Year | Model | Production Number |
49 | FL | 0001 |
From 1962 to 1969 the VIN numbers where pretty much the same as from 1930 to 1962, but if the production number had 4 digits the first digit would be odd during odd production years and even during even production years. If the production number had 5 digits the first two digits would be odd during odd production years and even during even production years.
Year | Model | Production Number |
66 | FLHB | 22001 |
From 1970 to 1980 the VIN number could be found on both the frame and the engine and would match exactly with the exception of a few months in 1979 which was due to an idea by the factory to make them different. The idea was quickly killed after law enforcement notified Harley-Davidson that it made the bikes look stolen. The production date range was from 1/9/1979 to 2/7/1979. The VIN numbers affected are 43000H9 through 48199H9. The engine numbers where 10 digit numerical IDs.
The VIN numbers of this era where 9 digit codes where the first two digits corresponded to the model code (see list below), the next 5 digits were the production numbers (always starting above 10,000) and the last 2 digits were the year code (see list below).
Model | Production Number | Year |
2A | 10859 | H4 |
Model Codes:
1A = FL/FLP-1200 | 3D = Z-90 | 2G = XLT-1000 |
2A = FLH -1200 | 4D = XLA | 3G = FLH-80 |
3A = XL - XLH-1000 | 5D = SX-175 | 5G = FLT-80 |
4A = XLCH-1000 | 6D = SX-250 | 6G = FXE-80 |
5A = GE-750 | 7D = MX-250 | 7G = FXS-80 |
6A = SS-350 Sprint | 9D = FXE - 1200 | 9G = FXWG-80 |
7A = SX-125 | 4E = XLS-1000 | 1H = FXB-80 |
8A = M65-S | 5E = FXEF-1200 | 2H = CLE-80 Sidecar |
7B = ERS | 6E = FXEF-80 | 3H = FLH-80 Classic |
8B = MSR-100 | 7E = FLHS-1200 | 5H = FLHS-80 |
2C = FX -1200 | 9E = SS-250 | 6H = FL-80 |
3C = SX-350 Sprint | 2F = FXS - 1200 | 7H = FLH-1200 Police |
5C = MC-65 | 3F = SXT-125 | 8H = FLH-1200 Shrine |
6C = SR-100 | 4F = SS-175 | 9H = FLH-80 Police |
1D = LE Sidecar | 6F = SS-125 | 1K = FLH-80 Shrine |
2D = X-90 | 7F = XLCR-1000 |
Year Codes:
H0 = 1970 | H3 = 1973 | H6 = 1976 | H9 = 1979 |
H1 = 1971 | H4 = 1974 | H7 = 1977 | J0 = 1980 |
H2 = 1972 | H5 = 1975 | H8 = 1978 |
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