가공버터: processed butter
가공치즈유화솥: processed cheese kettle. melting kettle
가교형성: crossbridge formation
가금: poultry
가금부산물건조분: poultry by-product meal
가금산업: poultry industry
가금육: poultry meat
가는 섬유: thin filament
가당분유: sweetened milk powder
가당연유: sweetened condensed milk
가두리 사육: net-cage culture
가든피이: garden pea
가루사료: all mash
가릿대: beef rib bone
가마우지: cormorant
가사: anabiosis
가산법: method of acid addition
가성반음양: pseudohermaphroditism
가성소다처리짚: NaOH-treated straw
가성황체: false corpus luteum
가소화건물량: digestible dry matter. DDM
가소화단백질: digestible protein
가소화에너지: digestible energy. DE
가소화영양소: digestible nutrient
가소화영양소총량: total digestible nutrients. TDN
가스구멍: gas hole
가스기절법: gas stunning
가스치환포장: gas packaging
가스화: gasification
가승가: false mounting
가식내장: offals. giblets
가압 마사지: press massage
가압박편: pressure flaking
가열살균: heating pasteurization
가열살라미: cooked salami
가열소시지: cooked sausage
가열취: burnt flavor; cooked flavour. scorched flavour
가열치사시간: thermal death time. TDT
가열훈연소시지: cooked smoked sausage
가염버터: salted butter
가온염지법: hot curing
가용라이신: available lysine
가용무질소물: nitrogen free extract. NFE
가지: fatliquoring
가축: livestock. animal
가축단위: animal unit. livestock unit
가축량: livestock carry
가축분뇨: manure. livestock waste
가축상: cattle dealers
가축시장: livestock market
가친: foster mother
각약증: leg weakness. perosis
각질화: keratinization
각피: shell
간균: rods. rod-shaped bacteria
간기: interphase
간농양: liver abscess
간로후: liver loaf
간성: intersex
간세포: stem cell
간소시지: liver sausage
간유: liver oil
간접발연식훈연법: smoking with indirect smoke production
간접선발: indirect selection
갈락토스혈증: galactosemia
갈락토오스: galactose
갈매기살: thin skirt
갈비: beef rib
갈비: spare rib. rib
갈색건초: brown hay
감각수용체: receptor
감수분열: meiosis. meiotic division
감습: dehumidification
감염계: infected chicken
감염성유산: infectious abortion
감자가공부산물: dried potato products
감자단백질사료: potato protein feeds
감자전분박: potato pomace. potato pulp
갑상선호르몬: thyroid hormone
갓오리: trimming
강건성: vitality
강력유전: prepotency
강방목: intensive grazing
강열잔분: ash
강정사양: flushing
강제급수: forced watering
강제급식: force-feeding. gavage
강제환기: forced ventilation
강제환우: forced molting
강제환풍장치: forced air circulating system
강직의 해제: resolution of rigor
강직전 발골: prerigor deboning
강해성 어류: catadromous fish
강화양모: strengthened wool
개: dog
개구리입 균열: cracked rind. frogmouth
개량: improvement
개량종: improved breeds
개량햄: quick pressed ham
개시인자: initiation factor
개시코돈: initiation codon. start codon
개재판: intercalated disc
개저식화물차: hopper car
개체모형: animal model. AM
개체발생: ontogenesis. ontogeny
개체선발: individual selection. mass selection
개체잡종강세: individual heterosis
개체표지: identification
거대적혈구모세포: megaloblast
거란지: tail bone
거세: castration
거세돈: barrow
거세마: gelding
거세숫양: wether. stag
거세우: steer
거위: geese
거친분쇄: coarse ground
건구온도: dry bulb temperature
건물: dry matter
건물기준: dry matter basis
건상펠릿: dry pellets
건식용출: dry rendering
건열조리법: dry heat cooking method
건염법: dry curing. dry salting
건염염지: dry salt curing
건유: drying-off
건이: dry feed
건조난백: dried albumin
건조난황: dried yolk
건조전란: dried egg
건조전유: dried whole milk
건조제품: dry products
건조탈지유: dried skim milk
건초: hey
건초당량: hay equivalent. HE
건초큐브: hay cube
건초펠렛: hay pellet. pelleted hay
건피: drying pelt
건피증: xerosis
건피판: pelting board
검역: quarantine
검정교배: test cross
게움질: regurgitation
격리조기이유: segregated early weaning
견사성깃털: silky feather
결착력: binding strength
결착용고기: bind meat
결합조직: connective tissue
경단백질: albuminoid
경란: extra small egg
경로계수: path coefficient
경운초지: ploughed grassland
경지돈육: hard pork
계군관리: chicken management
계두: fowl pox
계류: lairage
계류식: confined housing
계류식우사: tie-type stall barn
계면활성제: surface active agents. surfactants
계사설계: chicken house design
계산물: chicken products
계절번식: seasonal breeding
계정육: chicken meat
계통: line. strain
고간: straw
고간류: straws. stalks
고거리: fore shank
고기소: beef cattle
고기형: meat type. lean meat type
고농축사료첨가제: feed additive premix
고단백질사료원: high protein feeds
고부(엉덩이 부위): rump
고아양: poddy
고압멸균기: autoclave
고양이: cat
고온단시간살균법: high temperature short time pasteurization. HTST
고온단축: heat shortening
고온발효법: warm fermentation
고정세포: fixed cell
고정수: immobilized water
고창증: bloat. tympanites
고추씨박: red pepper seed oil meal
고형물함량: solid content
고형식: solid food
곤포: bale
공간난방: space heat
공기가열기: air heater
과학사료: scientific feed
괴사: necrosis
교배법: mating system
구루병: ricket
구입사료: purchased feed
구제역: foot & mouth disease. FMD
균일분배제품: portioned products
근교계: inbred line. inbred strain
근위(筋胃): gizzard
기계감별(機械鑑別): proctoscope sexing
기러기: wild geese
기류(氣流): draft
기초대사율: basal metabolic rate. BMR
기호성: palatabiliy
길항작용: antagonism. antagonistic action
꿩: pheasant
낙농: dairy farming
낙농업: dairy industry
낙농학: dairy science
낙산균: butyric acid bacteria
낙산발효: butyric acid fermentation
낙인: brand
난방부하: heating loads
난사비(卵飼比): egg feed ratio
난용계: egg type chicken
난육겸용종: dual purpose breed
낟가리: stack
날실: warf
낭세포: daughter cell
낭핵: daughter nucleus
내종(內種): varieties
냉동건조: freeze drying
냉동육: frozen meat
냉장: cold storage. refrigeration
냉장육: chilled meat
넓적다리 힘줄: thigh tendon
넓적다리: thigh
넓적다리뼈: femur
노계: old chicken
노벨티: novelties
노출거리: exposure distance
녹사료: green meal
농축사료: concentrate
농후사료: concentrates. concentrate feed
능력검정: performance test
다람쥐: squirrel
다산계통: high production layer line
다산성: thriftiness
다산우: multiparous cow
다이제스트: digest
다즙사료: succulent feed
다즙성: juiciness
단백가: protein value
단백질 다형(多型)현상: protein polymorphism
단백질 절약효과: protein-sparing effect
단백질: protein
단백질공학: protein engineering
단백질당량(當量): protein equivalent. PE
단백질대체가: protein replacement value. PRV
단백질보호: protein protection
단백질분해도: protein degradability
단백질분해박테리아: proteolytic bacteria
단백질분해효소: protease. proteinase
단백질사료: protein supplement feed
단백질의 생물가: biological value
단백질효율: protein efficiency ratio. PER
단성잡종: monohybrid
단세포단백질: single-cell protein
단순단백질: simple protein
단순배합모델: single formula model
단순짝비교평가: paired comparison test
단위먼지량: dust loading
단위발생: parthenogenesis
단일번식동물: short-day breeder
단일처리: short-day treatmeat
달걀: hen's egg. egg
달걀등급: grade of egg
달걀저장: egg storage
담근먹이: silage
대두단백: soy protein
대용유: milk replacer
대퇴근: thigh tendon
대퇴부위: thigh
대한양계협회: The Korean Poultry Association
도가니: knuckle. knee bone
도가니살: knuckle round
도계부산물분: poultry by-product meal
도계장: chicken processing house
도체: carcass
도축: slaughter
도축장: slaughterhouse; abattoir
독성폐기물: toxic waste
돈도체껍질제거기: derinder
돈모: bristle
돈육: pork
동물성 생산품: animal products
돼지: pig. hog
두수: heads. headage
들닭: jungle fowl
등가인구: population equivalent
등마루뼈: spine ridge. feather bone. spine
등뼈: backbone
등심: loin
등장액: isotonic solution
디큐마롤: dicumarol
딸세포: daughter cell
딸핵: daughter nucleus
떡갈: boneless rib
떡심: nuchal ligament
락스헴: lachs ham
락타아제: lactase
램: ram
런천미트: lucheon meat
레그혼종: Leghorn
레토르트: retort
리그닌: lignin
리놀렌산: linolenic acid
리놀산: linoleic acid
리트머스우유: litmus milk
리파아제: lipase
리포솜: liposome
마력: horse power
마무리비육: finishing
마방: stall. barn
마사: stall. barn
마사징: massaging
마쇄: grinding
만숙가축: hard keeper
만우(晩羽)성: slow feathering
말: horse
맥아근: malt sprouts
맥아당: maltose
멍에살: top of chuck roll
메추리: quail
멜라닌: melanin
멜라토닌: melatonin
멧돼지: boar
면양육: mutton
면역: immunity
멸균: sterilization
멸균유: sterilized milk
멸균통조림: retorted canned food
모이주머니: crop
모체면역: maternal immunity
모체유전효과: maternal immunity
모체효과: maternal effect
목야: grassland range; rangeland
목야지: grassland; rangeland
목질화: lignification
목초 사일리지: grass silage
목초: pasture crop. pasture plant
목초분말: grass meal
목초지: pasture
무균포장: asceptic packaging
무기응집제: inorganic coagulants
무기질사료: mineral feed
무난황난(無卵黃卵): yolkless egg
무사분열(無絲分裂): amitosis
무산소증: anoxia
무제한급식: full feeding. ad libitum feeding
미강: rice bran
밀기울: wheat barn
밀도지표: density index
밀봉: seaming
바늘주사법: stitch pumping
바닐라향: vanilla
바이오칩: biochip
박피: skinning
박피기: skinner. skinning bench
반감기: half life
반추: rumination
반추동물: ruminant
반추박(反芻粕): paunch meal
반추위: reticulo-rumen
반추위내용물: rumen contents
발아사료: sprouting grain
발효사료: fermented feed
방목일: cow-day
백색육: white meat
번식돈: breeding pig
번식우: breeding beef cattle
베이컨: bacon
보상성장: compensatory growth
보조사료: supplements. supplement feed
보충사료: supplement
보호단백질: protected protein
복사: radiation
부정(不正)육: tainted meat
부화습도: incubation humidity
부화온도: incubation temperature
분쇄: grinding
분쇄기: grinder. chopper. mincer
분쇄육: ground meat
뷰렛: biuret
뷰렛시험: biuret test
브로일러: broiler
사골(四骨): leg bone
사과박: apple pomace
사내(舍內)건조법: barn drying. mow curing
사료계산(計算): feed formulation
사료곡물메이저: feed major
사료급여율: feeding rate
사료단위: feed unit. FU
사료배합률작성: ration formulation
사료배합표: feed formula
사료스펙: feed specification
사료요구율: feed conversion
사료작물: forage crop
사료첨가제: feed additives
사료효율: feed efficiency
사릅마: juvenile(만 2세의 말)
사모광(思牡狂): nymphomania
사슴: deer
사양표준: feeding standard
사육밀도: culturing density
사일로: silo
사일리지 2차발효: secondary fermentation of silage
사일리지: silage. ensilage
사일리지첨가제: silage additives
사태: shank
사태살: popliteal meat
사후(死後)변화: postmortem change
사후강직(死後强直): rigor mortis
사후강직(死後强直)개시: onset of rigor
사후강직(死後强直)완료: completion of rigor
사후강직(死後强直)전: pre-rigor
산토끼: hares. wild rabbits
살모넬라: Salmonella
삼겹살: belly
삼계(蔘鷄): ginseng-chicken
상(常)염색체: autosome
상관반응: correlated response
상대습도: relative humidity
상등심: spencer roll. rib roast
상번(上繁)초: top grass
상승작용: synergism
상온축사: warm confinement
상피조직: epithelial tissue
새끼돼지: piglet
생돈육소시지: fresh pork sausage
생미강: rice bran
생사료: live foods
생체내실험: in vivo experiment
생합성: biosynthesis
생합성물질: biomaterial
생화학적산소요구량: biochemical oxygen demand
생화학적전구물질: biochemical precursor
선지: edible beef blood
선천성대사이상: inherent error of metabolism
설육: meat offal
성염색체: sex chromosome
송아지: calf
송아지고기: veal
수모류: animal hair
수유(受乳): milk receiving
수입(受入)검사; platform test
수피류: animal skin
스팸육: spam meat
시유: fresh milk
시판사료: commercial feed
시판체중: market weight
신경호르몬: neurohormone
신바이오테크놀러지: new biotechnology
아드레날린: adrenaline
아롱사태: flexor muscle of hind shank
안볼기살: inside round
안식향산: Benzoic acid
안심: tender loin
안창살: thin skirt
알팔파: alfalfa
액상분뇨: liquid manure
액상사료: liquid feed
야수류: wild animals
양: sheep
양서류: amphibia
양지: brisket and flank
양지머리: point end of brisket
어복(장딴지): calf
엑기스: extract
역우: draft cow
역축: draft animal
연유: condensed milk
염소: goat
영계: young chicken
오골계: Korean Ogol chicken
오금: stifle
오니: sludge
오니지표: sledge index
오도독뼈: cartilage
오리: duck
올인원사료: all-in-one feed
완전배합사료: all-in-one feed
육계: broiler
육계: broiler
육류: meats
육용: for meat
육용종계: broiler breeders. meat type breeders
육우: beef cattle
육우: beef cow. beef cattle
육종: breeding
일장(日長)처리: light treatment
임계온도: critical temperature
자가면역: autoimmunity
자당(蔗糖): sugar. sucrose
자유급식; ad libitum feeding. self-feeding
자유선택급식: free choice feeding
잡육: variety meat
장닭: cock
장딴지: calf
장일성(長日性)번식동물: long-day breeder
장제(裝蹄): shoeing
재구성육: restructured meats
저영양사육: underfeeding
저온발효법: cold fermentation
저온살균법: low temperature long time pasteurization. LTLT
저온성세균: psychrotroph
저온탕침법: semi-scalding
저작(詛嚼): mastication
적육: red meat
전모(剪毛): shearing. clipping
정밀급식: precision feeding
정육: dressed meat. lean meat
정육률: meat percent
정제사료: purified diet
젖소: dairy cow. milk cow. dairy cattle
젖소젖: cow's milk
제비추리: neck meat. longus colli muscle
제한급식: restricted feeding. limited feeding
조류: birds
조사료: forage. roughage
종계: breeding chickens
종빈마(種牝馬): broodmare
준가금류: quasi-poultry
중간섬유: intermediate fiber
중간수분식품: intermediate moisture food. IMF
지용성비타민: fat-soluble vitamin
지육: carcass
진공포장: vacuum packaging
진균: fungi
차돌백이: sternum side of point end of brisket
착유: milking
착유간격: milking interval
착유기: milker. milking machine
착유빈도: milking frequency
처녑: omasum
청예사료작물: soilage crop
청예작물: soiling crop
초고온처리우유: UHT milk. long life milk. long storage milk. long keeping milk
초생추: new born chicks
축산관련산업: agro-livestock business
축산단지: livestock complex
축산물: livestock products. animal products
축산컨설팅: livestock farming consulting
축육: livestock meat
축적지방: depot fat
치마살: flank plate
칠면조: turkey
침니(沈泥): silt
카우데이: cow-day
콘도미니엄: condominiums
키메라: chimera
타조: ostrich
탈지분유: dried skim milk. non-fat dry milk
탈지유제품: skim milk products
털갈이: molt. moulting
토끼: rabbit
투자한계: limit of investment
특란: extra large egg
특수사료: specialty feed. special purpose feed. special animal feed
파란(破卵): cracked egg
파충류: reptilia
패분: oyster shell
팬후드: fan hood
펠릿: pellets
평사(平舍): open floor house
평상식계사: slat chicken house
평형온도: equilibrium temperature
폐마(廢馬): crock
폐사율: mortality
포육(哺育)능력: mothering ability
포자형성세균: spore-forming bacteria
포장육: packaged meat
포장재료: packaging material
포화정도: degree of saturation
포화지방산: saturated fatty acid
표면결착력: surface cohesion
표면변색: surface discoloration
표시물: indicator. marker
표적기관: target organ
표준화: standardization
표피형성: skin formation
표현도: expressivity
표현모사: phenocopy
품질개선제: quality improving agents
품질지불: quality payment
품질표준: quality standard
피 피 비: parts per billion. PPB
피 피 엠: parts per million. PPM
필수아미노산계수: essential amino acid index. EAAI
필수유전자: essential gene
필수지방산: essential fatty acid
하고(夏枯)현상: summer depression
하등마(馬): plug
하리(下痢): scouring. diarrhea
하마(下馬): dismount
하번초(下繁草): bottom grass
한배새끼: litter
한복(一服)검정: litter test
한선(汗腺): sweat gland
한우: Korean native cattle. native cattle
함수율: moisture content
합사(合飼): joining
합성돈: synthetic pig
항체: antibody
항체호르몬: luteal hormone
해당(解糖)작용: glycolysis. embden-meyerhof pathway
해체(解體): dressing
햄육: ham meat
현수: suspension
혈연계수: coefficient of relationship
혈연관계: relationship
혈통등록: pedigree registry
혐기성: anaerobic
혐기성균: anaerobic bacteria
혼합: blending; mixing
혼합분유: mixed milk powder
혼합사료: mixed ration
화학적등급: chemical score
확대재생산: extended reproduction
환우(換羽): molt. moulting
후대검정: progeny test
훈연: smoking
흑염소: black goat