ignored Africa , before I read this article.Because their country is so poor.
But after i read this article, i knew we can not ignore them.
Africa has a lot of resources. So people can be rich if they work hard. But they can't, due to their government. We shouldn't ignore Africa, but their government.
Although the ground is too hot, they'll live hard if there is a peace. But their government's bad behavior made their country's civil war. So I hate Africa government.
A few days ago, I read a story about Africa. The story showed that Africa is not that poor country. Africa has its own method for farming, they sell slaves voluntarily and they even teach the method to Europeans. They also sell something abroad. So I think Africa can ce developed if the government worry about people.
I think that Africa has many possibilities.Therefore Africa is a wonderful continent but most people Africa is very dirty and poor continent.I think most people have preconception about Africa.So I want to go to Africa and I believe that Africa will be an advanced country
I don't know that indiana johns is real person. i think that he is just person in the movie so i know that he is real person, and i think that we must help africa country because they are dangerous and poor. so i think that we must help africa and keep natural people, animals.
I think that Africa has many possibilities.However the government is very bad so Africa can't be a rich country. So if they are work vvery hard, they can be a rich country
Before reading this article, I thought africa is just poor and dirty. but I didn't know africa has a good environment and each characteristic landscape. Africa has everything has to be like building, railway in the city. I want to visit the africa before i die.
Before I read this article, I did't have attenion to Africa, and I thought it is very poor country. Unlike my thought, it has its own culture, and the city called "나이로비" has many resources. After I read this article, I could see the effort of Afriancans to make its country rich, so i was inspired of them.
I don't know about Nairobi, but now I know there are many story about Nairobi. I think 6th story is very interest to me.
And then I know why Kenya is good at marathon.
I think treetops hotel is an interesting story because like a magic, after Elizabeth climb the treetops hotel, she became a Queen.I guess it might be a miracle of Kanya.
I think the reason why Africa can't be a rich nevertheless a lot of reasources is that resources belong foreigners.
So we have to help them.It's not difficult to help them.Just send a text massage to #2004!!Then its donation!!(We donate \2000)
Before I dye, I wil must go to africa continent once. However I just decided to go to africa, butI knew about africa's tourist attraction and history. I could knew about any bit of them.
A wild land, a beautiful flower of the civilization bloomed in Africa.
We tends to think that Africa is just an undeveloped country as a prejudice.
However now, I know this so glittering Nairobi like jewels.
Even though nobody have paid attention to Nairobi, it have passed everyday keeping a shiny pearl inside of it.
'Indiana Jones' and 'Out of Africa' show how beautiful Nairobi is.
Although Nairobi, a base for the western pioneers, got hurt, it have been a harder jewel going through that process.
Only the people who discovered that jewel can discribe real Nairobi.
And from it, a person who loves nature like Jane Goodal can grow.
And from it, a person who becomes strong by nature like many Kenya marothoners can grow.
Through only these, we can feel a brilliancy of Nairobi.
I relized that we should shout the brilliancy to the world.
After I read this article,I think I want to go to Niroby of africa.Before I read this article, I just want to look around of Africa, but now I want to visit here and there of Africa.Now I think there are many interesting things in Africa.If I grow up and I have enough time to travel the world, I will go Africa to visit treetops lodge.
I wanted to go Kenya if I could because it's the animal kingdom and I could see the nice natural scenery and feel the nature indeed. After reading this article, I could know about Kenya in detail.
Kenya was a very wild country and I looked up the data about Niroby. It said Niroby is simillar to Seoul in Korea.
I didn't know the country in Africa had such a development.
위니 죄송해요 방금집에왓어요ㅠㅠ. I think Kenya has many ups and downs situation because there was a big accident and many famous people went there . Also Kenya have been famous but there was a tragedy so I think it is very regretful.