Matterhorn Equipment List
This is a mountaineering equipment required for climbing the Hornli Ridge on the Matterhorn
with a mountain Guide in normal summer conditions.
이글은 통상적인 여름 날씨에, 가이드와 함께 마테호른을 등반 하는 경우의 권고 장비 목록이다.
Equipment requirements may vary according to weather and conditions so this is only a
starting point to use when considering what equipment you will and will not need.
Equipment links are to recommended makes and models as one example only. Many others
will also be fine!
권고하는 장비제조 업체와 모델은 그야말로 "예"이다. 다른 좋은 업체, 장비도 많다.
Keep your rucksack light by having a light and simple pack with all the essential equipment in,
and nothing else! See our packing tips below.
배낭을 정말 필요한 장비만 운반하는 가볍고 단순하게 유지하라.
- Alpine Mountaineering Boots Summer alpine boots designed for mountaineering and able to take crampons effectively. If the manufacturers description of the boots includes ‘trekking’ or ‘trail walking’ they are unlikely to be suitable. Light summer alpine boots are neat and precise to scramble and rock climb in but fine to also use with crampons like higher on the Matterhorn. These boots are generally lighter and less warm than our suggestions for climbing Mont Blanc, but great to climb in!
알파인 등산화 : 여름의산악용 등산화로 크램폰을 효율적으로 장착 가능한 것이 좋다.
트레킹, 트레일 워킹용은 마테호른 등반에 적절치 않다.
기어 올라가며( 두발 두손 ) 암벽등반에 적절하며 크램폰 장착이 용이한 가벼운 여름용이 좋다.
이런 등산화는, 몽블랑 등반용 보다 가벼우며, 통상, 덜 보온이 되나 마테호른 등반에는 훨씬
Examples of good summer Hornli Ridge Matterhorn boots are Scarpa Ribelle Tech OD,
Charmoz and La Sportiva Trango Cube GTX.
마테호른 휘르니 릿지 등반용으로,
스카르파의 Ribelle Tech OD, Chamoz와 라 스포티바의 Trango Cube GTX를 권고한다.
Scarpa Ribelle Tech OD : 한화 35만원 - 60만원 : 550g( 한짝 ? )
Scarpa Ribelle Tech OD( 신형 ? )
스카르파 Chamoz OD 36만원 ?
라 스포티바 : 30만원 - 55만원 : 무게 : 켤례 : 1.3Kg.( Spec.)
- 30-40L Rucksack light & simple pack is far preferable to one with lots of straps, zips, bells and whistles! This should be a climbers pack which are simple, neat and narrow. They are harder to pack than trekking packs with lots of pockets, but that gives improved performance during the ascent! Please see our rucksack packing advice below.
배낭 : 끈, 지퍼가 많고 벨따위가 있는 것 보다, 가볍고 단순한 것이 좋다. 산듯하고 길죽한 것.
. Crampons : Light / Low Ankle Gaiters : 가벼운 크램폰, 짧은 스패치
- Helmet General mountaineering helmet essential e.g. Black Diamond Vector / Vapour or Petzl Elios
- Harness General mountaineering harness ideal e.g. DMM Super Couloir / Centre or Black Diamond Bod, with 2 X screw gate Karabiners. If you already have a rock climbing harness this will be fine as long as it is large enough to wear over multiple bulky warm layers. If you are buying one specifically for the Matterhorn, choose a lightweight alpine mountaineering harness.
안전 벨트 : 가벼운 알파인용 구입 추천.
- Ice axe A simple mountaineering ice axe is ideal and preferable to technical climbing models. Petzl summit, Black Diamond Venom, Grivel air-tech and, cheapest but still totally fine, DMM Cirque. Any straps or leashes on your ice axe should be removed.
단순한 산악용 피켈이, 기술등반용 아이스 엑스 보다 좋다.
Black Diamond Venom

Grivel air-tech
- Waterproof Jacket and Trousers. These form your important ‘shell layer’ protecting you from the wind as well as rain and snow. They need to be waterproof but not warm as your insulation comes from other layers so lightweight is good. A large hood to go over your helmet is ideal and full length zips mean the trousers can be taken off over boots / crampons.
방수 자켓과 바지
- 방온은 내피( 절연 ? )로, 방수 자켓을 가벼운 것으로,
- 방수 바지( 오버 트라우져 ) 지퍼가 밑에까지 있는 것 : 크램폰 장착에서도 벗을 수 있도록.
- Mountain Trousers. A tough, stretchy soft shell fabric is ideal and these can be worn without leggings or over trousers most of the time e.g. Patagonia Simple Guide Pant. Lighter trekking trousers are fine too but only with leggings to make them warmer for summit day.
- 등산 바지 : 튼튼하고 가볍고 스트레칭 되는 것. 통상은 레깅없이( 또는 속옷 ) 입고, 정상 가는 날에는 속옷입을 수 있다.
Thermal Layer. A long sleeved synthetic or wool layer to wear next to the skin as a first layer
of insulation when cool or as an outer layer on the glacier when warm. A zip neck is useful for
보온 내의 : 살갖 위에, 지퍼가 있으면 통풍에 유용하다.
- Mid-Layer Jacket. Fleece or, ideally a ‘soft shell’ style jacket with a thin insulation layer. Worn over the thermal layer and under the waterproof jacket when cold / windy.
중간 층 자켓 : 후리스 제품
Light Weight Duvet Jacket. A warm insulation layer in a generous size so that it can be
worn over all your other layers. Ideally a lightweight down or synthetic duvet jacket with a
large hood e.g. Rab Photon / Infinity or Marmot Ama Dablam Jackets.
넉넉한 크기의 가벼운 다운 자켓. 큰 후두( 모자 )가 달린 것이 좋다. 안전 모자 위에 써야 함.
방수 위피 장갑
- Warm Hat which will fit neatly under your helmet. : 안전모 바로 밑에 따듯한 방한모자
- Socks A thin liner pair for walking in to the hut and a warmer, medium thickness, pair for use on the summit day.
- Sun Glasses. Good quality sunglasses. : 좋은 품질의 선그라스
- Sun Cream & Lip Protection. Bring both and use liberally every day regardless of the weather. At least factor 30 and factor 50 preferable. Small bottles are ideal to save weight.
선 크림과 입술 보호 크림
Water Bottle. A tough 1L ‘Nalgene’ style water bottle is ideal and, if required, can be supplem
ented with another 0.5L bottle of sports drink etc. for the summit day. These drinks and sweet
tea are available in the Hornli Hut.
1리터 날진(‘Nalgene’) 제품. 피크 공격 날에 여분의 0.5 리터에 스포츠 드링크 지참 권고.
휘ㅐ르니 산장에서 구입 가능한다.
- Snacks / Hill food. Bring your favourite snacks for the hill, energy bars / gels, cereal bars, chocolate, energy etc. and make sure you have tried them out before summit day so you know your stomach agrees with them!
비상식, 행동식
- Head Torch. With fresh batteries. Necessary for the pre-dawn start. Small, light LED headtorch like the Petzl Tikka is fine. 헤드 랜턴 + 여분의 밧테리
- Personal Medical Items. Blister kit, plasters, painkillers, glasses / contact lenses as necessary : 비상 약
- Personal Admin Items. Mobile Phone, Cash (lots of it as this is Zermatt and everything, even bottled water is pricey!), Insurance details – see our " Insurance FAQ " : 보험 문의
- 휴대폰, 보험
Extra Kit For The Hut
- Very thin / light sheet sleeping bag / liner. This is a very small / light item and not a normal sleeping back (which is not required).
매우 가벼운 침낭 또는 침낭안용 따듯한 홋이블(?) ( 훼르니 산장 용 ),
- Ear Plugs : 귀마개
- Toothbrush : 치솔
- Hut discount card / Alpine club membership : 산장 할인 카드 : 산악회 회원증
Optional Items
- Trekking Pole(s) can be left at the Hornli Hut during the ascent
- Camera
등산 지팡이, 카메라. 지팡이는 훼르니 산장에 놓고 가도 좋다.
Other Items
- If you have packed things that are not on this list, check with your Guide that you really need them because ‘excess baggage’ really slows you down, tires you out and is a big problem during a long day when the emphasis is on swift and efficient momentum up and down the mountain.
Equipment Provided by the Guide : 가이드가 지참하는 장비
- Rope : 로프
- Mountaineering Hardware / Protection. : 등산/ 등반 장비/ 보호 장비
First Aid Kit :
Group Shelter
Guide book / local knowledge!
Rucksack Packing Advice : 배낭 팩킹
- Try hard to get your rucksack as light as possible. This will make a big difference to your enjoyment, speed and chances of success on the Matterhorn. Think “Light is “Right” and “The only thing that weights nothing….is nothing!”
- 가능한한 가볍게,, 이것이 등산을 즐기고, 속도를 높이며 특히 등정 기회를 높게 할 것이다.
- Pack the items in your sack according to how frequently you use them. The bottom of your sack is reserved for things like duvet jacket & warm gloves. Think about using your pockets if you can for handy items like tiny water bottles / snacks / your camera so you don’t need to take your pack off to get them out.
- 사용 빈도에 따라 배낭에 장비를 넣어라. 물, 스내그 카메라는 가능한 주머니에 넣어라.
- Think about removing unnecessary bits from your pack if it’s a modular system, like waist belt or lid.
- Develop a system for where items are stored in your rucksack and stick to it.
The East face of the Matterhorn catches the first rays of the spring dawn.