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님아님아 그러니깐 잠시만여 10분만 이러네여..ㅋㅋ
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그거 그냥 MSN등록했더니 그사람이 진짜 접속하더라구여+_+
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부끄러서 말은못했지만-_-a
>>ㅑ~~ 님들두 한번 해봐여@_@ 신난다
(+'----ㅠ----'+)a 님의 말:
Dongwoo's Dictionary Agent 님의 말:
학교 [學校] a school; a college(대학 정도의); an academy(중학교 이상 고등 학교 정도의); <;집합적>; an educational establishment[institution]; an institution of learning.
ㆍ ∼ 시절에 in one's school days.
ㆍ ∼가 파하고 나서 after school (is over).
ㆍ (아직) ∼에 다닐 때 while a student at school / when (one was) at school / in one's school days.
ㆍ ∼를 갓 나온 fresh from[just out of] school[college].
ㆍ ∼ 차를 없애다 diminish the scholastic dispa
Dongwoo's Dictionary Agent 님의 말:
rity among schools.
ㆍ ∼에 들어가다 enter a school / go to[into] school.
ㆍ 아이를 ∼에 보내다[넣다] send[put] a boy to school.
ㆍ ∼에 다니다[가다]attend[go to] school.
ㆍ (교사가) ∼에서 가르치다 teach school.
ㆍ ∼에서 돌아오다 come home from school.
ㆍ ∼에서 제적하다 dismiss[expel] <;a student>; (from school) / (이름을) remove <;a student's>; name from the school register.
ㆍ ∼에서 쫓겨나다 be expelled from (the) school.
ㆍ ∼를 쉬다 stay away fr
Dongwoo's Dictionary Agent 님의 말:
om school / absent oneself[be absent] from school.
ㆍ ∼를 빼먹다 play truant <;from school>; / cut school.
ㆍ ∼를 쉬게 하다 keep <;a boy>; out of school.
ㆍ ∼를 조퇴하다 leave school early / leave the class before it is dismissed / come away before school is out.
ㆍ ∼를 그만두다[중퇴하다] leave[stop / quit] school.
ㆍ ∼를 그만두게 하다 make <;a boy>; leave school.
ㆍ ∼를 졸업하다 complete the school course / graduate from[at] a col
Dongwoo's Dictionary Agent 님의 말:
ㆍ ∼를 세우다[설립하다] establish[found] a school.
ㆍ ∼는 8시 반에 시작된다 School begins at eight thirty.
ㆍ ∼는 몇 시에 파합니까 What time is School over?
ㆍ ∼는 6시에 파한다 School is over[ends] at six. / Classes are dismissed at six.
ㆍ 내일은 ∼가 논다 I have no school tomorrow.
ㆍ 그는 1년 전에 ∼를 그만두었다 He left[quit] school a year ago.
ㆍ 그녀는 ∼ 선생을 하고 있다 She teaches (in a) school. / She is a schoolteacher.
▷ 학교 교육 school educ
Dongwoo's Dictionary Agent 님의 말:
ation; schooling.
ㆍ 정규 ∼ 교육 regular[formal] schooling.
ㆍ 그의 아버지는 ∼ 교육을 받지 못했다 His father had no schooling.
▷ 학교 급식 school feeding; school lunch.
▷ 학교 방송 『TV·라디오』 the school hour.
▷ 학교 법인 an educational foundation.
▷ 학교 보건법 the School Health Law.
▷ 학교 생활 school[college] life.
▷ 학교 선생 a schoolteacher.
▷ 학교 성적 one's school[academic] record[achievements].
ㆍ ∼ 성적이 좋다[나쁘다] do well[badly] at sc
Dongwoo's Dictionary Agent 님의 말:
hool / have a good[bad / poor] school record.
▷ 학교 신문 a school paper.
▷ 학교의 [-醫] a school doctor[physician].
▷ 학교 일람 a school prospectus[<;美>; catalog].
▷ 학교장 [-長] the principal[headmaster] of a school.
▷ 학교장 [-葬] school funeral.
▷ 학교 친구 a schoolfellow; a schoolmate.