들불 /장희한
불이야 누가 불을 질렀나!
쥐를 잡으려다 초가삼간이 불이 붙었네
훨훨 타거라
쥐가 소멸할 때까지 다 태워야 한다
배고프고 설움 받는 것이야.
뼈에 사무친 일이 아니던가
당해보지 않으면 모른다
얼마나 춥고 배고팠는지
밥그릇 들고 얻어먹던 시절이 70년 전이다.
어느 집으로 가면 밥을 얻을까
굴뚝에 연기 나는 집을 찾아야지
내가 먹지 못해도 나누어 먹던 정 나는 안다
왜 돌아섰나? 왜 잊었나?
누구 때문인가? 무엇 때문인가? 알고 나 살자
written by / Jang Hee-han
tranaslated into English by chodong
Who started the fire!
While trying to catch a rat,
the thatched cottage caught fire
Burnt up
You have to burn everything down until
the rat is gone
It's hungry and sad.
Isn't it something that goes right to your bones?
You don't know until you've experienced it
How cold and hungry it was
It was 70 years ago when we used to eat with bowls of rice.
Which house will I go to to get food?
You have to find a house with smoke in the chimney
Even if I can't eat, I know the love of sharing
Why did you turn away? Why did you forget?
Who is it because of? What is it because of?
Let's live knowing that Wake up