Paternity dispute in Egypt
[New Words]
♧ cause a stir : 사회적인 관심을 끌다, 혼란/동요를 일으키다
♧ abortion : n. 유산, 낙태
♧ go public : v. (비밀 등을) 발표하다, 공개하다
♧ alleged : a. (증거 없이) 주장된, ~이라고들 말하는
♧ unregistered : a. 등록/기록되지 않은, 혈통증명이 없는
♧ have to do with A : A와 관련/관계가 있는
♧ relent : v. to finally agree to something after refusing
마음이 누그러지다, 가엾게 여기다
♧ spark an outcry : 많은 사람들을 화나게 하다/항의하게 하다
♧ feminist : n. 여권 주장자, 여권 확장론자
♧ liberal : n. 자유주의자
♧ unconventional : a. 관습을 좇지 않는, 인습에 사로잡히지 않은, 자유로운
♧ raise A's eyebrow : 사람들의 비난/멸시를 초래하다, 놀라게 하다
♧ undergo : v. (검사/치료 등을)받다, 당하다, 겪다, 경험하다
♧ landmark : n. 획기적인 사건, 경계표
♧ sexuality : n. 성적관심
♧ unstinting : a. 무제한으로 주어진, 무조건의
The case has caused a stir in Egypt for months. Instead of doing what many young Egyptian women in her situation do, that is, have an abortion, Hind Al-Hinnawi, an upper middle class professional, had the baby, went public and took the alleged father to court.
The man, Ahmad Al-Fishawi, hosts a television programme about religion for young people. He's also the son of a film star and a famous actress.
The young mother says that she married Mr Al-Fishawi according to what is known in Islam as a Urfi marriage, an unregistered marriage contract. After initially denying he had anything to do with the mother, Mr Al-Fishawi relented, but refused to accept that he was the father of the baby girl, sparking an outcry among Egypt's feminists and liberals.
The mother's unconventional behaviour also raised many conservative eyebrows. In February, a court ruled that Mr Al-Fishawi should undergo a DNA test. The ruling was considered a landmark and regarded as a huge victory for the mother and her supporters. But equally significant is the debate about sexuality, freedom and responsibility that the case has generated.
The family's unstinting support of their daughter is also remarkable, in a society where many parents would have put the blame on the girl, and some - particularly in Egypt's rural communities - might even have killed her.