Teacher Feature: Dr Browning has been teaching at Garden International School Malaysia for 10 years.
He is now our Head of Sixth Form. A role that is crucial in guiding our bright students on university applications and offers, THRIVE internship opportunities while also being a supportive mentor and teaching chemistry classes!
“Our back-to-back outstanding exam results is a real testament to the tremendous strength of character of our students and the extensive support they continually receive from our dedicated teachers. With such brave and brilliant young people in our school we can be confident in a bright future for all.” - Dr Browning
10년간 GIS에서 가르쳐온 Dr. Browning은 현재 Head of Sixth Form 입니다. 화학 선생으로서 학생들에게 헌신하고 있습니다.
Explore our continuous learning culture over at https://www.gardenschool.edu.my/