Construction of the Kingdom of God and Paul's Epistles 3 <Justifying faith and the framework Law that form the foundation of the Kingdom>
Hallelujah! Heavenly Father, rich in mercy! I thank you and praise you for spreading amazing and amazing news to the whole world. I sincerely pray that the correct meaning of Paul's letters will soon be widely known in the world and that the kingdom of God will be established on this earth. When God came to me about 37 years ago, I prayed to be a tool. In fact, I didn't even know what the tool meant, but God gave me great grace and love, and I was able to share this amazing news. I only hope that the Lord's will will be accomplished through me. With God the Father's devastating love, the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the atonement love of the cross, a vicious sinner undertakes this task, and everything is just God's grace. Through the inspiration and influence of the Holy Spirit, ignorant people were able to spread to the whole world the part of the understanding of Romans that had been at the center of controversy for a long time, namely justification from faith and the meaning of the Law through this. Through this, may the entire church become one and wake up from all illusions and move together into the world of truth! May the whole world become one in the Lord without war or strife through this people who have pursued peace for 3,000 years! I pray in the name of Jesus.
Shalom! Fifty million Romans readers! I pray that everyone will be filled with the grace that God gives. Something truly amazing and surprising is happening today. I've already told you this, but I've organized it a little more and delivered it in English. I believe that everyone who reads my writing will take a truly new approach to the theologically controversial justification from faith and solve the big problem, which is the 500-year- old controversy between Catholicism and Protestantism. All believers in Jesus and shepherds in this world rely heavily on theology. On the other hand, there are also people who study the Bible professionally. However, since they learn as a student at a seminary and become a shepherd and Bible researcher, they can never ignore the seminary's teachings. However, even though I studied theology and became a pastor, I am writing this article without any professional theological study, asserting that it will be a great solution to this long-standing debate.
After reading this article, I believe that we must come to a correct understanding of justification from faith and the Law, and move forward together toward the kingdom that God wants to establish on this earth. The English translation is not yet complete, but I am uploading it as is.
There are still a lot of areas that need to be refined before it can be published as a book. Please refer to it and understand its larger meaning.
I hope that it will be a blessed time for everyone who reads this to share the amazing grace given to a humble life.
This has already been posted and is a bit long, but please read until the end and also read it in English. I hope you have a blessed and joyful moment where all your doubts are cleared away at once. I'm surprised, honored, and can't quite believe that I got to be a tool for something like this.Because the article is long, I am dividing it into three parts.
Construction of the Kingdom of God and Paul's Epistles <Justifying faith and the framework the Law that become the foundation of the Kingdom of God>
Table of Contents≫≫
Part 1: Why it took 2000 years for the secret to be revealed
1. God’s will that the gospel should be spread quickly
2. Appearance of Paul and the early church members
3. The emergence of modern devices that can explain things (zipped files, icebergs)
Part Ⅱ Understanding Paul’s feelings
1. Situation of Israel and Rome at that time
2. Paul’s shout (claim)
3. Romans and Paul embracing the whole world
Part Ⅲ Understanding the faith that is the foundation of the kingdom of God and the Law that is the framework
1. Introduction
2. Faith as the foundation of God’s kingdom
3. The Law that becomes the framework of God’s kingdom
4. Summary of Discussion
Part Ⅲ Understanding the faith that is the foundation of the kingdom of God and the Law that is the framework
1. Introduction
2. Faith as the foundation of God’s kingdom
3. The Law that becomes the framework of God’s kingdom
4. Summary of Discussion
3. The Law that becomes the framework of God’s kingdom
Let us now discuss the relationship between Law and faith, a subject of greater and incomparably greater importance than justifying faith!
Someone proclaimed that the Bible, in one word, is the law. Another saint who graduated from Korea University Law School said that God gave the law to rule the world. It's an amazing insightful word.
Not only law students majoring in law, but all human beings believe that law must exist for the maintenance of human world order and the happy life of the community. Humans have established laws and rules for the existence of communities in any age and any human organization.
Without laws and rules governing the community, each individual would be free to live according to his or her own views, and in the end it would be a world of the law of the jungle, where only disorder, chaos, destruction and death would continue.
However, human beings maintain order by making laws and pursue the stability and prosperity of the community, so the ancient Hammurabi law, Roman law, the 8 laws of Gojoseon, and modern constitutions and subordinate laws of each country exist in codification.
Unlike their laws, which are human laws, the Law does not come from human heads. It is the most perfect, just, and the best and only law that enables all members to live happily among all the laws that exist in the world that Almighty God, the Creator of heaven and earth, gave to the Israelites through Moses.
And about this, God, who gave this Law to Moses, said these facts directly.
Deuteronomy 4:8. And what other nation is so great as to have such righteous decrees and laws as this body of laws I am setting before you today?
8. And what nation is there so great, that hath statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law, which I set before you this day?
8. "Or what great nation is there that has statutes and judgments as righteous as this whole law which I am setting before you today?
Nehemiah 9:13. "You came down on Mount Sinai; you spoke to them from heaven. You gave them regulations and laws that are just and right, and decrees and commands that are good.
13. Thou camest down also upon mount Sinai, and spakest with them from heaven, and gavest them right judgments, and true laws, good statutes and commandments:
13. "Then Thou didst come down on Mount Sinai, And didst speak with them from heaven; Thou didst give to them just ordinances and true laws, Good statutes and commandments.(NIV, NASB, KJV)
Psalms 19:8. The precepts of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes.
86. All your commands are trustworthy; help me, for men persecute me without cause.
142. Your righteousness is everlasting and your law is true
151. Yet you are near, O LORD, and all your commands are true.
172. May my tongue sing of your word, for all your commands are righteous.
Matthew 23:23. "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices -- mint, dill and cummin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law -- justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former.
23. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.
23. "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint and dill and cummin, and have neglected the weightier provisions of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness; but these are the things you should have done without neglecting the others.(NIV, NASB, KJV)
Why is the Law the best and only law on earth that enables humans to love each other and live happily by maintaining order? This is because the attributes of God are revealed as they are in the Law.
God's love, justice, and faith are reflected in the Law, so anyone who has majored in the law can discover this truth if he studies with a little attention.
Likewise, all the saints can see that the attributes of God are revealed in the Law if they pay attention to the letter of the Law a little bit. God, who gave this Law to Moses, said these facts directly.
It is only natural that God, who is loving, just, and rich in grace, wants people to love each other, maintain trust, and live righteously in the world. And it would be rather strange that the Laws given for that purpose do not reflect such attributes of God and do not contain regulations for the establishment of the kingdom God wants on earth.
The foundation of the kingdom of God is the Law, and it is very clear that the Law becomes the basic law of the kingdom of God. God, who gave the Law to Israel through Moses and commanded Israel to teach, learn, and keep it, now sent Jesus to this land when the time was fulfilled. And he put them to work for evangelism and the building of God's kingdom. And Jesus obeyed His Father's will, preached the gospel of the kingdom of heaven, and shed His blood to create (save) a new people of God and died on the cross.
And he was resurrected and ascended to heaven. In addition, when he was in the world, he said that no disciple, scribe, or theologian could distort the Law.
Matthew 22:35. One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question:
36. "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?"
37. Jesus replied: "`Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'
38. This is the first and greatest commandment.
39. And the second is like it: `Love your neighbor as yourself.'
40. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.“
35. Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying,
36. Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
37. Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38. This is the first and great commandment.
39. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.(NIV, KJV)
Matthew 5:17. "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
18. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.
19. Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
20. For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.
17. Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
18. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
19. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
20. For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 23:23. "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices -- mint, dill and cummin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law -- justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former.
After Jesus, that is, after the four Gospels, all the writings of the apostles who wrote letters for the establishment of the kingdom of God in accordance with Jesus' will should be understood within the scope of the Word in light of Jesus' words about the Law. And it is also very reasonable as the order of the Bible to be interpreted that way.
In order to build the kingdom of God, Jesus, the God himself, came and personally spoke the words of the Law, and his disciples also wrote letters inspired by the Holy Spirit to build the kingdom of God that Jesus wanted to build.
However, if the theologians of later generations misinterpret this and cause even a little damage, ignoring, or contradicting the words of Jesus' Law, it will absolutely not be the fault of the apostles who received the Holy Spirit. Rather, wouldn't it be the result of the later theologians, people who specialize in studying the Bible, or preachers not understanding the Epistles correctly?
Of course, the part of faith in justification must first be read and understood well before going to the understanding of Romans.
The reason why we must read Galatians first before reading Romans is because Galatians, which has six chapters, is called a small book of Romans and contains many of the same parts as Romans. And since Galatians was written before Romans, it is essential to read and understand Galatians before reading Romans for a correct understanding of Romans.
For more details on this, please refer to the Naver blog of 50 million Romans and the warm-up section of the study of Romans in the Daum Cafe, so please refer to the newly organized 50 million Bible summary first Habakkuk summary and second stage Galatians summary.
Here we will only briefly review the important issues.
Now, with this understanding of the Law, we should read Galatians first and then Romans.
Galatians 2:16 know that a man is not justified by observing the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by observing the law, because by observing the law no one will be justified.
As this word says, it is no longer the age of the Law of the past, that is, the age when Israel alone had the Law and kept the Law. It is a message to realize that we are living in the age of faith in which Jesus came and completed the work of salvation. So now, it is saying to put aside the past Israel way of being saved and justified through the Law and believe in Jesus, the only way of salvation and the way of righteousness in the whole world.
The Lord Jesus came and completed the work of salvation for all mankind. First of all, He shed His blood to save all mankind, who were sinners, and died on the cross.
After resurrection and ascension, He sits at the right hand of God and reigns with all authority in heaven and on earth. Now, what all Jews and Gentiles have to do is to believe in Jesus because they are saved and justified only by believing in Jesus. Just this word.
Now, the method by which man can be saved from sin and justified has been presented by God in common to all mankind. So, since the one we must believe in to become like that is Jesus, the Savior of the whole world, now we are told to believe in Jesus regardless of Gentiles or Jews.
Because there were people in the Galatian church at the time who still refused to believe in this Jesus, who wanted to be justified and gained salvation through the Law in the way of the Old Testament, and who insisted that it was possible, the Apostle Paul spoke like this through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
At that time, the Jews who caused problems in the churches of Galatia did not even believe in Jesus. Just as the apostle Paul in the past did not know Jesus and did not believe, but believed in the Law and sought to fulfill the righteousness of the Law, they were forcing the Law on believers and hindering them from believing in Jesus. To prevent this, God said the above in the letter (Romans) through the apostle Paul.
Therefore, it is not a word spoken to us (for example, Gentiles without the Law, such as Koreans) who just believe in Jesus without the Law and want to be justified by faith. Of course, in the end, I believe that the words apply to us as well.
Now, for believers like us who have to believe in Jesus and live in the world without the law, and Gentile believers at the time, there is a problem of what should be the standard of behavior. Of course, we can think the same about the standard of behavior of Jewish believers in Jesus, namely Apostle Paul, and believers appearing in Acts, which accounted for most of the church members at the time.
At this time, the words of Jesus' Law in the four Gospels will first become the standard for our conduct (guided by the Holy Spirit). We have already seen in Matthew 5:17-20. Jesus' words about the Law said that the provisions of the Law must be observed well, and that the provisions of love, justice, and faithfulness are more important. Therefore, he said that we should beware of acting contrary to love, justice and good faith in order to fulfill the condolences. And he said that those who keep the Law carefully and teach them to keep it will become great in heaven, and those who break even small provisions or teach them to break them will become very small in heaven. Who in the world can challenge the stern words of Jesus? After doing so, he who disregards the Law and does not keep it, or who prevents others from keeping the Law, will have to live forever as a lesser person even if he goes to heaven.
Still, the Law is alive, it is the basis of action, and it must be so. The saints of the New Testament have only the duty to fulfill the Law by receiving the Holy Spirit as promised and walking with the Lord or under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
It is absolutely not the word to live a life completely immersed in the laws of the world without the Holy Spirit (without being baptized by the Holy Spirit) and without the Law (without learning or practicing the Law) by misunderstanding this meaning.
And all believers in the New Testament must learn the Law as the basic law of the kingdom of God from childhood like the Israelites, and parents must teach their children and make them keep them.
Therefore, it should be the standard for all religious life and conduct of the saints. If we receive the Holy Spirit and are guided by the Holy Spirit, and if we walk with the Lord, it is certain that the Holy Spirit will guide all our actions in the direction of carrying out and fulfilling the requirements of the Law.
Never will the Holy Spirit or Jesus cause believers to live in this world breaking the Law. In other words, it is clear that they will not lead the saints in a direction that violates the contents of the Law.
However, the saints living doing injustice differently from the Law would be ignoring the Holy Spirit, forsaking the will of the Lord, and living by doing privately to satisfy their own greed.
The words of the Bible, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus are all one, and so is the Law.
With 10 million believers, Korea is a country where the conditions are sufficiently created to correct all Korean problems biblically and to make sure that all Koreans can live in a just, fair, and happy world.
However, in Korea, there are injustice and inequality that are difficult for many people to endure and live with. And the most fundamental reason comes from the absence of the Law.
We present biblical evidence that everyone has to accept irrefutably.
However, no one knew this, and everyone is intoxicated with liberalism and capitalism.
And few teach the importance, necessity, and justice of the Law.
Because of this, they live without knowing that this Law (the Law of the Pentateuch) is the only law for the people of heaven that all 10 million believers must learn and abide by prior to the laws of the state.
So even today, countless believers follow the worldly laws and go down the path of sin. Of course, it is by no means denied that many worldly laws are sound, orderly, and of great help to people living in peace.
Since the Moon Jae-in administration took office, house prices and land prices have risen more and more, causing many problems.
Let's say that among Korean workers, a worker earning 150,000 won a day is working together.
A worker who does not own a house and land of his own earns only 150,000 won a day. However, the case is completely different for those who own houses and lands in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do.
The same goes for those who own houses and lands in the provinces. The same goes for the Moon Jae-in administration and the previous government as well, with house prices rising. Nevertheless, if you look at a recent example, if the price of an apartment in Seoul has increased by 800 million won in 5 years, it has risen by about 160 million won in a year. And if you calculate this every day, it rises by about 450,000 won a day, so the income of the person who owns the apartment increases every day.
He earns 150,000 won a day, and apart from this, he earns that way every day through his house. 48% of the people do not have a house, so their income is only 150,000 won on working days, but those who own apartments or houses in Seoul and Gyeonggi earn 450,000 won in house price increase every day, including days they are not working, plus 150,000 won on working days. of income is generated.
The current situation in Korea is that only about 30% of the people own all of the land out of 100% of the available land, and about 70% of the people do not have a single pyeong of their own land. Therefore, 30% of the people who have land also have income due to the increase in land price, unlike the 70% of the people who do not have land as the land price rises separately from the increase in house prices.
This unmistakable reality of Korea makes it difficult to guarantee all rights guaranteed by the Constitution, including the right to liberty, the right to pursue happiness, the right to equality, the right to property, the right to education, the right to vote, and the dignity of life.
It is a ruinous reality that makes the constitution useless (explaining the state of having a name but having no practical benefit). From the point of view of justice and fairness, income increases after sleeping without any labor or effort. As a result, the fall (failure due to sin) that can cause the collapse of the nation exists by our side.
Who will point out and correct these injustices and injustices under the capitalist system? Anyone who owns a house or owns land will never want anyone to point it out.
It is clear that 52% of the people who have houses and land will dance every day counting them. They will be engrossed in what to do with the rising house and land prices and how to spend the money.
However, for 48% of the people without a home and 70% of the people without a single pyeong of land, lamentation, disappointment and resignation to life will become their daily routine.
Among them, more than 40 people take their own lives every day because it is too difficult to live and they do not want to see people around them. That country is Korea, where we live.
The work of correcting this is what all believers living in this age must do with a proper understanding of the Bible.
And even in the midst of this injustice, we do not let go of hope, and it comes from the soundness of the Law.
We have no doubts that the Law is the only, just, and fair law that will fix this kind of ruinous problem in Korea.
It is the law of all people in this world, given to humans by God, who is almighty and just, who created the heavens and the earth, and especially the law of the people who believe. And later, when Jesus judges the whole world, the strict law that becomes the standard of judgment is the Law.
And no human being can invade even one jot or tittle, and even if heaven and earth and all things disappear, the strict law that exists intact is the Law of the Pentateuch of Moses.
Because there is such a great Law, we always praise the Law with hope. Now let's look at how this Law speaks of the house and land issues.
Now let's look at the scriptures related to this Law.
First of all, the Bible clearly states that the earth is God's creation and that its owner is God.
It is clearly stated in Genesis 1:1.
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
And in Leviticus 25:23, it is revealed that land is God's property and that buying and selling is restricted.
Leviticus 25:23 No land may be permanently bought or sold. It all belongs to me--it isn't your land, and you only live there for a little while.
It is truly said that heaven and earth exist because God created them out of nothing. It also reveals that real estate, or land, is not owned by individuals but is owned by God and that buying and selling is restricted.
The Bible clearly states that all humans living on this earth are travelers who live on this earth for a while. Not only that, God clearly determined the boundaries of each country. We will look at the example of Israel and also look at the examples of other peoples.
Psalms 74;17. It was you who set all the boundaries of the earth; you made both summer and winter.
104:9. You set a boundary they cannot cross; never again will they cover the earth.
Numbers 34:3. "`Your southern side will include some of the Desert of Zin along the border of Edom. On the east, your southern boundary will start from the end of the Salt Sea,
4. cross south of Scorpion Pass, continue on to Zin and go south of Kadesh Barnea. Then it will go to Hazar Addar and over to Azmon,
5. where it will turn, join the Wadi of Egypt and end at the Sea.
6. "`Your western boundary will be the coast of the Great Sea. This will be your boundary on the west.
7. "`For your northern boundary, run a line from the Great Sea to Mount Hor
8. and from Mount Hor to Lebo Hamath. Then the boundary will go to Zedad,
9. continue to Ziphron and end at Hazar Enan. This will be your boundary on the north.
10. "`For your eastern boundary, run a line from Hazar Enan to Shepham.
11. The boundary will go down from Shepham to Riblah on the east side of Ain and continue along the slopes east of the Sea of Kinnereth.
Acts 17:26 From one person God made all nations who live on earth, and he decided when and where every nation would be.
27 God has done all this, so that we will look for him and reach out and find him. He isn't far from any of us,
Deuteronomy 32:8 that God Most High gave land to every nation. He assigned a guardian angel to each of them,
To say that the boundaries of peoples and countries have been set in this way means that no matter how strong a country is, it should not cross the borders of other countries in order to recklessly expand its borders or to invade and plunder weak neighboring countries.
From an early age, we are taught that a hero is a person who strengthens a country by winning a war with another country. I grew up thinking of Genghis Khan, Qin Shi Huang, King Gwanggaeto the Great, General Kim Yu-shin, Alexander, and Caesar as heroes.
However, when we look through the Bible, we see that these people are never going to be heroes. In the Bible, we saw that God will surely punish a country that recklessly violates a foreign country, kills people, and takes captive.
Inevitably, such countries are ruined or weakened, and we see that this fact is historically accurate. We believe that if China becomes strong in this era and harasses neighboring countries economically or militarily, China will certainly be punished by God. This gospel must be preached to China.
And God says that it is a sin to move the boundary that has been set.
Deuteronomy 19:14. Do not move your neighbor's boundary stone set up by your predecessors in the inheritance you receive in the land the LORD your God is giving you to possess.
27:17. "Cursed is the man who moves his neighbor's boundary stone." Then all the people shall say, "Amen!"
Of course, individuals living in Israel, including Israel, must keep the national borders and individual borders as God has set them. We think there is an important reason why God did this. And the priest and now the pastor were not allowed to own the land.
18:1. The priests, who are Levites -- indeed the whole tribe of Levi -- are to have no allotment or inheritance with Israel. They shall live on the offerings made to the LORD by fire, for that is their inheritance.
The Korean translation is ambiguous because it is called a portion, but the English language clearly says land. The pastor who owns the land will have to think about what he thinks of this word and whether he owns the land again.
In addition, Israel is made up of 12 tribes. When all 12 tribes are gathered, all the members of the nation of Israel are gathered. At that time, Joshua occupied the land of Canaan and divided the land according to God's command.
They also had to live while keeping these boundaries. There are national boundaries in Israel, and the boundaries of all living tribes have also been set. It says that even if the power becomes strong, it is not allowed to invade other countries and expand the territory, and the people cannot control their own territory at will and must live in a designated area (live or die).
In addition, the sold land could be reclaimed at any time, and the land had to be returned to the original owner at the 50th year, the Jubilee. Now let's look at God's word about people who want to own land and houses, ignoring their neighbors, like our country. It is a word about discipline for those who violate God's will.
Isaiah 5:8. Woe to you who add house to house and join field to field till no space is left and you live alone in the land.
9. The LORD Almighty has declared in my hearing: "Surely the great houses will become desolate, the fine mansions left without occupants.
10. A ten-acre vineyard will produce only a bath of wine, a homer of seed only an ephah of grain.“
The word of this warning came true. Unrighteous Israel (South Judah perished) was destroyed, and the high-ranking officials, priests, and royal families at the time (the king at the time, Zedekiah) died or were taken captive, and the houses and lands they owned became owned by the poor.
Jeremiah 39:6. There at Riblah the king of Babylon slaughtered the sons of Zedekiah before his eyes and also killed all the nobles of Judah.
7. Then he put out Zedekiah's eyes and bound him with bronze shackles to take him to Babylon.
8. The Babylonians set fire to the royal palace and the houses of the people and broke down the walls of Jerusalem.
9. Nebuzaradan commander of the imperial guard carried into exile to Babylon the people who remained in the city, along with those who had gone over to him, and the rest of the people.
10. But Nebuzaradan the commander of the guard left behind in the land of Judah some of the poor people, who owned nothing; and at that time he gave them vineyards and fields.
Even if everyone in the world is wrapped up in the real estate frenzy, the 10 million believers must never snoop, look, or follow it, but keep the regulations of the Law and get away from the way the world is going to ruin like this.
Through this, Korea's problems are solved and Korea can live. When the Law is lax and unrighteousness is rampant, there will always be the lamentations of those who live righteously. In addition, in this unrighteous world, there are abnormal behaviors of those who no longer have hope, and it is the truth that God destroys such a nation, cpuntry, or group. This is the law that God, the ruler of history, governs this world.
If we do not fix these problems and ignore them, the country will surely be destroyed by nuclear weapons from the North, by earthquakes in the east and south, or by the great powers of China, Russia, and Japan. And it is clear that the greatest damage will be those who enjoy unrighteous gains in the world, as we have seen above.
It is so important to learn and keep the Law. Jesus came and told us to abide by the precepts of the Law, and to abide by the more important content related to justice, mercy (love or compassion), and faith (faith). He said that those who neglect the Law will never be able to become great in heaven no matter what kind of life they have lived on earth (a great church pastor, a great rich man, or a great elder, a great believer, etc.). It is the word of Jesus, and it will be so.
The way to establish the Korean church, protect the country, and obtain happiness and peace for the people depends on all believers learning and keeping the Law well. And in order for all countries, groups, and peoples to be blessed and live well, they must live like that.
We hope that in this matter, Korean believers will precede those of other countries, and the Korean church will take the lead, making it the most righteous nation in the world and overflowing with love. So, we hope to make a world where we can trust each other and live, receive the recognition of the Lord, and become a country that is protected by the Lord.
If you want more details about this, please refer to the summary of Habakkuk and Galatians in the warm-up part of the study of Romans in Fifty Million Romans.
4. Summary of Discussion
Summarize the discussion so fa
The problem of faith is understood by looking at the examples of Abraham and Habakkuk. Abraham was recognized as righteous because of his faith that does not change in time, and in the book of Habakkuk, we saw that God describes those who believe in God and live righteous lives as righteous people even in the midst of suffering. A faith that has both of these (the faith that acts justly and the faith that does not change over time) is the faith that is justified. Old Testament Example
In the age of the New Testament, we must first believe in Jesus. And we repent and are baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, and our sins are forgiven. If we do that, we will receive the Holy Spirit as a gift, and now the Holy Spirit will fill and guide us. The expression of accompaniment with the state is also correct. This is how we live a life of faith.
However, if the faith of the Old Testament era above is substituted here, the saints of the New Testament should always live a life of faith like Abraham, and should live righteously and believe in God without changing even when suffering comes like Habakkuk.
It is certain that the Holy Spirit will lead us in this way as well. And in this way, in our daily life of faith, we will have to move in the direction of always practicing love for the fulfillment of the Law, not ignoring the Law and staying away from it. It is clear that the Holy Spirit will lead us that way too.
If we are filled with the Holy Spirit and guided by the Holy Spirit, it is certain that we will always walk with the Lord and live in the direction of fulfilling the Law.
It is always necessary to examine the Law and Scripture before we act to see if our choices or actions are right. This must be looked at while looking at the regulations of the Law. Even in receiving the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we must also examine whether the inspiration that came to us is correct in terms of the Law (the Pentateuch of Moses).
That is why we must learn and teach the Law well. And God will sovereignly recognize the saints who live like this as righteous at the right time.
This is the justification of the New Testament Romans. Justification is understood as the justification by God of a worthy person after salvation, or after forgiveness of sins, gift of the Spirit, or sealing of the Spirit, or after becoming a new creature.
In addition, looking at the example of Habakkuk, the world becomes more and more unjust, love cools off, and faith becomes difficult to find. In this situation, we look forward to the coming of the Lord and pray that He will come soon.
When the Lord comes, all unrighteousness will be removed and judgment will proceed. And those who live righteously will receive rewards and consolation. We must live these last days with the same faith that Habakkuk had in the last days.
We must not get drunk on capitalism or get drunk on the sudden changes of the world, but only hold on to the Word, be filled with the Holy Spirit, and preach the gospel according to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and live a good life.
And God will always comfort and encourage all the saints who want to live like this in a place like this. It is clear that the standard of living righteously will always be the Law of the Old Testament. All saints who live righteously! Let's be strong!!!
It is clear that the kingdom of the Lord will become more rugged (strong) when the saints who live like this become one with each other. And the country will be expanding
As for the matter of the Law, it is the believer's duty to live a life of faith in such a way that all believers learn and keep the Law. No matter what theological argument may be, the saints should never be shaken and should not distance themselves from the Law or neglect it. The only way to save the country, establish the church, and live righteously, peacefully and happily on this land is to learn and keep the Law.
Jesus came and made it possible for sinners to believe in Jesus, receive salvation, receive the Holy Spirit, become new creatures, and live by practicing love while receiving the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
And along with the practice of love, He made us keep the Law, one jot and one tittle.
The specific practice of love is in the Law, and the specific practice of justice is also well regulated in the Law.
And if the saints live like this in the world, it is certain that the kingdom of God will be established wherever these saints live.
And through this, the Law will be completed according to the word of Jesus.
A country where there is justice and fairness, order is maintained, and all members trust each other and live happily is the kingdom of God. For this, we are called, saved, and ministered.
Now, along with the above, we will have to think about what the contents of the fulfillment of the Law that Jesus came and spoke about are.
We are praying to God and meeting God right away without the blood sacrifices of animals and plants. We can always pray directly to God. When we pray and worship God, we should always begin by praising and giving thanks to the Lord, His precious blood, and the grace of redemption.
In order to do this, if we do not deeply understand the Laws and procedures for seeing God that the Israelites did in the past, how can we give thanks and praise for this?
If the Law is said to have been abolished and Jesus fulfilled it, how can we say that we believe in Jesus without paying attention, studying, or keeping the Law?
The purpose of Jesus came to fulfill the Law, and we must first deeply understand the fulfillment of the Law for the part that Jesus shed his blood and became a sacrifice.
And thinking of the grace that reduced the need to keep all the Laws through such a great sacrifice, the saints must devote themselves more and more to create a world where all the remaining Laws are kept.
All God's people have the duty to practice love, to be filled with the Holy Spirit, to preach the gospel, and to live a good life.
But aren't the church leaders teaching all God's people that it is not the Law, not works, but only faith? Aren't they teaching that the Law has been abolished so that they do not even have the heart to keep the Law while living in this world? Also, aren't they not teaching the specific conditions of the Law, which are practical expressions of love in their lives, so that they can't even practice love? If the reality is like this, how can the saints live according to the Law (the law of the Pentateuch that makes this world heaven) in the world?
Also, aren't they shouting only faith while preventing them from receiving the Holy Spirit by distorting the Holy Spirit? And while trying to solve all religious problems with one faith, aren't they making all the saints learn and follow only the laws of the world? By doing so, isn't it preventing us from keeping or fulfilling all the Laws in the end? Because of this, isn't this land full of Christians who live in the world according to their own opinions without Law or love? What would the world be like if the church truly taught this?
When the time comes, it will surely be revealed whose fault this real situation is.
To love God means to love the Word, which means to love, learn, and keep the Law.
Jesus Himself fulfilled the obligation of the saints to abide by all these Laws and fulfilled certain parts of the Law. So, our saints no longer need to keep it. (The Old Testament sacrificial system)
Now, believers whose burdens are so light must believe in the redemption of Jesus, receive the forgiveness of sins, receive the Holy Spirit as a gift, preach the gospel with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit, and fulfill all the remaining Laws by doing good.
The rule of Israel in the Old Testament was a rule of Law. In the New Testament, what is the basis for the reign of the kingdom of God that Jesus wants to establish?
You just have to love God and people! You just need to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit! That is undoubtedly exactly right. Again, some will say that it is enough to accompany the Lord. This too is undoubtedly true.
If the saints live like this, all the Laws are automatically completed, so living like this is the sure answer.
How should I act to love now? Or is the guidance of the Holy Spirit correct? Or, to see if the Lord's accompaniment is sure, we must first look at the word that is the lamp to our feet and the light on our path, that is, the regulations of the Law. And step by step we will have to go on the right path.
Suppose someone in your family is diagnosed with cancer and needs surgery. There will be a difference (too big difference) between heaven and earth between having a doctor who has learned well in medical school and has experience in cancer surgery as a doctor, and having cancer surgery performed by an ordinary person who has no knowledge.
But now you and your family have cancer. Now, surgery is the only way to survive. If so, would you entrust yourself and your family to a surgeon who is knowledgeable and experienced in surgical procedures? Or, since all you need is surgery, will you entrust the surgery to an ordinary person who has no experience or knowledge of surgery?
100% everyone will entrust themselves and their families to a doctor with surgical experience and knowledge.
But what about our pastors, who send our saints out into the world, commanding them to love God and their neighbors?
Do we teach in the church a Law that explains so clearly, in detail, and precisely how they are to love what they will love?
We will have to ponder deeply whether we are teaching and preaching to them, saying, 'All you have to do is believe, the Law has been abolished' so that they cannot even keep the Law.
We must think carefully about whether it is the duty of pastors with the right spirit to teach their members to treat the people of the world who are the objects of their love all over the world as they please.
This would be the same as sending a medical student into the world to operate on a patient, saying that all you need to do is to go and do a good surgery without teaching the doctor who handles life about surgery (detailed procedures, methods, education and practice).
The life of the human body only lasts 100 years, but the problem of the soul is related to the problem of eternal life. Therefore, all pastors and teachers must teach their members to truly love according to the Law (the Law of Moses), to believe according to the Law, and to act according to the Law.
This Law is the law of Moses, and it is the law that Jesus said all believers must abide by.
We earnestly hope that those who teach all the saints will understand this principle and teach the saints in detail how to love and how to do justice in the world.
When the saints ask us what to do in this situation, it is not enough for us to tell them, 'Pray and do it'. You shouldn't send the saints out into the world just like that. We firmly believe that we must first learn the Law of Moses well and teach them well. We must guide all believers to walk in the direction of building the kingdom of God day by day, moment by moment, in the world.
The basis of the kingdom of God is the Law (the Law of Moses), and the kingdom of God is the rule of Law.
This is a country where all believers must learn the Law well and must receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit in all their actions. And it is a country where the saints must see and act in the light of the Law to see if the guidance is perfect.
We earnestly hope that the Law (the Law of Moses) will be well known throughout the world and that everyone will keep the Law so that the kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit, that is, the kingdom of God, will come.
Lastly, to all the people in the world who always read my writing,
A big thank you to everyone.
About 350,000 people gave me the strength to write without stopping for about 5 years.
I hope everyone becomes a spiritual master. thank you