The title is "Living Dinosaurs."
After I read this book, I found it very interesting.
And I know how to died to dinosaurs from asteroid I learned that dinosaurs died because of an asteroid impact.
But bird survive beginning hitting the earth But birds survived after the asteroid hit the Earth.
The bird use beak and eat food Birds use their beaks to eat food.
Score: B+
문법과 표현:
- "After I read this book is interesting" → "After I read this book, I found it very interesting."
- "how to died to dinosaurs from asteroid" → "that dinosaurs died because of an asteroid impact."
- "bird survive beginning hitting the earth" → "birds survived after the asteroid hit the Earth."
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- 새들이 어떻게 진화하여 살아남았는지에 대한 더 구체적인 설명을 추가하면 좋습니다.
- 멸종 사건과 새들이 생존한 이유에 대한 내용을 더 다루면 글이 더 풍부해질 것입니다.
문장 연결:
- 문장을 더 부드럽게 연결하기 위해 "Additionally," "Furthermore," 같은 연결어를 사용해 보세요.