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2016. 2. 23 하토브
Pope Francis: God Has Instructed Me to Revise the Ten
JULY 6, 2015 by R. HOBBUS J.D.
GUAYAQUIL, Ec. – Pope Francis kicked off the start of
a three-nation trip across South America today with his first mass, with over a
million Ecuadorians in attendance, in the coastal city of Guayaquil. Delivering
the mass in Spanish, the Pope spoke about the importance of family in modern
society, saying, “It needs to be helped and strengthened, lest we lose our
proper sense of the services which society as a whole provides.”
During his sermon, Pope Francis announced to
Christians around the world that God had called upon him, instructing him “to
revise the most sacred of texts, the Ten Commandments.” Given to the Israelites
by God himself at Mount Sinai, the Commandments include instructions for
worship and list several prohibited practices.
Pope Francis said Christians around the world are
“faced with ever-increasing temptations brought on by the evils of modern
society.” The Pope said the updated Commandments reflect the changing times and
include some minor rewording of the existing rules as well as the addition of
two new Commandments.
The Fourth Commandment, which advocates that proper
respect be shown towards one’s parents, has been reworded in order to include
children raised by same-sex parents. Pope Francis said the Seventh Commandment,
prohibiting adultery and, among other things, homosexuality, has been removed
entirely, as instructed by God, in order to extend “God’s grace to all His
Addressing the inclusion of the new Commandments,
which bring the total number to eleven, Pope Francis praised the rapid growth
of technology in the digital age but said “progress comes at a price.” The new
Fifth Commandment, which replaces the prohibition of adultery, forbids all
aspects of genetic engineering and bans the consumption of genetically modified
Lastly, the Eleventh Commandment disallows personal
idolization and the glorification of one’s self over God. Using the
Kardashians, a highly publicized celebrity family, as an example, Pope Francis
said, “Selfies are an abomination in the eyes of our Lord.”
A spokesman for the Vatican, Father Federico
Lombardi, said the Eleven Commandments are currently being etched into marble
by an Italian sculptor and, upon completion, will be unveiled to the world in
Saint Peter’s Square following an internationally televised mass.
첫댓글 프란치스코가 일곱번째 계명도 자기가 바꿨다는건데
동성애를 옹호하기 위해서 망발을 하구 있군요
썩은 생선 대가리 --> 프란치스코
근데.. 네번째 계명은 부모에 관한것이 아니고 안식일 계명인데 본문글 쓴이가 횡설수설을 조금 하는군요
아마도 부모를 공경하라는 계명을 가지고 동성애 부부도 인정하라고 허튼소리하면서 수작 부리는것 같습니다.
그러려면 간음하지 말라 (7번째) 계명을 십계명에서 빼야겠죠
프란치스코는 시대가 바꼈으니깐 하나님 말씀이 변해야 한다고 주장하는 사탄이 분명합니다.
아.. 카톨릭 십계명은 네번째가 안식일이 아니고 부모를 공경하라였지요.
@KJB1611 천주교 십계명
일. 한 분이신 하느님을 흠숭하여라.?
이. 하느님의 이름을 함부로 부르지 마라.?
삼. 주일을 거룩히 지내라.?
사. 부모에게 효도하여라.?
오. 사람을 죽이지 마라.?
육. 간음하지 마라.?
칠. 도둑질을 하지 마라.?
팔. 거짓 증언을 하지마라.?
구. 남의 아내를 탐내지 마라.?
십. 남의 재물을 탐내지 마라.
@한나라 개신교 십계명
01계명 : 너는 나 외에는 다른 신들을 네게 두지 말라 (출 20:3)?
02계명 : 너를 위하여 새긴 우상을 만들지 말라 (출 20:4)
03계명 : 너는 네 하나님 여호와의 이름을 망령되게 부르지 말라 (출 20:7)?
04계명 : 안식일을 기억하여 거룩하게 지키라 (출 20:8)?
05계명 : 네 부모를 공경하라 (출 20:12)?
06계명 : 살인하지 말라 (출 20:13)?
07계명 : 간음하지 말라 (출 20:14)?
08계명 : 도적질하지 말라 (출 20:15)?
09계명 : 네 이웃에 대하여 거짓 증거 하지 말라 (출 20:16)?
10계명 : 네 이웃의 집을 탐내지 말라 (출 20:17)
미친 늙은이야 너도 망령이 났구나 되질날이 가까우니.....
미친놈이 미친지랄하네
ㅎㅎㅎ. 하느님이 나에게 십계명을 변경하도록 지시 하셨다.는 교황의 말.
천주교 신자들. 참으로 불쌍하네요.
그들은 아멘 할겁니다.