Posted on April 26, 2011
It came to my attention that someone has recently been posting a supposed debunk of the video “Clinton’s MKULTRA Apology”; the video has also been uploaded under a couple other titles.
This disinformation states that Clinton’s apology is not for MKULTRA at all. It says Clinton’s apology is only for human radiation experiments, and was the close of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments (ACHRE) and that the video has been selectively edited out of context as part of a disinformation campaign.
Here’s the video in question –
1) The clip is indeed from Clinton’s October 3, 1995 remarks on the report by the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments.
Most people missed Clinton’s apology because it aired about 3 hours before the OJ Simpson trial verdict. The Simpson verdict was all that the mainstream media was focused on that day, the verdict (and then hours of “commentary”) even pre-empted regularly scheduled programming on most stations. Nice timing by Clinton, he made his apology and was able to have it overlooked by most Americans.
I’m only going to cite one example, Valerie B. Wolf’s (BCSW, ACSW, BCD) professional testimony before the Committee on March 15, 1995.
Please take a minute to look at the video’s description on it’s You Tube page, there is a lot of information and links there that you should see.
So that establishes that the Committee on Human Radiation Experiments heard testimony on mind control, and worse, mind control of children.
There were also allegations of the survivors still being controlled in one way or another into their adulthood.
Wolf presented a connection between the radiation and mind control experiments.
Here’s a brief quote from a Valerie Wolf page:
“The main reason that mind control research is being mentioned is because people are alleging that they were exposed to mind control, radiation, drugs and chemical experimentation which were administered by the same doctors who are known to have been involved in conducting radiation and mind control research. Because these people were children and were easily controlled, they appear to have been used in more than one research project.”
Point: The Committee was not strictly about radiation experiments. It included mind control experiments, even experiments done to children.
We know that despite the fact that then CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all MKULTRA records destroyed in 1972, in anticipation of Congressional hearings which did not happen until 1977. see this page for background
Now here is a memo that went to the Committee. I have a mirror here just in case that page disappears, it’s a plain text file.
This is a sample from that memo:
The CIA has located three additional documents that describe on their face CIA support for human experiments involving radiation as part of project MKULTRA.1 [The CIA apparently failed to notice these documents when it previously searched the MKULTRA files. See Interim Report, at E-1.2 for a description of MKULTRA.] ...
Document 3 is a letter dated March 30, 1965, from Dr. James A. Hamilton concerning research under MKULTRA Subproject 140 (at that time renamed MKSEARCH # 3). The letter is requesting a grant to continue research on the "Measurement of Thyroid Function in the Puerperium." 2 [The "puerperium" is defined as the state of a woman while bearing a child or the period immediately thereafter -- i.e., the post-partum period.] The letter notes that the funding will also support "a new series of experiments on 100 prisoner-subjects, in which radio-active iodine uptake of the thyroid and T-4 uptake of red-cells, and several other measures which we have developed, are being related to previously studied variables."
How much of MKULTRA based experiments actually made it’s way into the official report is another matter.
Just because Clinton did not specifically mention MKULTRA does not mean he did not apologize for it. As Clinton would say, “It depends on how you define..” … human experimentation.
So Clinton’s apology did cover MKULTRA, which was actually behind a lot of experiments, including radiation. As noted earlier, most MKULTRA files were destroyed between 1972-1977.
We also know now that we were lied to in 1977, MKULTRA continued after the Congressional Hearings – and it is still continuing today, concentrated mostly on electromagnetic mind control.
Sec. 4. Functions. (a) NBAC shall provide advice and make recommendations to the National Science and Technology Council and to other appropriate government entities regarding the following matters: (1) the appropriateness of departmental, agency, or other governmental programs, policies, assignments, missions, guidelines, and regulations as they relate to bioethical issues arising from research on human biology and behavior; and (2) applications, including the clinical applications, of that research.
(b) NBAC shall identify broad principles to govern the ethical conduct of research, citing specific projects only as illustrations for such principles.
(c) NBAC shall not be responsible for the review and approval of specific projects.
The word “radiation” appears only one time in the entire Executive Order.
In the beginning of EO 12975, it says “In conducting this review,
departments and agencies shall take account of the recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments.”
That’s the only mention of radiation in the only Executive Order issued as a result of the Advisory Committee’s findings.
So Clinton created another Committee with EO12975, the NBAC, on the same day that he made the apology in question.
It was to cover all human experimentation because of AND as the conclusion of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments.
All that was on October 3, 1995, and there were no other Executive Orders that day, or ever, regarding the radiation experiments.
You’ve seen that the Committee received information and heard testimony on mind control, and that those crimes were ongoing.
Clinton addressed all human experimentation in EO12975, but in his televised remarks he focused on old radiation experiments instead of ongoing mind control.
It appears as if Clinton wanted the mind control to be ignored by the public and swept under the rug, which it was.
Clinton was prompted to create the Committee because some radiation experiments had been de-classified and released to the public by Hazel O’Leary, Clinton’s Secretary of Energy.
Clinton had to do something to placate people who were outraged over the radiation experiments that O’Leary had released, so he created ACHRE. Then he issued EO12975, which created the National Bioethics Advisory Commission. The NBAC failed to resolve the mind control, like every other ploy our Traitors have used to fool us. Today the problem is much worse.
Clinton’s apology was for all the human experiments, not just about radiation. That includes MKULTRA. It’s unfortunate that the full video is so elusive, for whatever reason. It almost seems like someone wanted it forgotten.
The would be de-bunker is mistaken, the video is not about something else, it is about MKULTRA.
This entry was originally posted in Anti-NWO, Communists, Messages to We The People, Mind Control, Misc Posts, Traitors and tagged ACHRE, Bill Clinton, EO12975, Human Radiation Experiments, mind control, mind control victims, MKULTRA
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