Aerial pingpong: Australian Rules football
Amber fluid: beer
Ankle biter: small child
Antipodes: places on exactly opposite sides of the earth
Apples, she'll be: It'll be alright
Arvo: afternoon
Aussie (pron. Ozzie): Australian
Aussie salute: brushing away flies with the hand
Avos: avocados
Back of Bourke: a very long way away
Bail out: depart, usually angrily
Bail (somebody) up: to corner somebody physically
Barbie: barbecue ("I'll throw some shrimp on the barbie")
Banana bender: a person from Queensland
Barrack: to cheer on (football team etc.)
Bastard: term of endearment
Battler: someone working hard and only just making a living
Beaut, beauty: great, fantastic
Big-note oneself: brag, boast
Bikkie: biscuit (also "it cost big bikkies" - it was expensive)
Billabong: an ox-bow river or watering hole
Billy: large tin can used to boil water over a campfire for tea
Bities: biting insects
Bitzer: mongrel dog (bits of this and bits of that)
Bizzo: business ("mind your own bizzo")
Black Stump, beyond the: a long way away, the back of nowhere
Bloke: man, guy
Bloody: very (bloody hard yakka)
Bloody oath!: that's certainly true
Blow in the bag: have a breathalyzer test
Blowie: blow fly
Bludger: lazy person, layabout, somebody who always relies on other people to do things or lend him things
Blue: fight ("he was having a blue with his wife")
Blue, make a: make a mistake
Bluey: pack, equipment, traffic ticket, redhead
Bluey: blue cattle dog (named after its subtle markings) which is an excellent working dog. Everyone's favourite all-Aussie dog.
Bodgy: of inferior quality
Bonzer: great, ripper
Boogie board: a hybrid, half-sized surf board
Boomer: a large male kangaroo
Booze bus: police vehicle used for catching drunk drivers
Boozer: a pub
Bored shitless: very bored
Bottle shop: liquor shop
Bourke Street, he doesn't know Christmas from: he's a bit slow in the head. (Bourke Street is a brightly lit Melbourne street)
Brass razoo, he hasn't got a : he's very poor
Brekkie: breakfast
Brizzie: Brisbane, state capital of Queensland
Brown-eyed mullet: a turd in the sea (where you're swimming!)
Brumby: a wild horse
Buckley's, Buckley's chance: no chance ("New Zealand stands Buckley's of beating Australia at football")
Brick shit house, built like a: big strong bloke
Buck's night: stag party, male gathering the night before the wedding
Bull bar: stout bar fixed to the front of a vehicle to protect it against hitting kangaroos
Bundy: brand of rum made in Bundaberg, Queensland
Bunyip: mythical outback creature
Bush: the hinterland, the Outback, anywhere that isn't in town
Bushie: someone who lives in the Bush
Bushranger: highwayman, outlaw
B.Y.O.: unlicensed restaurant where you have to Bring Your Own grog, also similar party or barbecue
Cark it: to die, cease functioning
Choke a darkie: defecate
Chokkie: chocolate
Chook: a chicken
Chrissie: Christmas
Christmas: see Bourke Street
Chuck a sickie: take the day off sick from work when you're perfectly healthy
Chunder: vomit
Clayton's: fake, substitute
Click: kilometre - "it's 10 clicks away"
Cobber: friend
Cockie: farmer. Also a cockatoo
Cockroach: a person from New South Wales
Coldie: a beer
Come a gutser: make a bad mistake, have an accident
Compo: Workers' Compensation pay
Cooee, not within: figuratively a long way away, far off - England weren't within cooee of beating Australia at cricket
Corroboree: an aboriginal dance festival
Counter lunch: pub lunch
Cozzie: swimming costume
Cranky: in a bad mood, angry
Cream (verb): defeat by a large margin
Crook: sick, or badly made
Crow eater: a person from South Australia
Cut lunch: sandwiches
Cut snake, mad as a: very angry
Dag: a funny person, nerd, goof
Daks: trousers
Damper: bread made from flour and water
Deadset: true, the truth
Dero: tramp, hobo, homeless person (from "derelict")
Digger: a soldier
Dill: an idiot
Dinkum, fair dinkum: true, real, genuine ("I'm a dinkum Aussie"; "is he fair dinkum?")
Dinky-di: the real thing, genuine
Dipstick: a loser, idiot
Dob (somebody) in: inform on somebody. Hence dobber, a tell-tale
Docket: a bill, receipt
Doco: documentary
Dog: unattractive woman
Dole bludger: Somebody on social assistance when unjustified
Donger: penis
Doodle: penis
Doozey: something very pleasant
Down Under: Australia and New Zealand
Drink with the flies: to drink alone
Drongo: a dope, stupid person
Drum: information, tip-off ("I'll give you the drum")
Duffer, cattle: rustler
Dummy, spit the: get very upset at something
Dunny: outside lavatory
Dunny rat, cunning as a: very cunning
Durry: cigarette
Earbashing: nagging, non-stop chatter
Esky: large insulated food/drink container for picnics, barbecues etc.
Exy: expensive
Fair dinkum: True, genuine
Fair go: a chance ("give a bloke a fair go")
Flake: shark's flesh (sold in fish & chips shops)
Footy: Australian Rules football
Fossicking: searching, rummaging ("fossicking through the kitchen drawers")
Freckle: anus
Fruit loop: fool
Full: drunk
Galah: fool, named after the bird of the same name which flies south in the winter - a bloody silly thing to do in the Southern Hemisphere
Garbo, garbologist: municipal garbage collector
G'Day: hello!
Give it a burl: try it, have a go
Good oil: useful information, a good idea, the truth
Good on you: good for you, well done
Greenie: environmentalist
Grog: liquor, beer ("bring your own grog, you bludger")
Grouse (adj.): great, terrific, very good
Gyno: gynaecologist
Hoon: hooligan
Hooroo: goodbye (ⓒ Don Burke)
Hotel: often just a pub
Hottie: hot water bottle
Icy pole: popsicle, lollypop
Jackaroo: a male station hand (a station is a big farm/grazing property)
Jillaroo: a female station hand
Joey: baby kangaroo
Journo: journalist
Jumbuck: sheep
Kelpie: Australian sheepdog originally bred from Scottish collie
Kero: kerosene
Kindie: kindergarten
Knock: to criticise
Knock back: refusal (noun), refuse (transitive verb)
Knocker: somebody who criticises
Larrikin: a bloke who is always enjoying himself, harmless prankster
Lippy: lipstick
Liquid laugh: vomit
Lob, lob in: drop in to see someone ("the rellies have lobbed")
Lollies: sweets, candy
London to a brick: absolute certainty ("it's London to a brick that taxes won't go down")
Loo: toilet
Lucky Country, The: Australia, where else?
Lurk: illegal or underhanded racket
Mate: buddy, friend
Mate's rate, mate's discount: cheaper than usual for a "friend"
Metho: methylated spirits
Mexican: a person from south of the (Queensland) border
Mickey Mouse: excellent, very good
Middy: 285 ml beer glass in New South Wales
Milk bar: corner shop that sells takeaway food
Milko: milkman
Mob: group of people, not necessarily troublesome
Mob: family or herd (?) of kangaroos
Mongrel: despicable person
Mozzie: mosquito
Muddy: mud crab (a great delicacy)
Mug: friendly insult ("have a go, yer mug"), gullible person
Mull: grass (the kind you smoke)
Mull up: roll a joint and smoke it
Naughty, have a: have sex
Never Never: the Outback, centre of Australia
Nipper: young surf lifesaver
No-hoper: somebody who'll never do well
Not the full quid: not bright intellectually
Nuddy, in the: naked
Ocker: an unsophisticated person
Offsider: an assistant, helper
Oldies: parents - "I'll have to ask my oldies"
O.S.: overseas ("he's gone O.S.")
Outback: interior of Australia
Oz: Australia!
Pash: passion, infatuation
Pav: Pavlova - a rich, creamy Australian dessert
Perve (noun & verb): looking lustfully at the opposite sex
Piece of piss: easy task
Pig's arse!: I don't agree with you
Piker: Someone who doesn't want to fit in with others socially, leaves parties early
Piss: beer. Hence "hit the piss", "sink some piss"
Plonk: cheap wine
Pokies: poker machines, fruit machines
Polly: politician
Pom, pommy: an Englishman
Pommy bastard: an Englishman
Port: suitcase (portmanteau)
Postie: postman, mailman
Pot: 285 ml beer glass in Queensland: position - get a good pozzy at the football stadium
Prezzy: present, gift
Quid, make a: earn a living - "are you making a quid?"
Quid, not the full: of low IQ
Rage: party
Rage on: to continue partying - "we raged on until 3am"
Rapt: pleased, delighted
Reckon!: you bet! Absolutely!
Rego: vehicle registration
Rellie: family relative
Ridgy-didge: original, genuine
Right: okay ("she'll be right, mate")
Ripper: great, fantastic
Road train: big truck with many trailers
Roo: kangaroo
Root: sexual intercourse
Rooted: broken, tired
Ropeable: very angry
Rotten: drunk ("I went out last night and got rotten")
Rubbish: to criticize
Salvos, the: Salvation Army, bless them
Salute, Aussie: brushing flies away
Sandgroper: a person from Western Australia
Sanger: a sandwich
Schooner: large beer glass
Scratchy: instant lottery ticket
Servo: petrol station
Shark biscuit: somebody new to surfing
Sheila: a woman
She'll be right: it'll turn out okay
Shonky: dubious, underhanded. E.g. a shonky practice, shonky business etc.
Shoot through: to leave
Shout: turn to buy - a round of drinks usually ("it's your shout")
Sickie: day off sick from work (chuck a sickie=take the day off sick from work when you're perfectly healthy!)
Skite: boast, brag
Slab: a carton of 24 bottles or cans of beer
Sleepout: house verandah converted to a bedroom
Smoko: smoke or coffee break
Sook: person or animal who is soft, tame, inoffensive. Hence sooky (adj.)
Snag: a sausage
Spag bol: spaghetti bolognese
Spit the dummy: get very upset at something
Sprung: caught doing something wrong
Spunk: a good looking person (of either sex)
Station: a big farm/grazing property
Stickybeak: nosy person
Stuffed, I'll be: expression of surprise
Stuffed, I feel: I'm tired
Strewth: exclamation, mild oath ("Strewth, that Chris is a bonzer bloke")
Strides: trousers
Strine: Australian slang and pronunciation
Stubby: a beer bottle
Stubby holder: polystyrene insulated holder for a stubby
Sunbake: sunbathe
Sunnies: sunglasses
Surfies: people who go surfing - usually more often than they go to work!
Swaggie: swagman
Swagman: tramp, hobo
Tall poppies: successful people
Taswegian: a person from Tasmania
Technicolor yawn: vomit
Tee-up: to set up an appointment
Tely: Television, T.V
Thingo: Wadjamacallit, thingummy, whatsit
Thongs: cheap rubber backless sandals
Tickets, to have on oneself: to have a high opinion of oneself
Tinny: can of beer, small aluminium boat
Togs: swim suit
Too right!: definitely!
Top End: far north of Australia
Truckie: truck driver
True blue: patriotic
Tucker: food
Tucker-bag: food bag
Turps: turpentine, alcoholic drink
Turps, hit the: go on a drinking binge
Two up: gambling game played by spinning two coins simultaneously
Uni: university
Unit: flat, apartment
Up oneself: have a high opinion of oneself - "he's really up himself"
Ute: utility vehicle
Veg out: relax in front of the TV (like a vegetable)
Vedgies: vegetables
Vejjo: vegetarian
Vee dub: Volkswagen
Waggin' school: playing truant
Walkabout, it's gone: it's lost, can't be found
Whinge: complain
White pointers: topless (female) sunbathers
Wobbly: excitable behaviour ("I complained about the food and the waiter threw a wobbly")
Wog: flu or trivial illness
Woop Woop: invented name for any small unimportant town - "he lives in Woop Woop"
Wowser: straight-laced person, prude, puritan, spoilsport
XXXX: pronounced Four X, brand of beer made in Queensland
Yabber: talk (a lot)
Yakka: work (noun)
Yewy: u-turn in traffic ("chuck a yewy at the next traffic lights")
Yobbo: an uncouth person