(A) So Jane, what are you calling about?
I haven't heard from you in ages.
(B) There's somthing I've got to get off my chest.
I'm upset with you.
(A) Is this about the money I borrowed?
Listen, like I said, I'll pay you back.
[새론 단어들]
= in ages ; 오랜만에
= be upset with ; ~에게 화가나다
= pay back ; (빌린돈을)갑다,돌려주다
[본문 해석]
(A) 그래,제인 어쩐일로 전화했어? 네 소식들은지 무척 오래됐네.
(B) 너한테 탁터놓고 이야기 할게있어. 나 너한테 화났어.
(A) 내가 빌린 돈때문에그래? 들어봐, 내가 말한것처럼, 그 돈 갑을거야.
Tips=[1]= Chest는 "가슴,흉부"라는 뜻으로,"get(something) off one's chest"을 직역하면
"가슴에서 무언가를 털어버리다"라는 의미가된다.
unburden이나 confess 같은 뜻으로,(속이 풀리도록)마음에 담아 두었든
불만이나, 비밀, 비판을 털어 놓다"라는 의미로 쓰인다.
Tips=[2]= English Review
[A change of pace /기분 전환]
(a) The beach clean-up over the weekend was more exciting than I anticipated.
(b) Yeah. It was a nice change of pace from just staying home
and playing video games all day.
(a) We should do something like that more often.
[Similar and related expressions]
*** We're going rock climbing again?
We've already been there, done that.
Let's try something new.***
( 또 암벽 등반을 가자고? 이미 다 해봤잔아. 좀 더 새로운 걸 해보자구.)