출처: 염화실 원문보기 글쓴이: 석원/觀性
The Flower Ornament Scripture Volume 7,
Book 4. The Coming into Being of Worlds
十, 世界의 劫變遷 세계의 겁의 변천하는 차별을 밝히다
(1) 十種變遷 열 가지의 변천하는 차별이 있다
爾時에 普賢菩薩이 復告大衆言하사대
諸佛子야 應知世界海에 有世界海微塵數劫轉變差別이니
그때 보현보살이 다시 대중들에게 말씀하셨다.
모든 불자들이여, 응당히 알아라. 세계바다에 세계바다 미진수의 겁이 전변(轉變)하는
차별이 있느니라.
At that time, Universal Worthy Bodhisattva told the great assembly, “Disciples of the Buddha, you should know that the seas of worlds evolve through distinct stages as numerous as motes of dust in the seas of worlds.<Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
At that time: 그때 Universal Worthy Bodhisattva: 보현보살이
Told: 다시 말씀하셨다 the great assembly: 대중들에게 Disciples of the Buddha: 모든 불자들이여 you should know that: 응당히 알아라 the seas of worlds : 세계바다에
evolve through distinct stages : 겁이 전변(轉變)하는 차별이 있느니라(have as many differences in changes in the ages)
as numerous as motes of dust in the seas of worlds:세계바다 미진수의
Then Universally Good also said to the masses, "Children of Buddha, you should know that the oceans of worlds have as many differences in changes in the ages as there are atoms in an ocean of worlds. < Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
所謂法如是故로 世界海가 無量成壞劫轉變이며
染汚衆生이 住故로 世界海가 成染汚劫轉變이며
修廣大福衆生이 住故로 世界海가 成染淨劫轉變이며
信解菩薩이 住故로 世界海가 成染淨劫轉變이며
이른바 법이 이와 같은 연고로 세계바다가 한량없이 이루어지고 무너지는 겁으로 전변하며,
물들고 더럽혀진 중생들이 머무는 연고로 세계바다가 물들고 더러움을 이루는 겁으로 전변하며,
광대한 복을 닦은 중생이 머무는 연고로 세계바다가 물들고 깨끗함을 이루는 겁으로 전변하며,
믿고 이해하는 보살이 머무는 연고로 세계바다가 물들고 깨끗함을 이루는 겁으로 전변하며,
Specifically, due to the Dharma being thus, seas of worlds evolve through limitless stages of formation and destruction. By being inhabited by defiled beings, seas of worlds evolve through stages of defilement. By being inhabited by beings who vastly cultivate blessings, seas of worlds evolve through stages of defilement and purity. By being inhabited by Bodhisattvas of faith and understanding, seas of worlds evolve through stages of defilement and purity.<Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
Specifically: 이른바 due to ~thus : 이와 같은 연고로 the Dharma being: 법
seas of worlds : 세계바다가 evolve through: 전변하며 limitless stages of: 한량없이~겁으로
formation and destruction: 이루어지고 무너지는
By being inhabited: 머무는 연고로 by defiled beings: 물들고 더럽혀진 중생들이
stages of defilement: 물들고 더러움을 이루는 겁
beings who vastly cultivate blessings: 광대한 복을 닦은 중생
stages of defilement and purity: 물들고 깨끗함을 이루는 겁
Bodhisattvas of faith and understanding: 믿고 이해하는 보살이 머무는 연고로
stages of defilement and purity: 물들고 깨끗함을 이루는 겁
That is, as a consequence of natural law, the oceans of worlds have innumerable changes of the ages, forming and disintegrating; because defiled beings live in them, the oceans of worlds have changes in the ages, becoming defiled; as a result of having sentient beings who cultivate great virtues living in them, the oceans of worlds have changes in the ages coming to have some purity in the midst of their defilements; as a result of enlightening beings with faith and understanding living there, world oceans have changes in the ages, coming to have more purity than defilement; < Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
無量衆生이 發菩提心故로 世界海가 純淸淨劫轉變이며
諸菩薩이 各各遊諸世界故로 世界海가 無邊莊嚴劫轉變이며
十方一切世界海에 諸菩薩이 雲集故로 世界海가 無量大莊嚴劫轉變이며
諸佛世尊이 入涅槃故로 世界海가 莊嚴滅劫轉變이며
한량없는 중생이 보리심을 발한 연고로 세계바다가 순일하게 청정한 겁으로 전변하며,
모든 보살들이 각각 여러 세계에 노니는 연고로 세계바다가 그지없이 장엄한 겁으로 전변하며,
시방의 온갖 세계바다에 모든 보살들이 구름처럼 모이는 연고로 세계바다가 한량없이
큰 장엄겁으로 전변하며,
모든 부처님 세존이 열반(涅槃)에 드는 연고로 세계바다가 장엄이 소멸하는 겁으로 전변하며,
Because measureless beings bring forth the bodhi resolve, seas of worlds evolve through stages whereby they become totally purified. Because each and every Bodhisattva travels throughout all worlds, seas of worlds evolve through stages of boundless adornments. Because all Bodhisattvas assemble like clouds from the seas of worlds of the ten directions, seas of worlds evolve through stages of infinite and magnificent adornments. Because all Buddhas, World Honored Ones, enter nirvana, seas of worlds evolve through stages of solemn tranquility. <Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
measureless beings: 한량없는 중생 bring forth the bodhi resolve: 보리심을 발한
stages whereby they become totally purified: 순일하게 청정한 겁
each and every Bodhisattva: 모든 보살들이 각각
travels throughout all worlds: 여러 세계에 노니는
stages of boundless adornments: 그지없이 장엄한 겁
all Bodhisattvas assemble like clouds : 모든 보살들이 구름처럼 모이는
from the seas of worlds of the ten directions: 시방의 온갖 세계바다에
stages of infinite and magnificent adornments: 큰 장엄겁
all Buddhas, World Honored Ones, enter nirvana: 모든 부처님 세존이 열반(涅槃)에 드는
stages of solemn tranquility: 장엄이 소멸하는 겁
as a result of innumerable beings there conceiving the will for enlightenment, the oceans of worlds have changes in their ages, becoming totally pure; as a result of enlightening beings traveling in the various worlds, the oceans of worlds have changes in the ages, becoming beautified with boundless adornment; as a result of the enlightening beings of all the world-oceans in the ten directions gathering, world-oceans have changes in the ages, becoming beautified with infinite great adornments' because of the Buddhas passing away into nirvana, world oceans have changes in the ages, their adornments dying out;<Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
諸佛이 出現於世故로 一切世界海가 廣博嚴淨劫轉變이며 如來神通變化
故로 世界海가 普淸淨劫轉變이라 如是等이 有世界海微塵數하니라
모든 부처님이 세상에 출현하는 연고로 모든 세계바다가 넓게 엄정하는 겁으로 전변하며,
여래가 신통 변화하는 연고로 세계바다가 널리 청정한 겁으로 전변하느니라.
이와 같은 것이 세계바다 미진수가 있느니라.
Because all Buddhas appear in the world, all seas of worlds evolve through stages whereby they become expansive, majestic, and purified. Because of the transformations of the Thus Come Ones' spiritual penetrations, seas of worlds evolve through stages whereby they universally become purified. They evolve through stages as numerous as motes of dust in the seas of worlds.”<Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
all Buddhas appear in the world: 모든 부처님이 세상에 출현하는
stages whereby they become expansive, majestic, and purified: 넓게 엄정하는 겁
the transformations of the Thus Come Ones' spiritual penetrations: 여래가 신통 변화하는
stages whereby they universally become purified: 널리 청정한 겁
as numerous as motes of dust in the seas of worlds: 세계바다 미진수
because of Buddhas appearing in the worlds, oceans of worlds have changes in the ages, becoming extensively beautified and purified; because of the mystic powers and edifying miracles of the Buddhas, world-oceans have changes in the ages, becoming pure all over. There are as many such changes as atoms in an ocean of worlds."<Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
(2) 重頌 그 뜻을 게송으로 거듭 펴다
爾時에 普賢菩薩이 欲重宣其義하사
承佛威力하사 觀察十方하고 而說頌言하사대
그때 보현보살이 그 뜻을 거듭 펴려고
부처님의 위신력을 받들어 시방을 관찰하고 게송을 설하였다.
Then Universal Worthy Bodhisattva, wishing to restate his meaning, received the Buddhas' awesome spiritual power, contemplated the ten directions, and spoke verses.<Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
Then: 그때 Universal Worthy Bodhisattva: 보현보살이 wishing to restate: 거듭 펴려고
his meaning: 그 뜻을 received: 받들어 the Buddhas' awesome spiritual power: 부처님의 위신력
contemplated : 관찰하고 the ten directions: 시방을 and spoke verses: 게송을 설하였다.
Then, to reiterate, the enlightening being Universally Good, looking over the ten directions by the power received from the Buddha, said in verse,<Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
一切諸國土가 皆隨業力生이니
온갖 국토가
다 업력(業力)을 따라서 생기나니
너희들은 응당히 관찰하라
전변하는 모양 이와 같으니라
Every land and country
Is born through karma's power.
All of you should contemplate
The characteristics of its evolution.<Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
Every land and country: 온갖 국토 Is born through: 따라서 생기나니 karma's power: 업력(業力)
All of you : 너희들은 should contemplate: 응당히 관찰하라
The characteristics of its evolution: 전변하는 모양
All lands are born
According to the power of actions;
You all should observe
The forms of changes as they are.<Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
染汚諸衆生이여 業惑纏可怖라
彼心令刹海로 一切成染汚로다
물들고 더러워진 모든 중생이여
업과 미혹의 얽힘은 가히 두려워라
그 마음이 세계바다로 하여금
모두 물들고 더러움을 이루게 하네
Defiled and turbid beings
Are fettered by fearsome karma and delusion.
By their thoughts, the oceans of lands
Are completely polluted.<Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
Defiled and turbid beings: 물들고 더러워진 모든 중생
Are fettered by: 얽힘 fearsome: 두려워 karma and delusion: 업과 미혹
By their thoughts: 그 마음이 the oceans of lands: 세계바다로 하여금
Are completely polluted: 모두 물들고 더러움을 이루게 하네
Defiled sentient beings are bound
By habitual confusions, to be feared;
Their minds cause oceans of worlds
To all become defiled.<Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
若有淸淨心하야 修諸福德行이면
彼心令刹海로 雜染及淸淨이로다
만약 청정한 마음이 있어서
온갖 복덕의 행을 닦으면
그 마음이 세계바다로 하여금
섞이고 물들고 또 청정하게 하네
If pure-minded beings
Cultivate deeds of blessings and virtue,
Their thoughts cause the seas of lands
To be partly pure and partly polluted.<Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
pure-minded beings: 청정한 마음
Cultivate: 닦으면 deeds of blessings and virtue: 온갖 복덕의 행
Their thoughts : 그 마음 cause the seas of lands: 세계바다로 하여금
To be partly pure : 청정하게 하네 partly polluted: 섞이고 물들고
If any have pure hearts
And cultivate virtuous deeds,
Their minds will cause oceans of worlds
To have purity mixed with defilement.<Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
信解諸菩薩이 於彼劫中生일새
隨其心所有하야 雜染淸淨者로다
믿고 이해하는 모든 보살들이
저 겁 가운데 나며
그 마음에 있는 바를 따라서
섞이고 물들고 또 청정하도다
Bodhisattvas of faith and understanding
Born in the midst of those kalpas.
Perceive defilement or purity
Depending on their thoughts.<Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
Bodhisattvas: 모든 보살들 of faith and understanding: 믿고 이해하는
Born in : 나며 the midst of those kalpas.: 저 겁 가운데
Perceive defilement or purity: 섞이고 물들고 또 청정하도다
Depending on: 따라서 their thoughts: 그 마음에 있는 바를
If enlightening beings of faith and understanding
Are born in the age,
According to what's in their minds
Purity mixed with defilement will show.<Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
無量諸衆生이 悉發菩提心일새
彼心令刹海로 住劫恒淸淨이로다
한량없이 모든 중생들이
다 보리심을 내어
그 마음이 세계바다로 하여금
머무는 겁이 늘 청정하게 하네
When numberless beings
Make the resolve for bodhi,
Their thoughts make the oceans of lands
Abide in eons of constant purity.<Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
numberless beings: 한량없이 모든 중생들 the resolve for bodhi: 보리심
Their thoughts: 그 마음 Abide in : 머무는 eons of constant purity: 겁이 늘 청정하게
When infinite sentient beings
Determine on enlightenment,
Their minds will cause world-oceans
To be pure for that age.<Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
無量億菩薩이 往詣於十方에
莊嚴無有殊나 劫中差別見이로다
한량없는 억만 보살이
시방에 나아감에
장엄은 다르지 않으나
겁 가운데서 차별하게 보도다
Limitless kotis of Bodhisattvas
Roam the ten directions.
Their adornments, though not different,
Are perceived differently through the kalpas.<Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
Limitless kotis: 한량없는 억만 Bodhisattvas: 보살이 Roam : 나아감 the ten directions: 시방
Their adornments: 장엄 though not different: 다르지 않으나
Are perceived differently: 차별하게 보도다 through the kalpas: 겁 가운데서
When boundless billions of enlightening beings
Travel to all quarters,
Adornments, all of them equal,
Are variously seen through the age.<Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
一一微塵內에 佛刹如塵數어든
菩薩共雲集하니 國土皆淸淨이로다
낱낱 작은 티끌 안에
부처님 세계가 티끌수 같은데
보살들이 함께 구름처럼 모여
국토가 다 청정 하도다
Each and every mote of dust
Contains Buddhalands in number like motes of dust.
Bodhisattvas gather like clouds,
And all countries become pure.<Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
Each and every mote of dust: 낱낱 작은 티끌
Buddhalands: 부처님 세계 in number like motes of dust.: 티끌수
gather like clouds: 구름처럼 모여 become pure: 청정 하도다
When in each and every atom
Of Buddha-lands as many as atoms
Enlightening beings gather together,
All the lands are pure. <Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
世尊入涅槃에 彼土莊嚴滅이라
衆生無法器요 世界成雜染이로다
세존께서 열반에 드심에
그 국토의 장엄이 소멸하네
중생들이 법의 그릇이 없어서
세계가 섞이고 물듦을 이루도다
When the World Honored Ones enter nirvana,
The adornments disappear from.
When beings lack a vessel for Dharma,
The world becomes a mass of pollution.<Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
the World Honored Ones: 세존께서 enter nirvana: 열반에 드심
The adornments: 장엄 disappear from : 소멸하네 their lands: 그 국토의
beings: 중생들 lack a vessel for Dharma: 법의 그릇이 없어서
becomes a mass of pollution: 섞이고 물듦을 이루도다
When a Buddha passes away
That land's adornments perish;
If no beings are vessels of truth,
That land becomes defiled.<Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
若有佛興世면 一切悉珍好니
隨其心淸淨하야 莊嚴皆具足이로다
만약 부처님이 세상에 출현하시면
모든 것이 다 진귀(珍貴)하고 좋으리니
그 마음이 청정함을 따라서
장엄이 다 구족 하도다
If a Buddha appears in the world,
Everything becomes splendid and fine,
As beings' thoughts are purified,
All adornments come to be.<Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
appears in the world: 세상에 출현하시면 splendid and fine: 진귀(珍貴)하고 좋으리니
As: 따라서 beings' thoughts are purified: 그 마음이 청정함을
All adornments : 장엄이 다 come to be: 구족 하도다
If a Buddha appears in the world
Everything is marvelous;
In accord with the purity of mind,
All adornments are complete.<Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
諸佛神通力으로 示現不思議라
是時諸刹海가 一切普淸淨이로다
모든 부처님의 신통력으로
부사의함을 나타내보임이라
이때의 여러 세계바다가
모두 다 널리 청정하리라
The Buddhas' spiritual powers
Manifest inconceivable states.
At that time the oceans of lands
Become totally pure and clean.<Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
The Buddhas' spiritual powers: 모든 부처님의 신통력으로
Manifest: 나타내보임 inconceivable states: 부사의함
At that time : 이때의 the oceans of lands: 여러 세계바다가
totally pure and clean: 다 널리 청정
The spiritual powers of the Buddhas
Are shown in inconceivable numbers;
Then the ocean of lands
Are all totally pure. <Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
11, 世界의 無差別 세계의 차별 없는 일을 밝히다
(1) 十種無差別 열 가지의 차별 없는 일이 있다
爾時에 普賢菩薩이 復告大衆言하사대
諸佛子야 應知世界海에 有世界海微塵數無差別이니
그때 보현보살이 다시 대중들에게 말하였다.
모든 불자들이여, 응당히 알아라. 세계바다에 세계바다 미진수의 차별 없는 것이 있느니라
At that time, Universal Worthy Bodhisattva told the great assembly, “Disciples of the Buddha, you should know that the ways in which the seas of worlds are undifferentiated are as numerous as motes of dust in the seas of worlds.<Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
At that time: 그때 Universal Worthy Bodhisattva: 보현보살이 told : 다시 말하였다
the great assembly: 대중들에게 “Disciples of the Buddha: 모든 불자들이여
you should know that: 응당히 알아라
the ways in which the seas of worlds are undifferentiated: 차별 없는 것
as numerous as motes of dust in the seas of worlds: 세계바다 미진수
Then Universally Good again addressed the assembly: "Children of Buddha, know that there are many ways in which the oceans of worlds are not different, as many as atoms in an ocean of worlds. <Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
所謂一一世界海中에 有世界海微塵數世界가 無差別이며
一一世界海中에 諸佛出現의 所有威力이 無差別이며
一一世界海中에 一切道場이 徧十方法界가 無差別이며
이른바 낱낱 세계바다 가운데에 세계바다 미진수의 세계가 있는 것이 차별이 없으며,
낱낱 세계바다 가운데에 모든 부처님이 출현하여 있는 위력이 차별이 없으며,
낱낱 세계바다 가운데 온갖 도량이 시방 법계에 두루 한 것이 차별이 없으며,
“Specifically, within each and every sea of worlds, there are worlds as numerous as dust motes in the seas of worlds, and they are undifferentiated. Within each and every sea of worlds, the awesome power of all Buddhas' appearances is undifferentiated. Within each and every sea of worlds, all the bodhimandas that pervade the dharma realms of the ten directions are undifferentiated. <Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
Specifically: 이른바 within each and every sea of worlds: 낱낱 세계바다 가운데에
there are worlds: 세계가 있는 것
as numerous as dust motes in the seas of worlds: 세계바다 미진수의
they are undifferentiated: 차별이 없으며
the awesome power of all Buddhas' appearances: 모든 부처님이 출현하여 있는 위력
all the bodhimandas: 온갖 도량
pervade the dharma realms of the ten directions: 시방 법계에 두루 한 것
That is, there is no difference in the number of worlds in each ocean of worlds, being as many as atoms in an ocean of worlds; there is no difference in the powers of the Buddhas appearing in each ocean of worlds; there is no difference in that all enlightenment sites in each ocean of worlds pervade the cosmos in all directions; <Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
一一世界海中에 一切如來의 道場衆會가 無差別이며
一一世界海中에 一切佛光明徧法界가 無差別이며
一一世界海中에 一切佛變化名號가 無差別이며
낱낱 세계바다 가운데 모든 여래의 도량에 모인 대중이 차별이 없으며,
낱낱 세계바다 가운데 모든 부처님의 광명이 법계에 두루 한 것이 차별이 없으며,
낱낱 세계바다 가운데 모든 부처님의 변화하신 명호가 차별이 없으며,
Within each and every sea of worlds, the assemblies of all Thus Come Ones' bodhimandas are undifferentiated. Within each and every sea of worlds, the light of all Buddhas that pervades the Dharma Realm is undifferentiated. Within each and every sea of worlds, all Buddhas' transformations and titles are undifferentiated.<Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
the assemblies of all Thus Come Ones' bodhimandas: 모든 여래의 도량에 모인 대중
the light of all Buddhas : 모든 부처님의 광명 pervades the Dharma Realm: 법계에 두루 한 것
all Buddhas' transformations and titles: 모든 부처님의 변화하신 명호
there is no difference in the assemblies at the enlightenment sites of all the Buddhas in each ocean of worlds; there is no difference in the auras of all the Buddhas in each ocean of worlds pervading the cosmos; there is no difference in the miracles and epithets of all Buddhas in each ocean of worlds;<Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
一一世界海中에 一切佛音聲이 普徧世界海하야 無邊劫住가 無差別이며
一一世界海中에 法輪方便이 無差別이며
一一世界海中에 一切世界海가 普入一塵이 無差別이며
一一世界海中에 一一微塵에 一切三世諸佛世尊의 廣大境界가 皆於中現이 無差別이라
낱낱 세계바다 가운데 모든 부처님의 음성이 세계바다에 널리 두루 해서 끝없는 겁의 머묾이 차별이 없으며,
낱낱 세계바다 가운데 법륜(法輪)의 방편이 차별이 없으며,
낱낱 세계바다 가운데 온갖 세계바다가 한 티끌 속에 널리 들어가는 것이 차별이 없으며,
낱낱 세계바다 가운데 낱낱의 작은 티끌에 일체 삼세 모든 부처님의 광대한 경계가 그 속에 다 나타남이 차별이 없느니라.
Within each and every sea of worlds, the voices of all Buddhas, which pervade the seas of worlds for boundless eons, are undifferentiated. Within each and every sea of worlds, the expedients of the Dharma wheel are undifferentiated. Within each and every sea of worlds, the ability for all seas of worlds to enter a single dust mote is undifferentiated. Within each and every sea of worlds, the manifestation in every single mote of dust of the vast realm of all Buddhas, World Honored Ones, of the three periods of time is undifferentiated. <Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
the voices of all Buddhas: 모든 부처님의 음성
which pervade the seas of worlds:세계바다에 널리 두루 해서
for boundless eons: 끝없는 겁의 머묾
the expedients of the Dharma wheel: 법륜(法輪)의 방편
the ability for all seas of worlds : 온갖 세계바다가
to enter a single dust mote: 한 티끌 속에 널리 들어가는 것
the manifestation in every: 그 속에 다 나타남 single mote of dust: 낱낱의 작은 티끌에
the vast realm of all Buddhas, World Honored Ones: 모든 부처님의 광대한 경계
of the three periods of time: 일체 삼세
there is no difference in the voices of all the Buddhas in each ocean of worlds pervading the ocean of worlds and abiding forever. There is no difference in the techniques of the teaching cycles in each ocean of worlds; there is no difference in that in each ocean of worlds all oceans of worlds everywhere enter into the individual atom; there is no difference in that in each and every atom of each ocean of worlds are manifest the vast realms of all the Buddhas of the past, present, and future. <Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
諸佛子야 世界海無差別이 略說如是어니와 若廣說者인댄 有世界海微塵數하니라
모든 불자들이여, 세계바다의 차별 없는 것을 간략하게 말하면 이와 같으나, 만약 널리 말한다면 세계바다의 미진수가 있느니라.
“Disciples of the Buddha, this is a general explanation of the ways in which the seas of worlds are undifferentiated. If one were to extensively speak about them, the ways in which they are undifferentiated are as numerous as motes of dust in the seas of worlds.” <Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
Disciples of the Buddha: 모든 불자들이여
this is a general explanation of : 간략하게 말하면 이와 같으나
the ways in which the seas of worlds are undifferentiated: 세계바다의 차별 없는 것
one were to extensively speak about them: 만약 널리 말한다면
as numerous as motes of dust in the seas of worlds:세계바다의 미진수
The aspects of the oceans of worlds which are not different are, briefly stated, thus; if they are fully told, there are as many as atoms in an ocean of worlds."<Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
(2) 重頌 그 뜻을 게송으로 거듭 펴다
爾時에 普賢菩薩이 欲重宣其義하사
承佛威力하사 觀察十方하고 而說頌言하사대
그때 보현보살이 그 뜻을 거듭 펴려고 부처님의 위신력을 받들어 시방을 관찰하고
게송으로 설하였다.
Then Universal Worthy Bodhisattva, wishing to restate his meaning, received the Buddhas' awesome spiritual power, contemplated the ten directions, and spoke verses. <Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
Then: 그때 Universal Worthy Bodhisattva: 보현보살 wishing to restate: 거듭 펴려고
his meaning: 그 뜻 received: 받들어 the Buddhas' awesome spiritual power: 부처님의 위신력
contemplated: 관찰하고 the ten directions: 시방을 and spoke verses: 게송으로 설하였다.
Then the enlightening being Universally Good, to recapitulate, looked over the ten directions by the power of the Buddha and said in verse,<Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
一微塵中多刹海가 處所各別悉嚴淨이어든
如是無量入一中호대 一一區分無雜越이로다
한 작은 티끌 속에 많은 세계바다가
처소를 각각 다르게 다 엄정했는데
이와 같이 한량없는 것이 하나 속에 들어가지만
낱낱이 구분되어 섞임이 없네
A single dust mote holds many seas of ksetras,
Each splendid, pure, and distinctly placed.
Thus the measureless enter the one,
Yet the separate entities do not mix.<Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
A single dust mote: 한 작은 티끌 속에 many seas of ksetras: 많은 세계바다
Each : 각각 splendid, pure, and distinctly placed: 처소를 다르게 다 엄정했는데
Thus: 이와 같이 the measureless: 한량없는 것 enter the one: 하나 속에 들어가지만
Yet the separate entities: 낱낱이 구분되어 do not mix: 섞임이 없네
In each atom are many oceans of worlds,
Their locations each different, all beautifully pure;
Thus does infinity enter into one,
Yet each unit's distinct, with no overlap.<Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
一一塵內難思佛이 隨衆生心普現前하사
一切刹海靡不周하시니 如是方便無差別이로다
낱낱 티끌 속에 생각할 수 없는 부처님이 계시어
중생들의 마음 따라 널리 앞에 나타나
온갖 세계바다에 다 두루 하시니
이와 같은 방편이 차별이 없네
In each and every dust mote, inconceivable Buddhas
Manifest everywhere according to beings' thoughts.
Their presence pervades all seas of ksetras:
Such expedient means are undifferentiated.<Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
In each and every dust mote: 낱낱 티끌 속에
inconceivable Buddhas : 생각할 수 없는 부처님이 계시어
Manifest everywhere: 널리 나타나 according to: 따라 beings' thoughts: 중생들의 마음
Their presence: 앞에 pervades: 다 두루 하시니 all seas of ksetras: 온갖 세계바다에
Such expedient means: 이와 같은 방편이 are undifferentiated: 차별이 없네
Within each atom are inconceivably many Buddhas
Appearing everywhere in accord with beings' minds,
Reaching everywhere in all oceans of worlds:
This technique of theirs is the same for all.<Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
一一塵中諸樹王이 種種莊嚴悉垂布하야
十方國土皆同現하니 如是一切無差別이로다
낱낱 티끌 속에 모든 나무 왕이
갖가지로 장엄하여 드리웠는데
시방 국토에 다같이 나타나니
이와 같이 모든 것이 차별이 없네
In each and every mote of dust are Kings of Trees,
Draped with myriad adornments.
The lands of the ten directions simultaneously appear,
Yet there is no differentiation among them.<Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
In each and every mote of dust: 낱낱 티끌 속에 Kings of Trees: 모든 나무 왕
Draped with : 드리웠는데 myriad adornments: 갖가지로 장엄하여
The lands of the ten directions: 시방 국토에 simultaneously appear: 다같이 나타나니
Yet there is no differentiation: 차별이 없네
In each and every atom are enlightenment trees,
All draped with various adornments
In which all lands alike appear;
In this all are no different.<Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
一一塵內微塵衆이 悉共圍遶人中主하니
出過一切徧世間호대 亦不迫隘相雜亂이로다
낱낱 티끌 속에 작은 티끌의 대중이
사람 가운데 주인을 다같이 둘러싸니
온갖 것을 뛰어나서 세간에 두루 하되
또한 비좁거나 잡란하지 않네
In every dust mote are multitudes in dust motes
Surrounding the Lord of Humans.
He transcends everything and pervades all worlds
Without cramming or disarray.<Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
In every dust mote: 낱낱 티끌 속에 multitudes in dust motes: 작은 티끌의 대중
Surrounding: 다같이 둘러싸니 the Lord of Humans: 사람 가운데 주인
He transcends everything : 온갖 것을 뛰어나서 pervades all worlds: 세간에 두루 하되
Without cramming or disarray: 또한 비좁거나 잡란하지 않네
In each atom are congregations numerous as atoms,
All surrounding the leader of humanity,
Going beyond all, pervading the worlds,
Yet with no crowding or confusion.<Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
一一塵中無量光이 普徧十方諸國土하야
悉現諸佛菩提行하니 一切刹海無差別이로다
낱낱 티끌 속에 한량없는 광명이
시방 모든 국토에 두루 하여
모든 부처님의 보리행을 다 나타내니
온갖 세계바다가 차별이 없네
In each and every dust mote, infinite light
Pervades the lands of the ten directions.
It reveals the Buddhas' practices for bodhi,
Undifferentiated throughout all seas of lands.<Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
In each and every dust mote: 낱낱 티끌 속에 infinite light: 한량없는 광명
Pervades : 두루 하여 the lands of the ten directions: 시방 모든 국토에
It reveals: 다 나타내니 the Buddhas' practices for bodhi,: 모든 부처님의 보리행
Undifferentiated : 차별이 없네 throughout all seas of lands.: 온갖 세계바다
In each atom are innumerable lights
Pervading the lands of the ten directions,
All showing the Buddhas' enlightening practices,
The same in all oceans of worlds.<Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
一一塵中無量身이 變化如雲普周徧이라
以佛神通導群品하사대 十方國土亦無別이로다
낱낱 티끌 속에 한량없는 몸이
구름같이 변화하여 널리 두루 해
부처님의 신통으로 중생을 인도하사
시방 국토에도 또한 차별이 없네
In each and every dust mote are infinite bodies
With cloudlike transformations pervading everywhere,
Using the Buddhas' spiritual penetrations to guide beings.
It is no different in the lands of the ten directions.<Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
In each and every dust mote : 낱낱 티끌 속에 infinite bodies: 한량없는 몸
With cloudlike transformations: 구름같이 변화하여 pervading everywhere: 널리 두루 해
Using the Buddhas' spiritual penetrations: 부처님의 신통으로
to guide beings: 중생을 인도하사
It is no different: 또한 차별이 없네 in the lands of the ten directions: 시방 국토에
In each atom are infinite bodies
Transforming like clouds, circulating everywhere;
By mystic buddha-powers they guide all beings,
No different in all ten directions' lands.<Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
一一塵中說衆法하니 其法淸淨如輪轉이라
種種方便自在門으로 一切皆演無差別이로다
낱낱 티끌 속에서 온갖 법을 설하니
그 법이 청정하여 바퀴가 구르는 듯
갖가지 방편의 자재한 문으로
모든 것 다 연설함이 차별이 없네
Myriad dharmas are pronounced in every mote of dust.
Such dharmas are pure, like revolving wheels.
Various free and easy expedient methods
Are expressed without differentiation.<Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
Myriad dharmas are pronounced: 온갖 법을 설하니
in every mote of dust: 낱낱 티끌 속에서
Such dharmas are pure: 그 법이 청정하여 like revolving wheels: 바퀴가 구르는 듯
Various: 갖가지 free and easy expedient methods: 방편의 자재한 문으로
Are expressed : 모든 것 다 연설함이 without differentiation.: 차별이 없네
In each atom are expounded many teachings;
Those teachings are pure and revolve like wheels.
The gates of freedom by various means
Are all told of, without discrimination.<Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
一塵普演諸佛音하야 充滿法器諸衆生호대
徧住刹海無央劫하니 如是音聲亦無異로다
한 티끌이 모든 부처님의 음성을 내어
법기(法器)의 모든 중생에게 충만하되
세계바다에 두루 머물기를 한없는 겁 동안 하니
이와 같은 음성 또한 다름이 없네
In a single mote of dust all Buddhas' sounds are proclaimed,
Filling up beings, who are vessels for the Dharma.
Pervading oceans of lands for countless eons
Such sounds are also undifferentiated.<Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
In a single mote of dust: 한 티끌이
all Buddhas' sounds are proclaimed: 모든 부처님의 음성을 내어
Filling up: 충만하되 beings: 모든 중생에게 vessels for the Dharma: (法器) 법기
Pervading oceans of lands: 세계바다에 두루 머물기를
for countless eons: 한없는 겁 동안 하니
Such sounds: 이와 같은 음성 are also undifferentiated : 또한 다름이 없네
One atom emanates all Buddha's voices,
Filling those beings who are receptors of truth;
Omnipresent in the oceans of worlds for countless eons,
These voices too have no difference.<Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
刹海無量妙莊嚴을 於一塵中無不入하시니
如是諸佛神通力이여 一切皆由業性起로다
세계바다 한량없는 묘한 장엄을
한 티끌 속에 다 들어가니
이와 같은 모든 부처님의 신통력이여
모두가 다 음성(업성(業性))으로 말미암아 일어났도다
The infinite, wondrous adornments of oceans of lands
Enter into every single mote of dust.
Such spiritual powers of the Buddhas
Arise from the nature of karma.<Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
The infinite, wondrous adornments: 한량없는 묘한 장엄 oceans of lands: 세계바다
Enter into: 들어가니 single mote of dust: 한 티끌 속에
spiritual powers of the Buddhas: 모든 부처님의 신통력이여
Arise from: 말미암아 일어났도다 the nature of karma: 업성(業性, the nature of action)으로
The countless beautiful adornments of oceans of worlds
All enter inside a single atom;
Such mystic powers of the Buddhas
All arise from the nature of action.<Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
一一塵中三世佛이 隨其所樂悉令見하시니
體性無來亦無去로대 以願力故徧世間이로다
낱낱 티끌 속에 삼세의 부처님이
그 즐겨 함을 따라 다 보게 하시니
체성(體性)은 옴도 없고 감도 없으되
원력(願力)을 쓴 까닭으로 세간에 두루 하였네
In every dust mote, the Buddhas of the three periods of time
Manifest all the sights that delight beings.
Neither arriving nor departing in essence,
They pervade all worlds by the power of their vows.<Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
In every dust mote: 낱낱 티끌 속에 the Buddhas of the three periods of time: 삼세의 부처님
Manifest all the sights: 다 보게 하시니 that delight beings: 그 즐겨 함을 따라
Neither arriving nor departing: 옴도 없고 감도 없으되 in essence: 체성(體性)
They pervade all worlds: 세간에 두루 하였네
by the power of their vows: 원력(願力)을 쓴 까닭으로
In each atom the Buddhas of all times
Appear, according to inclinations;
While their essential nature neither comes nor goes,
By their vow power they pervade the worlds. <Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>