Post 236 Exposing The Unfruitful Works Of Darkness
If it's anything that Catholics learn from the Word of GOD, it’s that they don’t learn from the Word of God!
October 28, 2023 Back To The Future
Here is why I left the Catholic religion, and why I believe that the Catholic religion is fuel by Satan himself. I love all of you my Catholic friends, please try to understand I was Catholic for 35 years before the Lord Jesus open my spiritual eyes to see, and to read about the rise of the real Catholic religion! That is all any Catholic has to do is read about THE INQUISITION Period to clearly see that the Lord Jesus Christ would never build his CHURCH! Upon torture, murder, rape, and Thievery, over hundred of years to their rise of world control.
The first thing that I discover as a Catholic was the history of the Catholic Church, and how it was never built on Peter at all, or ever called Christ's Catholic Church? This of course is how the Catholic Church was able to brain was its people, with such spiritual Propaganda - deceptive or distorted information that is systematically spread ( misleading its followers)
Just think about it my Catholic friends!
the real church of Christ would have never, and I mean never would carried out such bloody orders against people who would not submit to Papal authority. Really, my Catholic friends if Jesus was upset with Peter cutting of the ear of the Roman soldier, how much more would Jesus be upset what the Roman Catholic Church, on their rise to power to become the beast that she once was! Now, deceiving the whole word as a Lamb.
You will also see that the Catholic church that you now see was built on blood, lies, murder, and thievery of people to become what she is today calling her self a queen (Revelation 18:7)
what is so amazing about this passage is that John is seeing this woman sitting as the queen of the Catholic religion before the Catholic religion ever called mother Mary a queen! Do you see this prophecy, before your very eyes being fulfilled when John wrote this in 96 AD?
Pope Innocent 1V IN 1252 AUTHORIZING TORTURE SAYING [ BURN EVERYONE ] one thing for sure my Catholic friends their was NOTHING INNOCENT, ABOUT THID DEMON POPE!
So lets continue our journey through the dark ages.
The manuscript life of Caraffa gives the following rules drawn up by Caraffa himself:
"Firstly when the faith is in question, there must be no delay; but at the slightest suspicion, rigorous measures must be resorted to with all speed.
Secondly, no consideration is to be shown to any prince or prelate, however high his station.
Thirdly, extreme severity is rather to be exercised against those who attempt to shield themselves under the protection of any potentate,
fourthly, no man must lower himself by showing toleration toward heretics of any kind."
The inquisition put their victims to the test (here using the rack)
Most defendants confessed in the long run in order to escape the great anguish and bitter torture.
Once found guilty (regardless) they were handed over to the civil authorities to be "relaxed" (that is of course, burnt alive)
Refusing to confess at the first hearing, saw heretics being remanded to the prisons for several months. The dungeons were situated underground, so that the outcries of the subject might not reach other parts of the building. In some medieval cells, the inauspicious were bound in stocks or chains, unable to move about and forced to sleep standing up or on the ground. In some cases there was no light or ventilation, inmates were generally starved and kept in solitary confinement in the dark and allowed no contact with the outside world, including that of their own family.
In 1252, Pope Innocent IV officially authorized the creation of the horrifying Inquisition torture chambers. So, here we see the Catholic Church killing people in the name of God! At the authority of the Pope!
It also included anew perpetual imprisonment or death at the stake without the bishops consent. Acquittal of the accused was now virtually impossible. Thus, with a license granted by the pope himself, Inquisitors were free to explore the depths of horror and cruelty.
Dressed as black-robed fiends with black cowls over their heads, Inquisitors could extract confessions from just about anyone. The Inquisition invented every conceivable devise to inflict pain by slowly dismembering and dislocating the body.
Many of the devices were inscribed with the motto "Glory be only to God." Bernardus Guidonis, the Inquisitor in Toulouse instructed the layman as to never argue with the unbeliever, but as to "thrust his sword into the man's belly as far as it will go." George Ryley Scott describes how the inquisitors, gorged with their inhumanity, and developed a degree of callousness rarely rivaled in the annals of civilization, with the ecclesiastical authorities condemning every faith outside of Christianity as demonic.
Here is where spiritual discernment cones into play, notice the words OUT SIDE OF CHRISTIANITY! What? Are you kidding me! The Catholic Church calling themselves Christians? Why not speak the truth! This is where the Catholic Church pulls the old bait and switch calling it self Christian! When the real truth is THAT OUT SIDE OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH.
Today in the Catholic's Catechism
it says their is no salvation outside the churches doors!
The same evil statement made centuries ago! Do Catholic people even see this with their spiritual eyes?
What Catholic person in their right mind would be sitting in a Catholic Church who has shed the blood of millions of people, and many of them martyred by the Catholic religion! And call itself Christianity? Catholics for the most part have been brain washed with the lie! That Martin Luther started the protest movement, to make Catholic people to think and believe that they are the only true Church! When Catholics were killing born again believers way before Martin Luther ever came on the scene.
Do you as a Catholic realize! What you are saying, when you say I am proud to be a Catholic? You are saying Yes! God I stand in agreement with the killings of millions of people, Yes God I stand in the agreement how the Catholic Church stole All the people's money and property, and tortured them, burning many of them alive all to the glory of God!
Now! You know why God's Word says to come out of the Catholic religion Revelation 18:4 You must be born again! Not born again into a religion, which is false! but born again out of religion! Into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, JOHN 3
Now you know why it says in Hosea 4:6 My Catholic friend God’s Word says that people are destroyed for a lack of Knowledge Hosea 4:6 the lack of knowledge that is mention here carries the idea, of not hearing the truth, or not understanding the truth / it also means rejecting the truth.
It is very important to study the Word of God, in order to make an intelligent choice. Knowledge provides the spiritual key, power, and freedom to exercise your God-given right to choose
I realize that what I have written is hard to believe if you are Catholic, after being in this religious institution for 35 years of my life. Jesus set me free! To warn you as a Catholic, that you need to be praying to the Holy Spirit of God, to open up your spiritual eyes, and trust in his Word to be the final authority! Which Rome does not except!
Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? I Pray not! Its my hearts desire to try to reach some of you Catholics, while the time is at hand!
The prayer you are about to pray is not to a saint, not to a priest, not to your lying mother Mary, but to God your heavenly Father, do not pray this prayer unless you mean it in your heart!
Heavenly Father I confess I am a sinner I need forgiven of all of my sins I believe Lord Jesus that you took my place on that cross, and paid my sin debt
Lord I repent of not fully trusting in you alone! I repent of trusting in the angelic mother Mary, I repent of praying to the angelic mother Mary, I repent! of trusting in and wearing the brown scapular. I repent of praying to dead saints, and to angels, my Father I repent of trusting in the priest to forgive me of my sins, I repent of trusting in the rosary and praying the rosary, I repent of trusting in my baby baptism to save me. I repent of trusting in the sacraments, I repent of trusting in my good works, I repent of trusting in the Eucharist being the deity of Christ, I now know Lord I must trust in you alone!
I believe the blood of Jesus cleanse me of all of my sins 1 John 1:9
I now understand that its only the blood of Christ that redeems my soul Ephesians 1:7 I believe that Jesus died was bury, and rose from the dead, with my heart I now invite Jesus Christ to come into my life thank you Jesus for saving me and giving me eternal life 1 John 5:13 Ephesians 2:8-9 and writing my name down in the book of life Revelation 20:15
If you pray this prayer, your first step of faith is to call the people who are praying for you that are born-again out of religion, they will be so excited to hear that you have put all of your trust and faith in Christ alone!
Now you why I left the Catholic religion! I challenge any Catholic to look at the rise of the Catholic religion! And you will see that it was never built on Peter! But built upon Anti-Christ Pope's through the centuries, only in the Catholic religion, where you can find Catholics professing with their mouths the death, burial, Resurrection
of Jesus being the bait and the switch is that, Jesus is still dead on the cross, the Mass is attack! Against the Work of Christ on the cross! And Purgatory is an attack against the Blood of Christ!
Have a blessed day
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