- 야생 제라늄, Spotted cranebill
. 학명; Geranium maculatum
. 개요; 북미원산의 다년생 식물
. 효능; 수렴제, 지혈제
. 사용법; 우리거나 팅크, 파우더로
1 학명과 약용부위
- 학명; Geranium maculatum
- 약용부위
. Rootstock.
. 뿌리
2 통명
- 영어; Alum root, cranesbill, crowfoot, geranium, spotted geranium, wild cranesbill, wild geranium.
- 한글; 야생 제라늄
3 개요
- 북미원산의 다년생 식물
. 동부 삼림지대에서 자생
- 줄기; 45센티내외로 성장
. 잎; 5-7개로 갈라지고 톱니형
- 꽃; 5월경 장미빛 보라색으로 개화
Spotted geranium is a perennial plant common in wood-lands over most of North America, especially the eastern half. The stout, horizontal rootstock produces a hairy stem, growing from 1 to 2 feet high, as well as long perioled basal leaves. Both basal and stem leaves are deeply 5- to 7-parted, with coarsely toothed, pointed lobes. The rose-purple flowers grow in paris on axillary peduncles from April to July.
4 효능
- 수렴제, 지혈제
. 내복이나 외용으로 강력한 효과
- 내복; 지사와 지혈
. 외용; 인후통, 잇몸, 구강염증 가글
- 북미원주민; 아구창 아동에 야생포도와 같이 달여 사용
- 뿌리파우더; 외출혈에 효과
Astringent, styptic. Spotted geranium root is a strong astringent for both internal and external use. Internally, it is helpful against diarrhea and hemorrhage. It also makes a good mouthwash and gargle for sore throat, gum problems, and throat and mouth sores. One tribe of American Indians used a decoction of wild grape and spotted geranium root as a mouthwash for children who had thrush. The powdered root is an effective blood coagulant and can be used to stop external bleeding.
5 사용법
- 우리기; 물1컵에 1티스푼
. 하루 1-2컵, 한모금씩 음용
- 팅크; 물에 10-30방울
. 1-2시간마다 한번씩 복용
Infusion; Steep 1 tsp. rootstock in 1 cup water. Take 1 to 2 cups a day, a mouthful at a time.
Tincture; Take 10 to 30 drops in water, every one or two hours, as indicated.