Ooh, Jackie Blue
Lives her life from inside of her room
Hides a smile when she's wearin' a frown
Ooh, Jackie you're not so down
You like your life in a free-form style
You'll take an inch but you'd love a mile
There never seems to be quite enough
Floating around to fill your lovin' cup
Ooh, Jackie Blue
What's a game girl, if you never lose?
Ask a winner and you'll probably find
Ooh, Jackie they've lost at sometime
Don't try to tell me that you're not aware
Of what you're doing and that you don't care
You say it's easy, just a natural thing
Like playing music, but you never sing
Ooh, Jackie Blue
Making wishes that never come true
Going places that you've never been
Ooh, Jackie Blue, you're going again
Ooh, Jackie Blue
Lives a dream that can never come true
Making love is like sifting through sand
Ooh, Jackie, it slips through your hand
Every day, in your indigo eyes
I watch the sunset but I don't see it rise
Moonlight and stars in your strawberry wine
You'd take the world but you won't take the time
Ooh-hoo-hoo, Jackie Blue
Lives her life from inside of a room
Makes you think that her life is a drag
Ooh Jackie, what fun you have had
Ooh, Jackie
Ooh, Jackie
Ooh, Jackie
Ooh, Jackie
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Ozark Mountain Daredevils
1972년에 결성된 미국의 컨트리 록 밴드
The Ozark Mountain Daredevils 는
1974년에 그들의 기념비(?)적인 앨범
It'll Shine When It Shines를 발표한다.
이 앨범에 그들의
최고 히트송 Jackie Blue가 수록되어 있다.
유명무실했던 밴드의 노래가
빌보드 핫 100 차트에 넘버 3까지 올라갔다는
거의 기적과 같은 일이었다.
컨트리가 아닌 포크 록을 구사했기에
가능했던 일이 아니었나 싶다.
이 앨범에 포크 록 넘버가 또 한 곡 있다.
가을에 듣기 좋으라고 노래에
귀뚜라미 울음소리가 삽입되어 있다.
노래 제목은 It Couldn't Be Better.
그럭저럭 듣기에 나쁘지 않다.
솔직히 귓속에 꽂히지는 않는다.
그러니 The Ozark Mountain Daredevils하면
Jackie Blue 딱 한 곡밖에 떠오르지 않는다.