Prof. Shin Yong-In, a professor at the Law School of Jeju
University and an advisory lawyer to Gangjeong village, cites an article of the
Seogwipo Daily News, Sept. 17, 2009 (report by Kim Kyung-Deok):
'According to the result of the ‘mental health condition,’
that the Seogwipo Daily
newspaper researched on the Gangjeong villagers from
Sept. 2 to 11, 2009, people
that were described of mental abnormality such as
antagonism feeling, depression,
anxiety, compulsion occupied about 75.5 % of the whole villagers. Among the views
on the mental abnormality, antagonism feeling was the most. About 57% of the
whole villagers were suffering seized with antagonism. The people who feel
suicide impulse reached to 43.9% of the whole villagers, which is 5.4 times
higher, compared to 8.1%,
the average value of suicide impulse of the Jeju
Island people. In fact, the villagers
who responded that they have attempted to
commit suicide or have planned were
34.7%. Because of the Jeju naval base
issue, the villagers’ mental status has become devastated.'
According to the Seogwipo Daily newspaper:
On the suicide reasons, 38.0 % of the whole responses chose ‘attitude
by the central government or Island authorities,’ 36.7 % chose ‘conflict among
the local residents.’
The others were economic matter (12.6%),.family
discord(7.6%) and attitude by the
vicinity people(5.1%)
The villagers who responded
that ‘they have attempted or planned suicide, in fact,’
reached 34.7 % of the
whole. On the question on the number of times to attempt or
plan suicide since
May 5 when the decision on the naval base was planned, 34 people responded that
it was more than one time.
Symptom and abnormal group percentage of the respondents (98 villagers)
(# translation of the table in the Seogwipo Daily Newspaper)
An impediment
in bodily action (신체화 장애) 38.8%
Compulsion hindrance (강박 장애) 50.0%
Interpersonal relation sensitiveness (대인 관계 민감성 ) 44.9%
Depression (우울) 53. 1%
Anxiety (불안 ) 51.0%
Antagonism (적대) 57.0%
Fear (공포 ) 17. 3%
Paranoia (편집증) 37.8 %
Neurosis (신경증 ) 17.3%
Cases that
of one or more than one abnormality 75.5%
(한가지라도 이상이 있는 경우)
Otherwise, the Seogwipo Daily newspaper on April 15, 2012 reports on the 'dual
suffering of the Gangjeong villagers,' who also suffer from the government's abusive
arrests and charges against them.
Mayor Kang Dong-Kyun has been violently arrested on Jan. 18, 2010. He was
illegally and violently arrested again on Aug. 29, 2011 and lived three months in jail
since then.
Source: Seogwipo Daily newspaper, April 15, 2010
‘마음의 병’ 앓는 주민, 10명 중 ‘4명’꼴
[기획]찢겨진 강정, 희망은 있는가
<2>주민들만 ‘골병’든다
“죽고 싶다” 응답률 무려 40%…전문의, “심각한 수준” 2009년 9 월 17일 (목)
제주해군기지와 국가의 구조적 폭력
11.04.17 18:11l최종 업데이트
11.04.17 20:44l
"4.3 후유 스트레스 장애 68%, 5.18 보다 높아"
4․3트라우마 치유 방안 발표에 나선 임채도 연구조사실장은 “2011년 김문두 교수가 발표한 ‘4․3후유장애자의 외상후 스트레스 장애와 우울증’이라는 보고서에 따르면 설문에 응한 70명 중 68.6%가 외상후 스트레스 장애를 겪고 있고, 53.3%가 우울증상을 보이고 있다”며 “이는 2006년 실시된 광주 5․18 유공자와 가족의 외상후 스트레스 장애율 41.6%라는 조사결과에 비해 깜짝 놀랄 만한 결과”라며 4․3희생자 및 유족들의 외상후 스테레스의 심각성을 설명했다.
토론자로 나선 권범 변호사는 “4․3희생자 및 유족들에 대한 치료는 반드시 필요하다”면서 “현재 강정마을이 해군기지 반대운동을 하고 있는데 찬반을 떠나 강정주민들이 국가공권력 피해자라 볼 수 있냐는 논란이 있을 수 있지만 강정마을 피해자들도 트라우마 치유센터를 이용할 수 있도록 해야 한다”고 말했다.
Fridat, April 16, 2010
[Translation] Too much, According to law... The 'Dual Sufferings' of Gangjeong villagers