우리나라 음식 영어표기법
좀 신기하네요^^ 참고하세요~
★ 밥 종류 = Rice dishes...
콩나물밥 = Bean sprouts over rice
떡볶이 = Spicy ricencake strings
(김치) 볶음밥 = (Kimchi) Fried rice
비빔밥 = Rice mixed with meat, seasoned vegetables and egg
김밥 = Korean roll
★ 죽 종류 = Porridge dishes...
닭죽 = Chicken porridge
잣죽 = Pine nut porridge
호박죽 = Pumpkin porridge
야채죽 = Vegetable porridge
국수 = Bean noodles
짜장면(자장면) = Chinese style noodles
잡채 = Glass noodle stir fry
소바,모밀국수 = Japanese style buckwheat noodles
장국수 = Market noodles
냉면 = Cold buckwheat noodles
★ 반찬 = Side dishes
멸치 볶음 = Anchovy stir fry
양념두부 = Boiled tofu with seasoning
골파전,부추전 = Scallion pancake
계란말이 = Folded egg
군만두 = Fried dumplings
녹두묵 = Mung bean cake
마늘 짱아찌 = Pickled garlic
감자부침 = Pan fried potato cake
(양념한)도토리묵 = Seasoned acorn jelly
콩나물 무침 = Seasoned bean sprouts
시금치 무침 = Seasoned spinach
계란찜 = Steamed egg
두부(양념)튀김 = Fried tofu cake
주키니(호박의 한종류) = Fried zucchini
배추김치 = Cabbage kimchi
무우김치 = Redish Kimchi
김치참치찌게 = Kimchi tuna soup
김치두부 전 = Fried kimchi and tofu cake
김치부침 = Kimchi stir fry
두부김치 = Tofu kimchi
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