오랫만에 순례일지를 작성하는군요~
Long time since I wrote pilgrim's diary.
1. 인천공항
1. Incheon Airport
2. 비행기속
2. Inside airplane
3. 폴란드비행기여서 쇼팽곡이 수록된 것은 당연했는데 누가 연주했나 보니까 조성진~
3. It is no wonder that music of Chopin is prepared inside Polish airplane. The music was played by Seong-Jin Cho.
4. 휴대폰에 녹화된 조앤롤링의 연설영상을 보다보니 멋진 문구가 나오는군요~
4. I found a wonderful phrase while I watch Joan Rowling's video speech recorded in mobile phone.
5. 부쿠레시티에 도착한 직후 공항철도.
5. I enered into airport railway cabin just after I arrived at Bucharest.
6. 역에 도착하니 오전2시
6. It was 2 a.m. when I arrived at railway station.
7. 대합실에서 웹서핑을 하다보니 페이스북에서 1년전 기록을 상기시켜준다.
7. I was web-surfing in station waiting room and found, in facebook, my photo taken one year ago.
8. 흑해로 가는 열차의 1등칸. 거리가 짧아서 체험해보기로 했다. 유럽철도는 이런 호화로운 맛이 있다.
8. First-class train going to Black Sea. Since the travel distance was short, I tried first class trian. I enjoyed luxurious train-travel in Europe.
9. 부유한 물류도시 Constanta에 도착해서 바다까지 약3키로를 걷는다~
필자 얼굴도 2017년 첫출발때와 비교하면 주름이 늘었다.
9. I arrived at Constanta which was known as a rich distribution city. I walked 3 kilometers toward the sea. My face gained more wrinkles compared to 2017 when I started silkroad pilgrimage.
10. 이윽고 흑해도착
10. At last, I arrived at Black Sea.
11. 2018년여름에 갔던 흑해 맞은편 조지아 바투미가 생각난다.
11. Batumi of Georgia which I visited at Summer in 2018 is located at the opposite side of the Black Sea.
12. 부유해선지 예술적 분위기가 있는 도시다.
12. Artistic atmohphere may come from richness of the city.
13. 미술관에 가보았더니,
13. I visited museum.
14. 흑해를 배경으로 한 작품들이 눈에 들어온다.
14. I could see paintings which showed the Blace Sea at background.
17. 특유의 유목문화가 있는듯~
17. I found nomadic culture in painting.
18. 분위기 있는 거리~
18. I could feel nice atmohphere in the streets.
20. 콘스탄차역앞 벤치의 그늘막
20. Canopy over the bench in front of Constanta station.