가격결정: pricing
가격경쟁: price war
가격기구: price mechanism
가격변동: price fluctuation
가격보장: price guarantee
가격보장제도: guarantee price system
가격보전: price compensation
가격수준: price level
가격안정: price stabilization
가격예시: forward pricing
가격조작: price manipulation
가격지지: price support
가격진폭: price fluctuation
가격파괴: price destruction
가격흥정: price negotiation
가공처리장: processing plant
가락동농수산물종합도매시장: Karak-Dong Agricultural and Marine Products Total Wholesale Market
강제휴경: set aside
개별주체흥정: individual pricing
개입가격: intervention price
거래교섭력: bargaining power
건어물: dried marine products. dried fish
경계가격: threshold price
경락: auctioning
경매: auction, auction practice
경매개시가격: upset price
경매사: auctioneer
경매인: auctioneer
경매중개인: auction broker
계통출하: shipment through cooperative channel
고객만족: customer satisfaction
곡물저장창고: elevator
공개호가: open outcry
공급과잉: oversupply
공급부족: undersupply. tight supply
공동계산: price pooling. pooling
공동계산가격: pool price
공동계산방식: pool-pricing
공동계산제도: price-pooling system
공동수송: joint transportation
공동출하: joint shipment. group marketing. cooperative marketing. cooperative shipping
공동판매: joint shipment. group marketing. cooperative marketing. cooperative shipping
공매: public auction
공식가격결정: formular pricing
공영도매시장: public-managed wholesale market
공판장: marketing center
구매: supply
구매사업: supply business
구매자 시장: buyers' market
규격화: standardization
기초시장권: standard market area
김장시장: temporary vegetable market for kimchi
깎아내리는 경매: Dutch bidding
낙찰: acceptance. successful bid. awarding of a contract
낙찰자: successful bidder
냉동창고: freezer storage
농가수취가격: prices received by farmers. farm gate prices
농가판매가격: prices received by farmers. farm gate prices
농산물: agricultural products. agricultural produce. primary product. commodity
농산물가격안정공사: Commodity Credit Corporation
농산물가격안정기금: agricultural price stabilization fund
농수산물: agro-marine products
농안법: agricultural and fishery products price stabilization law
농약잔류검사: inspection of chemical residues
농업관련산업: agro-based industry. agri-business
농업관측: agricultural outlook
단경기: off season
대량수요처: large customers
대중양판점: general merchandise store, superstore
대지면적: floor space
도매상: wholesaler. dealer
도매시장: wholesale market. terminal market
도매시장법인: wholesale market corporation
동시매매입찰: simultaneous buy and sell tender system
동시호가식 경매: simultaneous auction
등급, 규격: grade & size
등급화: grading
마크업가격결정: mark-up pricing
매매참가인: designated bulk buyer
매수하다: negotiate transactions
매입호가: nominal quotation for buying
매점매석: cornering and hoarding
목표가격: target price
물류비용: distribution cost
물류센터: distribution center
물적유통: physical distribution
미곡종합처리장: rice processing complex
반입: shipping
밭떼기: forward trade of standing crops
배달: delivery
배송: distribution
법정도매시장: wholesale market designated by law
변색: discoloration
변질: deterioration. change in quality
부과금: levy
부정경매: mock auction. fake auction
부족불지급: deficiency payment
부패: decomposition. rot. decay
부패성: perishability
분산: distribution
비상환청구융자: non-recourse payment
비참여자: outsider
사기경매: mock auction. fake auction
사기유통: deceptive marketing
산물수매: purchase in bulk
산지: producing area
산지농협: agricultural cooperatives in producing areas
산지수집상: shipper
산지유통: marketing in producing areas
산지폐기: disposal in producing areas. destruction in producing areas
상장: listing
상장수수료: listing commission
상차: loading
상품: high-grade
상품: premium
상품가치: commercial value. market value. product value
상품성: marketability
상품화율: proportion of selling
생산량할당: producer quota
생산자단체: producers' organizations. growers' associations farmers' organizations
생산자조직: producers' organizations. growers' associations. farmers' organizations
생산자할당: producer allotment
생산조정: production adjustment
생산지 곡물저장창고: country elevator
선도: forward delivery
선도거래: forward transaction
선물거래: future trade. futures
선물시장: forward markets. future markets
선별: selection. grading
선별장: packing station
성출하기: high season
소매상: retailer. public retailer
소비자지불가격: consumer prices
소비지 유통: marketing in consuming areas
소비지: consuming areas. consumer market areas
소비지농협: agricultural cooperatives in consuming areas
속박이:deceptive packaging(with good products at the top and inferior ones underneath)
속임판매: deceptive marketing
수급안정: stabilization of supply and demand
수급조절: supply and demand adjustment
수량규제: quantity control
수매값: purchase price. government purchase price
수매곡물농가비축제: farmer-owned grain reserve
수문가격: sluice gate price
수의매매: private sale. free sale
수입부과금: import levy
수집상: assembler
수탁판매: consignment-in. commission sale. selling on consignment basis
수확후처리: post-harvest treatments
순회수집: itinerary collection around fields
시장배분: market allocation
시장조정: market control
식부면적유보: acreage reserve
실시간 유통정보: instantaneous marketing information
양곡도매시장: wholesale grain market
에누리경쟁: price war
영농후계자: young prospective farmers
예냉: precooling
예냉기: precooler
예년: normal year
예시가격: forward-pricing
우유생산억제사업: milk production termination program
위탁상: commission merchant
위탁판매: consignment sale. commission sale. sale on consignment. consignment-out
유사도매시장: wholesale market not designated by law
유통경로: marketing channel
유통금융: marketing promotion finance
유통기한: shelf life. expiration date
유통단계: marketing stage
유통마진: marketing margin. marketing bill
유통명령제도: marketing order
유통분산: marketing spread
유통예고: marketing outlook
유통위원회: marketing board. trading board
유통저리자금: soft loan for marketing promotion
유통정보: marketing information
유통조성: marketing facilitator
유통조절명령제: marketing order
유통조직: marketing system. distribution organization
유통협약: marketing agreement
유통효율: marketing efficiency
유효기한: shelf life. expiration date
융자단가: loan rate
응찰: tendering a bid (for). tender
응찰보증금: bid bond
이용인원: consumer flow
이용장려금: patronage incentive
일차산품: primary product. commodity
입찰: bid
입찰: tender
입찰자: bidder
자조금: check-off system
작목반: farming group
작목회: farming association at counties
작황부진: poor harvest
장기경지보전유보계획: acreage conservation reserve
재배면적할당: acreage allotment
저온일관체제: cold chain system
저장성: storability. storage quality. storable
전자경매: electronic auction system
전자식 경매: electric auction
정기시장: periodic market
정산: settling accounts
정선: cleaning. screening. selecting
제1차수집취급업자: first hand handler
조건불리지역: less favored area
종속시장: directed market
주년출하: year-round shipping
주도시장: directing market
주문배달: delivery to order
주변시장: directed market
중간도매상: jobber
중개인: broker
중급시장권: intermediate market area
중도매인: intermediate wholesaler
중매인: middlemen
중심시장: central market
중심지이론: central-place theory
중앙도매시장: central wholesale market
중품: medium quality
지도가격: guide price
지지가격: supported price
직거래: direct transaction. direct farm marketing. farmers-to-consumer direct marketing
직접지불: direct payment
직판상인: direct sale merchants
집하: collection. assembly
집하장: assembly station. collection places of loads
차별적가격결정: discriminative pricing
참조가격: reference price
처분: disposal
초과수요: surplus demand
초매식: opening ceremony
최소효율규모: minimum efficient scale
최저목표가격: target price
최저판매가격(경매): upset price
축산물 종합처리장: livestock processing complex
축산시장: livestock market
출입차량: vehicle flow
출하: shipment. delivery
출하금지일: shipping holiday
출하량조절: volume management
출하선도금: prepayment subject to shipment
출하수수료: shipment charges
출하시기조절: market flow regulation
출하자: shipper
출하장려금: shipment incentive
출하조정: shipment control. shipment adjustment
출하할당량: delivery quota
취급업자할당: handler prorate
탈색: decoloration
판매: marketing
판매과정: marketing process
판매량할당: marketing quota
판매명령: marketing order
판매사업: marketing business
판매유보: reserve pool
판매자 시장: sellers' market
판매점: outlet
판매처: marketing outlet
판매처: outlet
판매할당제: sales quota system
판매협약: marketing agreement
판매협정: marketing agreement
판매호가: nominal quotation for selling
편의점: convenience store
폐기: destruction
포전매매: forward trade of standing crops
표시제도: labelling
품질규제: quality control
하매인: jobber
하차: deloading
하품: low grade
한국농산물표준규격: Korean Agricultural Standard
할인매장: discount store
현물지급보상제: payment in kind
호가: offer. bidding. quotation
환경보전용식부유보: conservation reserve
회수: recall
휴경농지: idle land
흥정: negotiation