가격지지: price support
가격차: price differential. price difference
가격탄력성: price elasticity of demand
가격패리티지수: price parity index
가계: family
가계조사: family budget survey
가공: processing
가공된: processed. worked
가공용: processing & industrial use. processing. for processing
가구: households
가금: poultry
가두리양식: cage culture
가정소비시험: in-home use test
가족노동 평가액: family labor value
가족노동: family labor
가족노동보수: family labor income
가족농: family farm
가족농업종사자: family member engaging in farming
가축배설물: animal waste
간이창고: godown
간작: intercropping
간척: reclamation
간편식품: convenience foods
감가상각비: cost of depreciation
감모: waste & loss
감수: production drop of yield
강수량: percipitation
강화: fortify
강화식품: fortified. enriched food
개량 곳간: in-bin drying & storage system
개발수입: development and import
건조: drying
건조: drying
건조지: arid land
검사 면적: inspection area
겸업 종사 인구: farm population in non-agriculture
겸업: part-time. part-time work
겸업농가: part-time farm
경매: auction practice. auction
경영면적: size of operational holdings
경영분석: business analysis
경영비: operating expense. operating cost. managing cost
경영자본이익률: profit rate of operating capital
경영지면적: area under management
경영지표: management index
경영진단: business diagnosis
경영컨설턴트: management consultant
경자유전의 원칙: tiller-owns-land principle
경작횟수: cropping index
경쟁우위: competitive advantage
경제작물: cash crops
경제적부가가치: economic value added. EVA
경제활동인구: economically active population
경제효과: economic evaluation
경종외 농업 경영 가구: non-crop farm households
경지 규모별 농가: farm households by size of cultivated land
경지 이용: patterns of cultivated land use
경지(식량작물+과수): arable land. area of cultivated land. cultivated land
경지면적: area of cultivated land
경지없는 농가: farm households of non area
경지이용률: cropping index
경지정리: farmland rearrangement. land consolidation
계량: weighing
계획면적: planned area
고령화왑부녀화: rural work force becoming older and with a growing portion of women
고정부채: fixed liabilities
고정비: fixed costs
고정비율: fixed assets to net worth ratio
고정자본: fixed capital
고정자산: fixed assets
고정자산회전율: fixed assets turnover
고형 사료: pellet feed
곡물식: cereal
공급: supply
공동경작: group farming
공동방제: joint control
공동이용시설: common use equipment
공업용: for industrial use
공업용수: industrial water
공유: public owned
과립: granulated
과수원: orchard
관광농업: agricultural tourism. tourism farming(농업경영자의 입장). rural tourism
관광농원: tourist farm. tourism farm
관수: government use
광열: fuel and energy
괴경: tubers
교환분합: exchange and consolidation
국가: country. economy
국고보조금: government subsidy
국유: national owned
국유지: national land
국토 이용: uses of national land
국토면적: national land area
규모의 경제: economy of scale
급식: catering
기반(농업의): infrastructure
기본계획: master plan
기업농: corporate farm
까지(시간): not later than
나대지 휴한: bare fallow
나대지: bare land
낙농가: dairy farmer
낙농업: dairy farming
낙농품: dairy products
남은 음식물: food waste. food leftovers. kitchen leftovers
내부수익률: internal rate of return
내부수익률: internal rate of return. IRR
내생성: endogenous
내외: more or less. about
노력비: labor costs
논: paddy field
농가: farm. farm households
농가경제: farm household economy
농가경제잉여: surplus of farm household economy
농가구입가격: prices paid by farmers
농가당 경지면적: area per farm
농가의 부담: farmers' burdens
농가인구: farm population
농가인구: population of farm households
농가판매가격: prices received by farmers. farm gate prices
농가평균 경지면적: average farm size
농가호당 경지 면적: cultivated area per farm household
농경지: cultivated land
농공지구: agriculture-cum-industrial region
농기구: agricultural implement
농도: farm road
농로: farm service road. farm path
농부증: farmers' syndrome
농산물검사: inspection of agricultural products
농산물생산자가격지지제도: farm-price-support system
농산물품평회: farm products fair
농산부산물: agricultural by-products
농약: farm chemicals. agricultural chemicals. chemicals. agrochemicals
농업 기계화: farm mechanization. agricultural mechanization
농업 기반 조성 사업: agricultural basis preparation project
농업 종사 인구: farm population in agriculture
농업경영계획: farm business planning
농업경영관리: farm business management
농업공제: agricultural insurance
농업관련 산업: agro-based industry. agribusiness
농업구조: agricultural structure
농업구조정책: policy on agricultural structure
농업금융: agricultural credits
농업백서(EC의): EC Green Paper
농업부산물: agricultural waste
농업소득: agricultural income
농업용수: agricultural water
농업입지: agricultural location
농업잔존물: agricultural residue
농업재해: agrometeorological disaster
농업재해보험: agricultural disaster insurance
농업조사: agricultural census
농업조수입: agricultural gross income
농업지도사: agricultural extension worker. agricultural extension officer
농업진흥지역: agricultural promotion areas
농업총생산액: gross agricultural outputs
농외소득: non-agricultural income
농용지: farm land
농작물조사: crop survey
농지: agricultural land
농지개량조합: Farm Land Improvement Associations
농지소유상한: upper limit of land possession
농촌: rural community
농촌공업: rural industry. agro-industry
다수확 품종: high-yielding variety
단경기: period of short supply. off-season
단위: unit
단일 품목 경작: monoculture
단일경영: specialized farming
단작: mono culture. single cropping
당기순손익: net income & loss for the year
대농구: large implement
대동물: large animals
대식물: large plants
대여 및 교환 양곡: loan and exchange of grain
도량형: metropology
도정공장: mill. milling plant
도정불량: undermilled
독점가격: monopoly price
독점적경쟁: monopolistic competition
동결건조: freeze-drying
두수: headage. heads
등급: grade
등급판정: grading
등록: registrating
등록종자: registered seed
등록품종: registered variety
등외: off grade
모의시장시험: market simulation test
모집단: population
목초지: grassland. pasture. pasturage
무경운: zero tillage
무임목지: denuded land
문전가격: farm price
미만: less then. no more than
미상: not available
미조사 임목지: unenumerated forest land
민수: non-government use
반숙: parboiled
방목구역: range
방목지: pasture
방제: control
방출: release
밭: upland. dry land
밭작물: upland crops
배합 사료: prepared feed. formulated feed. assorted feed
범례: legend
변동비: variable costs
병해충방제: pest and disease control
보관: storage
보존처리된: cured
복합농업: integrated farming. diversified farming. multiple agriculture
부락: hamlet
부재지주: non-resident landlord
분익소작농: crop-sharing farmer. share-cropper
불모지: infertile land. barren land
불합격: disqualified
비농가: non-farm
비육용: meat type
사례조사: spot investigation
사료: feed. animal feed
사유: private owned
산간지: mountainous area
산물: in bulk
산물수확: bulk harvesting
산성식품: acid foods
산지: locality. producing area
상세: breakdown
상업적 원예: market gardening
상주가구구성원: regular family member
상품: high grade
상호교환: trade off
상환: repayment
새마을 부녀회: Saemaul women's club
새마을 영농 조직: Saemaul farm clubs
생력화: labor saving
생산: production
생산가격: production price
생산관리: production management
생산력: performance. productivity. yielding ability
생산성: productivity
생산요소: production factor
생산원가: production cost
생산자가격: producer's price
생산자물가지수: producer price index
생산조정: adjustment of production
생산함수: production function
생활개선: home-living improvement. home improvement. better living
생활지역: home range
선(별)과장: packing house. packing shed
선물거래: futures trading
선물시장: futures market
선별: grading
소계: sub-total
소농: peasant. petty farmer. small farm
소작: tenant
소작농: tenant. peasant cultivator
소작료: rent. share-cropping arrangement
손실보상: deficit compensation
손익계산서: profit and loss statement. P/L
손익분기점: break even point
수급: supply-demand, supply/demand conditions
수도: paddy rice
수량조사: yield survey
수리 불안전답: partially irrigated paddy field
수리 상태별 논면적: area of paddy fields by irrigation facilities
수리답: irrigated paddy field
수리시설 상태: irrigation facilities
수매: government purchase. government purchase
수분(함량): moisture content. water content
수세: irrigation charge
수요: demand
수익분석모델: programmed profit analysis model
수입: imports
수정: revised
수확기: harvest months. harvesting time. harvesting months. harvesttime. harvest season
수확면적: harvested area
수확체감의법칙: law of diminishing returns
순농가: pure-farm household
순수익: net profit
시공: under construction
시범: pilot. demonstration
시범사업: pilot project. demonstration project
시비: fertilizing
시설농업: protected agriculture
시설재배: in-house farming. greenhouse farming. protected cultivation
시식회: tasting party. tasting event
시장외유통: decentralizing marketing
시장점유율: market share
시험조사: pilot survey
시험포장: demonstration field. demonstration farm
식량: food
식량부족국: food-deficit country
식량수입국: food-importing country, food importer
식량원조: food aid
식량작물: food crops
식량작물경지: cropland
식미: eating quality
식용: for food. for human consumption
신곡: new crop
신규착공: newly commenced
신선식품: perishable foodstuff
신용공여: credit disbursement
약용: medical use. for medicine
양건(陽乾): sun-dried
양계농: poultry men
양곡연도: rice year
양봉: apiculture
양조용: for brewing
역년: calender year
연관효과: linkage effect
연도말: end of the year. at year-end
연도초: beginning of the year
연령별 농가 인구: farm population by age groups
연작: continuous cropping. succession cropping. one crop succession
연작장해: continuous cropping damage
연중: during the year
영년방목지: permanent pasture
영농계획: farming program
영농규모: farm size
영농방법: cultivation practices. farming practices
영농시설: farm buildings and facilities
영농자재: farm inputs
영농활동: farming activities
영농회: farming club. farming society
예비조사: preliminary survey
예초지: meadow
우량농지: prime agricultural land
원종: progenitor
위탁영농: custom operations. farming vicarious. contract farming
위탁영농회사: consignment farming company
유동부채: current liability
유동부채비율: current liabilities ratio
유동비율: current ratio
유동자산: current assets
윤작: crop rotation
윤작: crop rotation. rotation
윤작방목지: rotation pasture
윤작초지: rotation grass-land
융자: borrowings
음식쓰레기: food waste. food leftovers. kitchen leftovers
음식찌꺼기: garbage
이농: farm retirement
이동경작: shifting culture
이등: 2nd grade
이물질: foreign materials
이상: or more. not less then. plus
이앙: transplanting
이용 면적: utilized land
이종 겸업: class 2 part-time
이하: not exceeding. or less. not over
이후(시간): not earlier than
인구: population
인구감소: depopulation
인구밀도: population density
인구조사: population census
인력: manual labor
일관경영: consistent farming
일등: 1st grade
일반 매입: government purchasing
일반답: non-FLIA(Farm Land Improvement Associations)
일인당 소비량: consumption per capita
일종 겸업: class 1 part-time
임도: forest footpath
임목지: wooded land
임시조사: occasional survey
임야: forest
자가소비: home consumption
자급: self-supplied. self-service
자급도: self-supplying ratio. self-sufficiency rate
자기자본: net worth. equity capital
자기자본구성률: ratio of net worth to total capital
자본생산성: capital productivity
자본용역: capital service
자본이익률: ratio of profit to capital
자본이자: capital interest
자본장비율: capital equipment ratio
자본재: capital goods
자본적지출: capital expenditure
자본코스트: cost of capital
자본회수법: method of pay-back
자본회전율: turnover ratio of capital
자산: assets
자작 겸 소작: owner-tenant
자작: owner
자작농: cultivating-owner. owner-farming
작목반: crop club
작물부산물: crop residue. crop waste
작부면적: planted area
작부율: cropping ratio
작부체계: cropping patterns
작황조사: survey of crop condition
잠정 등외: potential off grade
잠정(의): preliminary. temporary
장려품종: recommended population
재고: inventory. stock
재해복구: disaster recovery
저수지: reservoir
저장: storage
적지적작: right crop for right land
전년이월: carry-in
전수조사: complete enumeration
전업 농가: full-time farm households
전업: full-time. full-time work
정보제공: information service
정선: cleaning
제1차생산비: primary costs of production
제2차생산비: secondary costs of production
제품수명도: product life cycle
조곡: unhulled grain
조림: reforestation
조사대상기간: time reference
조사료: roughage
조세공과금: taxes and public charges
종묘: seed and seedling
종실 검사: seed inspection
종자: seed
좋은 가격: premium prices
좋은 가격에 팔리다: command a good price
주산물: main product
주식: main food. staple. staple food
주종사: mainly engaged
준공: projects completed. completion
중간재료: intermediate materials
중매인: middle men
중품: medium grade
증여: donation
지구수: No. of project units
지구온난화: global warming
지대: land rent
지도: extension
지방비: local government subsidy
지스러기 알: screenings
지역성: locality
직거래: direct transaction
직접소비: direct food
집계: counting
집단농업: collective farming
집약농업: intensive farming. diversified farming. intensive practice of farming.
차관: foreign loans
차년이월: carry-out
차년이월: carry-over
천수답: rain-fed field
초과: exceeding. more than. over
촌락: hamlet
총계: total. grand total
총농가: total farm households
추정(의): estimated
축력: animal power
축사: animal farmhouse
축산: animal husbandry
축산물종합처리장: livestock processing complex
출하: shipment
타당성조사: feasibility study. feasibility survey
텃밭: home garden. kitchen garden
토지개혁: land reform. farm land ownership reformation
토지소유: land tenure
토지소유제도: tenure system
토지용역: land service
토지이용: land utilization
토지이용률: ratio of land utilization
특용작물: specialty crops. special crops
파쇄: cracking
파종면적: planted area. planted land
평균생산비: average production cost
포장 검사: field inspection
표준가격: standard price
품목별: product-specific. by product
품앗이: labor exchange
품종개량: varietal improvement. variety improvement
품질관리: quality control
피해: damage
필지수: number of fields
하품: low grade
한계농지: marginal land
한계생산비: marginal cost
합격: passed
합격품질수준: acceptable quality level
항목: particulars
해거리현상: alternate bearing. biennial fluctuation in production
해당사항 없음: not applicable
핵과류: stone fruits
햇볕에 말린: sun-dried
현상: development
현황: general information
협동조합: cooperative. association. society. cooperation
호당 경지면적: area per household
호당 농가 인구: farm population per household
화전경작: shifting agriculture cultivation
환경 우호(친화)적: environmentally friendly. ecology-friendly. environmentally sound
환경파괴: environmental disruption. environmental degradation. environmental destruction
환금작물: cash crops
환산계수: conversion factor
환산율(계수): conversion factor
회수: recovery
후작: succeeding crop
휴한: fallow. fallowing
휴한지: fallow land
흉년: lean year. bad year. year of bad harvest
흉작: bad harvest. lean crops. poor harvest