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자유 게시판 스크랩 이란 핵시설, 재래식 폭격으로 파괴 불가능한 시점 급속히 다가와 …
onething 추천 0 조회 19 12.08.14 14:18 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용

미국국가정보평가위 - 이란 핵시설, 재래식 폭격으로 파괴 불가능한 시점 급속히 다가와 …


서방 강대국들의 군사력이 집중되어 있고 시리아와 이란에 러시아제 대공방어방이 견고히 구축되어 있는 현 상황에서 이란의 핵폭탄에 의한 민족의 멸절을 막기 위해 이스라엘이 택할 수 있는 방법은 무엇일까요?


재래식 폭격으로는 이미 이란 핵시설을 완벽하게 파괴할 수 없는 시점을 지났습니다. 설사 폭격이 성공한다고 해도 아마 2년 정도 핵프로그램을 지연시킬 수 있을 뿐 핵위협은 가시지 않을 뿐만 아니라 오히려 엄청난 이란과 러시아의 반격에 직면할 것입니다.


따라서 이제 남은 이스라엘의 선택은 핵 선제공격 밖에 없는 것으로 보입니다. 

그 때가 시시각각 다가오고 있음을 느낄 수 있습니다. 



NIE: Iran approaching immunity zone

US' National Intelligence Estimate report says Tehran rapidly approaching critical point after which its nuclear program will no longer be vulnerable to a military strike


As the debate over a possible strike against Iran's nuclear facilities grows, it seems that is possible that such a move would be ineffective.


According to a Friday report by Yedioth Ahronoth, top US officials, who are privy to the relevant intelligence shared by Israel and the United States, said that Tehran is rapidly approaching the "immunity zone" ? the critical point in time after which the Islamic Republic's nuclear program will no longer be vulnerable to a military strike.  

The National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) report, recently submitted to the White House, paints a bleak picture, as it indicates "a significant progress" in Iran's "arms group" ? the people and facilities focused on the manufacturing of a nuclear warhead.


The NIE report said that Iran has recently installed 5,000 "twin centrifuges" in the underground nuclear facility in Fordo, near Qom.


The Fordo facility (Archives)


As far as Israel is concerned, introducing the centrifuges to Fordo has made the facility "immune," even if partially, against an Israeli strike, which is likely to find it difficult to ram through the fortified mountain-side facility.


According to the report, while the US and Israel may disagree on the timeframe of a possible attack, there are in complete agreement over the intelligence. "There is nothing that we know that you don’t know," a top American official said. "The opposite is true as well ? your intelligence shares everything with us."


The NIE report, which is based on the most recent intelligence assessments of the situation vis-?-vis Iran, is considered one of the most top secret reports compiled for Washington.


Israeli sources said that both countries know that the "arms group" has renewed its activities in Parchin ? a military base used for nuclear research and development, from which IAEA inspectors have been barred.


Recent satellite images show clear changes to the area's terrain, most likely in preparation for a time when Iran would no longer be able to prevent IAEA inspections.



기사 출처 : http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4266931,00.html
