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Global Elite Preparing New Korean War to Coincide with Economic Implosion?
Kurt Nimmo
April 3, 2013
The Federal Reserve plan to crash the economy and make room for world government and an authoritarian globalist economic and accompanying police state control system will necessitate a sufficient prerequisite – and that prerequisite may very well be a new war on the Korean peninsula.
It should be obvious by now that the Federal Reserve’s so-called quantitative easing – bankster shorthand for pumping fiat dollars into rigged financial markets by buying bonds, treasury bills, etc. – is creating a huge financial asset bubble that is going to burst with an ear-splitting boom… and soon.
If you’d like to get a handle on what Federal Reserve policy will ultimately mean, read David Stockman’s article published in the New York Times last Sunday.
Funny money cranked out by the Fed “has stayed trapped in the canyons of Wall Street, where it is inflating yet another unsustainable bubble,” Stockman writes. And when the Wall Street bubble “bursts, there will be no new round of bailouts like the ones the banks got in 2008. Instead, America will descend into an era of zero-sum austerity and virulent political conflict, extinguishing even today’s feeble remnants of economic growth.”
Economic depressions are highly scripted affairs and the banksters use them to initiate big wars – not only because wars are remarkably profitable for the military-industrial complex, but because they serve as an ideal tool for wealth consolidation and fire sales held in their aftermath. Big wars are also exploited to enforce rigid discipline on the masses. It gives the plebs an excuse to accept grinding poverty and servitude.
World War II followed the last Great Depression – directly caused by the Fed, as Helicopter Ben has admitted. Communism, as the late Antony C. Sutton has documented, was created and franchised by Wall Street. The arch globalist kingpin David Rockefeller has praised its ruthless effectiveness in China under the mega-mass murderer Mao.
“As the economic crisis escalates and the debt-based central banking system shows it can no longer re-inflate the bubble by creating assets out of thin air, an economic and political rationale for war is easy to come by,” writes Justin Raimondo.
“It is said that FDR’s New Deal didn’t get us out of the Great Depression, but World War II did,” Raimondo continues. “The truth is that, in wartime, when people are expected to sacrifice for the duration of the ‘emergency,’ economic problems are anesthetized out of existence by liberal doses of nationalist chest-beating and moral righteousness. Shortages and plunging living standards were masked by a wartime rationing system and greatly lowered expectations. And just as World War II inured us to the economic ravages wrought by our thieving elites, so World War III will provide plenty of cover for a virtual takeover of all industry by the government and the demonization of all political opposition as ‘terrorist.’”
It will also provide cover for the “global governance” scheme the globalists are itching to install.
Next Up: A New Korean War
It certainly looks like the elite are planning a war against North Korea. Consider the following remarkable events over the last few days (h/t to Moon of Alabama for contributing).
April 2, 2013 – North Korea Says It Will Restart Reactor to Expand Arsenal
North Korea said on Tuesday that it would put all its nuclear facilities… to use in expanding its nuclear weapons arsenal, sharply raising the stakes in the escalating standoff with the United States and its allies.
April 2, 2013 – Ban Ki-Moon: North Korea On ‘Collision Course’ That Could Lead To War
The U.N. chief says he fears North Korea is on a collision course with other nations that could lead to war.
April 1, 2013 – U.S. moving key vessels nearer North Korea
As analysts try to weigh the weight in North Korea’s military posturing, the U.S. has made a show of increasing its military hardware in South Korea.
April 1, 2013 – U.S. moves missile-tracking radar platform closer to North Korea
The sea-based X-band radar is heading over from Pearl Harbor, a Pentagon official says. The John S. McCain guided missile destroyer is also being sent.
March 31, 2013 – U.S. F-22 Stealth Jets Join South’s Military Drills Amid Saber-Rattling From North
Advanced, radar-evading F-22 Raptors deployed to Osan Air Base, the main U.S. Air Force base in South Korea, from Japan to support ongoing bilateral exercises…
March 30, 2013 – U.S. denounces North Korea’s ‘bellicose rhetoric’ as Kim Jong-un’s regime issues ‘final warning’
“We take these threats seriously and remain in close contact with our South Korean allies,” White House spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden said…
March 29, 2013 – Hagel says U.S. has to take North Korean threats seriously
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said on Thursday that North Korea’s provocative actions and belligerent tone had “ratcheted up the danger” on the Korean peninsula, …
March 28, 2013 – US sends nuclear-capable B-2 bombers to SKorea
The U.S military says two nuclear-capable B-2 bombers have completed a training mission in South Korea …
The U.S. says the B-2 stealth bombers flew from a U.S. air base and dropped munitions on a South Korean island range before returning home.
March 26, 2013 – U.S. Army learns hard lessons in N. Korea-like war game
The Unified Quest war game conducted this year by Army planners posited the collapse of a nuclear-armed, xenophobic, criminal family regime that had lorded over a closed society and inconveniently lost control over its nukes as it fell. Army leaders stayed mum about the model for the game, but all indications — and maps seen during the game at the Army War College — point to North Korea.
March 20, 2013 – U.S. flies B-52s over South Korea
The U.S. Air Force is breaking out some of its heaviest hardware to send a message to North Korea.
A Pentagon spokesman said Monday that B-52 bombers are making flights over South Korea as part of military exercises this month.
March 19, 2013 – S. Korea, U.S. carry out naval drills with nuclear attack submarine
South Korean and U.S. forces have been carrying out naval drills in seas around the peninsula with a nuclear attack submarine as part of their annual exercise, military sources said Wednesday, in a show of power against North Korea’s threat of nuclear attack.
March 17, 2013 – Troops remember sacrifices of Cheonan sailors
Halfway through the around-the-clock Key Resolve drills Friday, 8th U.S. Army Commander Lt. Gen. John D. Johnson remained full of energy as he underscored that the allied forces were ready to cope with North Korean threats.
March 12, 2013 – First day of SK-US military exercises passes without provocation
Around 10,000 ROK troops and 3,000 US soldiers, including 2,500 reinforcements from US Pacific command in Hawaii, are taking part in the military exercise, which will continue through Mar. 21. Another 10,000 US soldiers will be deployed by the end of this month for the Foal Eagle exercises. Also flown in to participate in the exercises were B-52 bombers and F-22 stealth fighters, which boast the world’s highest levels of performance. These two kinds of aircraft can maneuver throughout Korean airspace without landing. In addition, the 9750t Aegis destroyers USS Lassen and USS Fitzgerald arrived in South Korea.
March 8, 2013 – Air Assault Course increase 2ID capabilities
For the first time in 15 years, 2nd Infantry Division and Eighth U.S. Army soldiers tackled the rigorous Air Assault Course at Camp Hovey, South Korea…. The course qualifies soldiers to conduct air assault and helicopter sling-load operations and proper rappelling and fast-rope techniques.
March 8, 2013 – “Frozen Chosen” Marines
Marines from I Company, 3rd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, slog through wind and snow during a joint training exercise with Japanese troops at the Hokkaido-Dai Maneuver Area in northern Japan last week.
March 6, 2013 – S. Korea says it will strike against North’s top leadership if provoked
[T]he rhetoric sets up an especially tense period on the Korean Peninsula, with the U.S. and South Korean militaries planning joint training drills that the North considers a “dangerous nuclear war” maneuver, and with the U.N. Security Council deliberating new sanctions to limit Pyongyang’s weapons program.
This article was posted: Wednesday, April 3, 2013 at 6:32 am
Tags: economics, police state, war
첫댓글 대충 연방준비 제도가 세계 정부 즉, 신세계 질서를 구축하려면 세계 경제를 붕괴 시키겠다는 의미이고,
추가로는 경제가 붕괴 되면 통제 시스템의 명분을 만들기 위해 경찰들을 배치하지만 그 전제조건은 먼저 한반도 전쟁이라고 하는군요.
그건 7년 환란직전의 상황일것 같군요. 아직까지는 조금의 시간이 있을 것입니다. 작금의 한국이 당할 경제적 고통은 그 전에 물질에 오염된 나라를 정화하기위해 주시는 경제환란이지요. 힘없고 가난한자들의 울부짖음이 너무 큽니다. 그 그통을 어떻게 외면할수가 있겠습니까? 북한과의 관계는 마지막때 이나라를 쓰시기 위해 마련한 하나님의 히든카드라 생각되는군요. 빨갱이조작에 미혹된 자들에게는 큰 올무가 될지도 모르겠습니다.
@야다 그만하세요
@하나님을사랑 뭘 그만해요. 같이 전쟁난다고 사람들에게 거짓말 하란건가요?
@야다 음... 뭐가 어찌되었든 7년 대환란은 예수님 외에는 아무도 모릅니다.
단정하지 마시고,
그런데 그거 아십니까?
위에 전문글을 해석한 점을 올렸는데 제 댓글을 제대로 안 읽고 반문하시는군요^^
야다님, 정말 몰라서 묻는데요. 님께서 북한과의 관계는.... 큰 올무가 될지도 모르겠습니다 라는 썼는데 그 의미를 알려주시면 안될까요?
그것도 설명해드려야 하나요?
주님이 재림하기까지 북이 멸망치 않고 계속 간다면요? 어떻게 해서 남한 정부가 북한과 개방하게 되면요? 그상태로 자유왕래가 되면요? 그때가 되면 빨갱이 찾는 분들은 어떻게 나올까요? 줄타기하듯 남북 관계가 유지되면서 택함받은 사람들의 숫자가 채워지면 바로 휴거입니다. 그리고 윗글의 상황이 발생하면 이명박신천지교 사람들은 어찌되죠?
닭 쫓던 개 지붕 쳐다보는 꼴이죠.
이게 올무가 아니면 뭐래요?
@야다 이 사람은 깨어있는자가 절대 아닙니다.
깨어있는분들은 지금 주님의 엄청난 진노를 온마음으로 받고있습니다..절대 이분 말씀 개의치마시고 집중 기도하시고 준비들하십시요
@빛이있으라. 님에게 깨어 있다는 의미는 무엇인가요? 종말의 지식이 많으면 깨어있는 것이고 전쟁에 대비하는것이 주님 맞을 준비하는 것인가요?
번지 수를 한참 잘못 짚었네요. 주님 말씀에 순종하는 삶을 사는 사람들에게 해당되는 말씀이지요. 헛되 소문에 부화뇌동하는 사람들은 자신을 돌아보십시요. 주와 동행하는 자들에게는 오직 평안함만이 있을 뿐입니다.
@야다 예 그런데 성령님께서 야다님과 함께 하시기는 합니까? 성령님께서 그렇게 이기적인 사고를 심어주시던가요?
과연 누가 자신을 돌아봐야할까요? 적어도 깨어있는분이라면 당신처럼 그런 언행은 사용하지않습니다. 그런 이기적인 사고방식으로 혼자 잘먹고 잘사십시요 기름등불은 어째 조금이라도 채우셧나 모르것네요?
여기 몇몇분들은 북한이 구원받기전에 어서 멸망이라도 당하길 종일 기대하는 사람들 같아 보입니다
그곳에 주님이 귀하게 보시는 많은 생명들이 있습니다 그리고 핵전쟁 그리 쉽게 나는것 아닙니다
중동전쟁을 기점으로 인도를 비롯한 각국핵보유국들이 연쇄적 도발을 하게 됩니다
한국 사이비 교주들의 18번이 한반도를 성지로 보는데 성경의 중심은 한반도가 아니라 중동 유브라데 입니다
시작은 거기서부터 입니다 미국cnn 단골 메뉴가 북한이었던건 오래전부터 입니다 새삼스러울게 없습니다