** 이 찬양은 원곡이며 Mary McDonald 편곡악보와 다릅니다.
[성가악보] It Was Finished Upon That Cross / How I love the voice of Jesus / 십자가에서위에서이루셨네
작사 : Nigel Hendroff, Jenny Robinson
작곡 : Rich Thompson
편곡 : Mary McDonald
출처 : Hope Publishing Company (2025)
[찬양가사] It Was Finished Upon That Cross / How I love the voice of Jesus [Nigel Hendroff, Jenny Robinson 작사, Rich Thompson 작곡, Mary McDonald 편곡]
How I love the voice of Jesus
on the cross of Calvary;
He declares his work is finished.
He has spoken this hope to me.
Though the sun has ceased its shining
though the war appeared as lost.
Christ has triumphed over evil.
It was finished upon that cross.
Now, the curse it has been broken.
Jesus paid the price for me.
Full the pardon he has offered.
Great the welcome that I receive.
Boldly I approach my Father,
clothed in Jesus' righteousness.
There is no more guilt to carry.
It was finished upon that cross.
At the cross, at the cross Where I first saw the light,
and the burden of my heart rolled away,
it was there by faith I received my sight,
and now I am happy all the day,
Death was once my great opponent,
fear once had a hold on me.
But the Son who died to save us
rose that we would be free indeed.
Free from every plan of darkness,
free to live and free to love.
Death is dead and Christ is risen.
It was finished upon that cross!
At the cross, at the cross Where I first saw the light,
and the burden of my heart rolled away,
it was there by faith I received my sight,
and now I am happy all the day.
And now I am happy all the day, all the day!
[성가악보] 십자가위에서이루셨네 / 갈보리십자가에서
작사 : Nigel Hendroff (1998~), Jenny Robinson
작곡 : Rich Thompson (1954~)
편곡 : Mary McDonald (1956~)
번역 : 이신선
원제 : It Was Finished Upon That Cross
출처 : Hope Publishing Company (2025)
[찬양가사] 십자가위에서이루셨네 / 갈보리십자가에서 [Nigel Hendroff, Jenny Robinson 작사, Rich Thompson 작곡, Mary McDonald 편곡, 이신선 역]
갈보리 십자가에서 주님이 하신 말씀
다 이루었다 그 말씀 내게 소망을 주셨네
해가 빛을 잃어가고 패한 전쟁 같으나
주 예수 승리하셨네 십자가에서 이루셨네
예수님 날 대속하사 죄에서 날 구했네
조건 없는 주의 용서 큰 은혜를 받았도다
의의 옷 입혀 주시니 담대히 나 가리라
죄에서 해방 되었네 십자가에서 이루셨네
십자가 위에서 흘린 주 보혈이
나의 모든 죄악을 사했네
나의 구원자 나의 구세주
평생 주와 함께 가리라
사망과 큰 두려움이 나를 지배했지만
우리 위해 죽으신 주 부활하사 자유 주셨네
어둠의 세력 이기고 자유인이 되었네
사망 이기신 주 예수 십자가에서 이루셨네
십자가 위에서 흘린 주 보혈이
나의 모든 죄악을 사했네
나의 구원자 나의 구세주
평생 주와 함께 가리라
평생 주와 함께 가리라 주 함께
♡ 오직 주만 / cafe.daum.net/lordfirst